Date: Sun, 23 Jan 1994 01:57:58 -0800 (PST) From: Deborah Caplow Subject: Israel info For Boy Toy's friend looking for info on queer positivity in Israel: I would recommend directing questions to: The Society for the Protection of Personal Rights for Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals in Israel POB 37604 Tel Aviv 61375 Israel (in Hebrew, in case your friend wishes to address an inquiry in Hebrew: Ha-aguda li-shmirat zkhuyot ha-prat lema'an lesbiyot, homoseksualim u-biseksualim b-yisrael T. D. 37604) This is the umbrella social and political organization in Israel. It also operates a queer community center (the only one in the Middle East) at 28 Nahmani St., Tel Aviv. They also have many other programs; some of the relevant ones may include: Israel Hospitality (home accomodation at "extremely reasonable rates" for queers visiting from abroad; Haifa Group (social/cultural events); Negev Group (ditto). Phone number: Sorry, my Israeli gay magazines are on loan, so the only number I can find is the White Line ("information and counselling hotline for gays/lesbians/bisexuals, their families and friends"): 03-292797. No doubt they can give your friend the SPPR's phone number. Be-hatzlakha, Richard "Tzahi" Isaac Seattle