***INS NETWORK*** The Inter-National Spouses Network is a self-help organization promoting lesbian and gay spousal immigration rights. This is an area that has been sorely neglected in the fight for equal rights for gays. Each year many of us are separated from our partners due to our being unable to marry; others go through sham marriages. Domestic partnership does nothing for those in this situation. Australia and New Zealand already have provisions in place for non-citizen gay/lesbian partners; Canada is considering it as well, but gay rights leaders here in the U.S. are reluctant to touch it because of homophobia in the government (then what rights should we ask for?!). If you are dealing with this situation and would like to be put in touch with others in your same situation, or are interested in becoming involved for other reasons, please contact; INS Network 405 W. Washington St. #488 San Diego CA 92103, or send email to INSNETWORK@AOL.COM There are hundreds of us around the country. Get in touch and let's get busy!