Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 20:16:31 GMT From: "" SCOTSGAY MAGAZINE - INSIDE OUT ============================== InsideOut is a monthly magazine for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. Edited, printed and published in Scotland Issue 5a - September 1995 ELECTRONIC EDITION To subscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be subscribe scotsgay-list (If you are subscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) To unsubscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be unsubscribe scotsgay-list (If you are unsubscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) All Material Copyright (c) Pageprint Limited 1995. Permission is hereby given to distribute this material provided that this copyright notice is included and that distribution is specifically for non-profitmaking reasons. Distribution for profit must be done only with prior written consent of the magazine any deviation from this will be seen as an infringement of copyright. Hardcopies are limited to one per person for personal use only and such hard copies are subject to the same copyright restrictions as laid out above. The printed editions of ScotsGay and InsideOut are available by post at the following rates: 6 issue sub (UK & EC) 6ukp 6 issue sub (Overseas) 12ukp 12 issue sub (UK & EC) 10ukp 12 issue sub (Overseas) 22ukp Make Cheques and POs payable to 'Pageprint Limited' or 'ScotsGay' and send them to: Subscriptions ScotsGay Pageprint Limited PO Box 666 Edinburgh Scotland EH7 5YW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this edition: TalkOUT - Editorial Aberdeen Dundee Edinburgh Glasgow Boxes - The Meet Market Venues ------------------------------------------------ TALK OUT When ScotsGay first hit the streets less than a year ago, I had no idea that it would prove so successful. Obviously, lesbians, gays and bisexuals in Scotland were looking for something different - and ScotsGay certainly provided that with its cover price of ukp1 and a wide ranging but readable content. Our comprehensive listings, which are fully revised before each issue is sent to press, have drawn compliments from workers on a number of lesbigay switchboards who now use them as reference material in preference to the listings in other publications. And Spartacus, the International Gay Guide, has chosen us to bring all of their Scottish material up to date. Our arts coverage has drawn plaudits too. It's written by and for folk who like to read books, go to cinemas and the theatre or watch TV - not by and for people to whom these pursuits are a full time job or object of academic study. But there have been moans - mainly from our advertisers who complained that we didn't come out often enough. Our competitors moaned too and some have spent a lot of time and effort in making up tall stories to detract from what we've been doing. One editor was actually observed stealing our display material from a cafe noticeboard - I mean, how pathetic can you get? Well, nearly a year down the road, we're expanding - this is the first edition of our new improved InsideOut which will be distributed free of charge in the lesbigay pubs, clubs and cafes of Scotland in the month that ScotsGay doesn't make its much looked forward to appearance. So, you know where to look to keep up to date with all the gossip each month. A monthly mag is what our advertisers have asked for - both those who pay for the display advertising (which makes the magazine possible) and those who advertise free of charge in our Meet Market. Don't let anybody tell you different - an advertisement in ScotsGay and InsideOut will be read by more Scots than one in any other Scottish lesbigay advertising medium. And that's not mentioning our major presence on the Internet. If you want to publicise your pub, need to spread the word about what you have to offer, or would like to select a shag in Stirling (or even Kettering) - you know where to advertise. However, that's not all. Next month, there's going to be a major change in ScotsGay - but if you want to know what that is, you'll just have to wait and get hold of your own copy (or borrow somebody else's)! John Hein ------------------------------------------------------------------- ABERDEEN So, summer has finally come all over us and has gone away again, and the Aberdeen scene is finally getting busier by the week as the boys and babes return from their summer holidays. Nice to see a few old faces returning to their home patch for a look at the scene in Aberdeen. Been having a few reminiscences about the good old days. Can it really be 14 years sinces Jean's Bar closed? Remember good old Daisies when the whole scene was under one roof and you didn't have to flit between two venues scared that you might be missing something? Now that the gay trade is getting busier, we should be demanding the removal of the increasing number of