Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 23:24:00 EDT From: Song Weaver Subject: Brit Gay A-o-C Change Omits Northern Ireland (The Guardian) The Guardian February 7, 1994 GAY AGE CHANGE OMITS ULSTER by LOUISE JURY Gay rights campaigners in Northern Ireland yesterday condemned the province's exclusion from proposed changes in the age of consent legislation, and announced plans to lobby Parliament. Edwina Currie, MP for Derbyshire South, has tabled an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill to equalise the consent age for gay men and heterosexuals at 16, but the change, backed by the London-based gay rights group Stonewall, excludes Northern Ireland. When this emerged, Northern Ireland activists were furious as gay sex was decriminalised in the province 17 years after the rest of the UK, following a challenge in the European Court of Human Rights in 1981. Activists fear that private assurances from the Northern Ireland Office that parity on the age of consent will follow could be easily dropped. Jeffrey Dudgeon, the member of the Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association who challenged the Government in Europe, said yesterday: "However many times Stonewall say don't worry, we would much rather take our chances now and see if it's possible [to get Northern Ireland included]. We hope to get an amendment lodged." Angela Mason, executive director of Stonewall, said: "All the campaigning groups have recognised the importance of ensuring that whatever reforms we do manage to get in this country do extend to Northern Ireland. " But she said it was important to Stonewall to have the debate on the age of 16 and not the compromise suggestion of 18, which is being backed by MPs including Michael Howard, the Home Secretary. One problem is the age of consent for heterosexuals is 17 in Northern Ireland. If the province were included in an amendment, it would make the age for gay men lower than for heterosexuals. Campaigners fear that this aspect could jeopardise the change for the mainland, and therefore reluctantly accept the exclusion. Ms Mason said: "We don't call the tune on this."