Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 23:21:21 +0200 (MET DST) From: Bj|rn Skolander UK GLB BOOKSTORES Here is a list of bookshops, with GLB sections in the British Isles, mentioned in the current Gay Times, July 1994. Note that in the UK most books are sold by big retail chains like W.H. Smith, John Menzies, Dillons, Waterstones..., some branches of which now have designated GLB sections. There are also many other independent bookshops which may stock some of the more 'mainstream' GLB books (ie those reviewed in the newspapers), and can certainly supply them on request. UNITED KINGDOM & CHANNEL IS. ============================ Just Books, 7 Winetavern St., BELFAST, +44 232-325426 Bookworm, 25 St. John St., BRIDGWATER, +44 278-423512 Cardome, 47a St. James' St., BRIGHTON, +44 273-692916 Read all about it, 69 East S., BRIGHTON, +44 273-205824 Greenleaf Bookshop, 82 Colston St., BRISTOL, +44 272-211369 Dillons the Bookstore, 22/24 Sidney Street, CAMBRIDGE Heffers Booksellers, 20 Trinity Street, CAMBRIDGE (Academic literature) Waterstone's Booksellers, 6 Bridge Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 1WA Wedge Bookshop, 13 High St., COVENTRY Popcorn Books, 6 Chequers Parade, DAGENHAM, +44 246-947167 Bookworm, 16 Bishop St., DERRY, +44 504-261616 Alleycat Books Co-op, 28b Sutton St., DURHAM, +44 91-386-1296 West & Wilde Bookshop, 25a Dundas St. EDINBURGH, +44 31-556-0079 Clyde Books, 19 Parrie St., GLASGOW John Smith & Son, 57 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW, +44 41-221-7472 Cactus Bookshop, 2B Hope St., HANLEY, +44 782-204449 Page One Books, 9 Princes Ave., HULL, +44 482-41925 Modern Books &c. 3 St. James St., JERSEY, C.I. Blackthorne Books, 70 High St., LEICESTER News from Nowhere, 112 Bold St., LIVERPOOL, +44 51-708-7270 Compendium, 234 Camden High St., LONDON NW1. +44 71-485-8944 Gay's the Word, 66 Marchmount St., LONDON WC1, +44 71-278-7654 (will become +44 171-278 7654 from April '95) (The principle gay bookstore in England) Gay Times Book Service, 283 Camden Street, LONDON NW1 7BX, +44 71-267-0021 (Gay Times is an excellent source if you are interested in the uk lesbigay book market) Housman's, 5 Caledonian Rd. LONDON N1, +44 71-837-4473 Neal St. Books, 37 Neal St. LONDON WC2, +44 71-240-3319 Silver Moon Women's Bookshop, 64-68 Charing Cross Rd., LONDON WC2, +44 71-836-7906 (Womyn's/Lesbian Bks) Waterstones, 121 -125 Charing Cross Rd, London WC1, +44 71-434- 4291 Zipper, 283 Camden High St., LONDON NW1, +44 71-284-0537 Books & Mag shop, 46 Sandling Rd., MAIDSTONE, +44 62-661504 Frontline Bookshop, 1 Newton St, MANCHESTER Village Bookshop, 105/107 Princes St., MANCHESTER, +44 61-236-6441 Bookmark, 83 Unthank Rd., NORWICH NR2 2PE, +44 603-762855 Green City Central, 42-46 Bethel St., NORWICH Mushroom Bookshop, 10 Heathcote St., NOTTINGHAM, +44 602-582506 Soho Books, 147 Radford Rd., NOTTINGHAM, +44 602-783567 Inner Bokshop, 111 Magdalen Rd., OXFORD OX4 1AQ, +44 865-245301 October Books, 4 Onslow Rd., SOUTHAMPTON, +44 703-224489 The Lamp Bookshop, 91 Bradshawgate, Leigh nr. WIGAN ------------------ IRELAND ======= The Other Place, 7/8 Augustine St., CORK, +353 (21)-317660 Quay Co-op, 24 Sullivan's Quay, CORK, +353 (21)-317026 Books Upstairs, 36 College Green, DUBLIN, +353 1-796687 --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- This list was compiled July '94 by Alan and Bjorn. Comments and suggestions welcome to