straights frequenting our venues. The scene has been moaning about this for months. All right, so things were quieter a while back and both clubs had to boost numbers by allowing straights in. But there's no excuse for it any more. The Pink has already started knocking back people at the door and, let's face it, if we go into a gay club it's only reasonable to expect that the clientele are of the same sexual orientation. It would appear that a new gay venue will shortly be opening in Aberdeen according to current rumours. Nobody seems to know who's behind the alleged new venture although Cassandra says that it's not a million miles away from one of the current venues. Watch this space for details. So what else has been happening in the Grunty City? The women's discos go from strength to strength with groups now coming down from Inverness. Congratulations to the Pink's quiz contestants who are now fifth in their national league throughout the UK. People seem to be going out more on the scene: there's a lot more money going around now and things are generally a good deal busier than they were six months ago. I always thought that all those stories about Aberdonians being tighter than a duck's bum were just nasty rumours put about by outsiders. Obviously not true!! Just take a look at how much busier things are down in Grippy Graham's Groovy Groping Grotto since the new drinks promos started. Free entry at the weekend and a happy hour on Fridays and Saturdays can't be bad. Little else happening here at the moment as all the screaming queens have been on their holidays and are still holding their holiday slide parties! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DUNDEE Dundee has been a busy wee toon this past month. Full throughout the week, Deva's has been buzzing on Thursday nights with new local girl band Diva. The trio of Caroline, Irene and Paula seem to manage something to get everyone bopping. Karen's Karaoke is all the rage too as the new machine gets an airing most evenings. Not everybody's cup of tea, perhaps - but popular nonetheless. Not as popular as Deva's scrummy DJ Jan - but then, what is? There are plans afoot to put in a new dance floor - by the time you read this, it may already be there. And there's an application in for a later licence which can't be bad! Club Cruise has given up trying to open on two nights in the week and is concentrating on its Saturday nighter which goes from strength to strength. Nevertheless, Oscar's owner tells me that he's open to offer for a midweek slot if somebody wants to organise it! Now, there's an opportunity for somebody ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDINBURGH It's really nice to get the city back to ourselves and see the back of all these bloody tourists! I know I'll be looking forward to their return in a few months, but in the meantime it gives us all a chance to see just how good our own home grown talent can be! After that slight contre-temptette during the Festival over Blue Fest's use of the New Calton, Alan and Maggie seem to have their hands pretty full there each Saturday with JOY. If you look round the bars and cafes you should be able to pick up a wee token of their gratitude to regular punters which will give you a pound off the entry price. JOY is also booking some guest DJs - confirmed so far are Rachael Auburn (Saturday 21st October) and Steve React (18th November). Rachael put together the dance compilations Freska 1 & 2 whilst Steve is involved with the React and Sharp record companies. Both are well known for their nights at Heaven in London. One sad loss to the city's dykes has been the ending of Club Sappho due to the loss of the premises. But organiser Anne tells me that she's actively looking for a new venue! New arrival, Over The Rainbow in Broughton Street, has been putting on the style more than a bit. Camp really is an understatement of the effect of the decor (not to mention the friendly staff). They've even had a wee paragraph or two in the Evening News. Cafe Kudos has been busy too with these upstairs windows giving a good vantage point to watch the sights of the city on their way to the pubs. Saturday 16th of September was due to see a Celebrity Auction of props (genuine), memorabilia (signed) and underwear (worn)! All in order to raise funds for Pride Scotland and Crusaid. El Raymondo - he who flits between Maggie Rayes and Picardy's - still hasn't re-opened the Bodytech Sauna, but, perhaps, when he gets time ... He's a busy LAD, is our Raymond - he's planning a few changes in LADS which will have its bar re-vamped and will stock Red Stripe! He's asked me to point out that, although LADS is a membership club, membership is easier to get than it is to get into my knickers - so it must be pretty easy! Down at the Broughton Street Centre, Terry at Drondale reports record business over the Festival. Thought Drondale sold tapes these days ... In the back shop, Brendan Nash seems to be settling in at Eat Out which is fast regaining its reputation for value, friendliness and a braw cup of tea. The Blue Moon doesn't seem to be quite as packed these days as it once was - but with all the competition in the area, that's not surprising. Nevertheless, I hear they had quite a few in (phwoarr!) for their recent Post Festival Party. CC Bloom's remains hoaching - with a big crowd turning out each week for the fantabulosa male stripper on Sunday afternoons. The disco too attracts a crowd of all ages who certainly seem to enjoy themselves if all the broad grins are anything to go by! Route 66, also has its devotees and, being on the edge of Edinburgh's Gay Triangle just means that you either arrive there first or leave last if you're out for a night on the town! Or, if you fancy a Pleasure Cruise to Blackpool for ukp15, there's one leaving on the 7th of October at 9am. Edinburgh's first licenced Sex Shop at 8b Drummond Street (next to the Video Shop) will be officially open soon. Although aimed principally at the hetty market, it has something for perves of all sexualities! And you can always pop into Khushi's for a quick curry after you've bought your goodies! That's it from Jessieburgh - see yah next ish! ---------------------------------------------------------------- GLASGOW Calumnious goings on down at the Waterloo. The place will be shutting up shop from 26th September until 10th October for a bit of a refurbishment. I wonder where all the regulars will go whilst the pub is shut? When it opens up, the new manager will be another Calum (who prefers to be called Cal) who has been working up 'till now at Lauders Bar. Welcome on board, Cal! I'm sure you'll keep the old Wateryloo a happy ship! Madame Gillespies has quickly established itself as part of the community. And things like their joint venture with Phace West which brought Hazel Dean to the city have helped to make the place the talk of the town. That little gig netted Phace West ukp1000 from the door money. Nice one, Robert! Phil Hurst has been adding to the fun and mayhem at Madame G's on Sundays with his weekly Funky Chicken. But, don't forget the Monday night Barmy Bingo (ukp50+ prize money), the Tuesday night appearance of Madame G's famed Exotic Dancers, the Wednesday night Candlelit Cabaret with Georgia Scott and Billy Lyons, and the Krazy Karaoke with Doris D on Thursdays. Not to mention all the live cabaret at the weekends! The coming month will see appearances from Kelly Marie, Millie Mop and Tony Sheilds as well as some surprises. Manager Robert Anderson tells me that he's got a few big acts lined up which may appear at very short notice, so it pays to be around if you don't want to miss anything! Over in Glassford Street, Bobby at Bennets has been keeping up the friendly rivalry between the two establishments with visits from Paradiso, EYC, Sweat Box, Mosaic, Eve Gallagher and Peter Andre either planned or in the past. David at Squires had a very successful Pyjama Party recently with lots of folk dressing up (or should that be down?) for the occasion and getting into the swing of things. I see that the Cooncil have been putting their feet in it again - apparently the Pink Paper is just too disgusting to go out into all the City Libraries. It's the Pink's personal ads that some pig-ignorant bigoted librarian objects to. Presumably he hasn't looked at the small ads in the List which are just as inexplicit but aren't in a lesbigay publication. Pass the sick bag, Alice ... Austins was packed when I popped in the other night - and it was midweek too! I hear that Robert has had a wee problem with the electrics recently which caused the place to be closed a couple of mornings whilst some big butch sparkies put things to rights. How shocking! The sauna saga continues to simmer. It seems that the red tape is still getting in the way of Glasgow's first gay sauna, but things are about to start moving so soon we won't all have to go to Edinbugger for that cleansing experience... Del's has been pretty full most Mondays of late with the Becks promotion - ukp1.25 all night - attracting a lot of lager fans. The Bingo on Tuesdays, the Games/Quiz Night on Wednesdays and the Karaoke on Sundays manage to keep the place tolerably busy on the traditionally quiet nights of the week as do the nightly Happy Hours from 5-7 and 9-10. I've heard reports that Divally's has become increasingly straight on its gayer nights of Monday and Tuesday. But the management there deny this and claim that the reverse is true. Suppose I'll have to go and have a look at the mucky movies and examine the clientele for myself. Dropped into the Victoria Bar last week for the first time in ages and was pleasantly surprised to see quite a few kent faces enjoying an off scene pint. If any of them found the bag I accidentally left there containg a bumper pack of lube and condoms, I would like it back but you can keep the dirty washing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOXES - THE SCOTSGAY MEET MARKET ================================ To reply to a Contact Ad: By e-mail: We can now accept replies by e-mail for Box Numbers. They should be sent to and will be printed out and posted on by snail mail to the box number holders. There will be no charge for this service. As box number holders are unlikely to have access to e-mail, please include your name and address so that they can get back to you! And remember to include the box number that you're replying to clearly on each reply. By snail mail: Just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the envelope with your reply inside another envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outside the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage stamps. International Reply Coupons are available from most Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs. Send all replies to: ScotsGay Magazine, Pageprint Limited, PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW. To place a Contact Ad: Write to the above address enclosing your advertisement copy. Ads are FREE of charge to the advertiser. Or you can send them by e-mail to ScotsGay's FREE personal ads are read by more people than those in any other Scottish based lesbigay publication. WOMEN Perth - Aberfeldy Young 20 year old butch lesbian, ginger hair, looking for lesbians 20-30 for friendship/relationship in the Perth/Aberfeldy area. Smoker preffered. Box SG05101. Dundee - Tayside 25 year old, new to scene, VGSOH, seeks a female 25-30 to show me what I've been missing. Can you help? Photo appreciated. Box SG05103. MEN Edinburgh - Glasgow - Anywhere Good looking 26 year old guy, slim build, GSOH, enjoys most things in life, seeks similar guys under 30 for fun, friendship and possible 1-2-1. Photo helpful, ALA, genuine replies only. Box SG05104. Hairy Guy 38 year old guy, very hairy, would like to meet a smooth young guy, preferably stocky build. Photo would be nice but is not essential. Can travel or accommodate. Box SG05105. Irreverent Imp (Edinburgh) Seeks Mature Man Handsome, intelligent, 5'6" Gay Male, 33, dark-skinned, moustache, seeks non-smoking older man with a sense of humour. Silver hair and/or moustache a definite plus. Please respond with a photo and I will do likewise, or check out my homepage on the web: Email: or write: Box SG05106. Looking For Friendship/love I am Steve, 24-years-old, 5'10", good-looking..enjoy swim, dance, music, movie, reading and eating-out. I am looking for the same age male friend in UK or EU. Box SG05107. Moustache - Uniform Gay German writer, 43, into men in uniform, preferably with a moustachewants to correspond and meet friends. Please answer with photo. Box SG05108. Horny Invite 2 Horny Lads 28 & 30, Muscular and Straight looking based in Kent seek Horny Lads/Men 18 - 35. Fancy a weekend down South? Drop a line with photo. Box SG05109. Glasgow Bi Guy Bi guy, 40's, 6', medium build, into briefs, shorts, lingerie, seeks fellow enthusiasts to share passion. No-strings fun, friendship with guys 18+. Travel (Glasgow Area) or accommodate. ALA. Box SG05110. French Gay Couple, Paris Both 29 years old, seek Scottish gay couple for a friendly relationship. Box SG05111. Lonely Fife Gay Male Young gay Fife male (26), slim, caring, honest, short dark hair, looking for young male 18-30 for one to one relationship. No time wasters please. Frank letters, photo, phone. Thanks. Box SG05112. Mature Gent Wanted Glasgow student seeks a Nigel Mansell lookalike. Non scene? Discretion? No problems! Me: 21, 5'11", slim, dark hair. Box SG05113. Chubbies & Chasers Wherever You Are Fun-loving hairy overweight and athletic mate seeks similar chubby and chaser couples for mutual admiration and enjoyment. Also singles from Baby Bears to Giant Sumos. Travel or accommodate. Photo please. Box SG05114. Glasgow - Anywhere Young male nudist seeks others for indoor and outdoor fun with or without the sun! Please reply with phone number and photo if possible. Box SG05115. Lonely Fifer Like to hear from anyone between the age of 25/35 with a GSOH for fun times and a possible 1-2-1. All letters answered with photo. Box SG05116. Glasgow - Scotland Are you 18-35, headstrong defiant enough to need an over the knee spanking? Early retired teacher/substitute dad, strict but fair, will help. Discretion assured. Get in touch. Box SG05117. Bite The Bullet Slim WE quiet young looking 40's seeks similar 30-50. Prefers them hairy though not essential. Non scene. Bite the bullet. Drop me a line. Paisley area. Photo appreciated. Box SG05118. Friendship Male, 47 (active), likes outdoor and indoor activities, seeks friendship with shy young male 18-29+. Box SG05119. Glasgow - Anywhere Friendly bi-guy, early 40's, will pull your briefs down. Enjoys massage, water-sports, watching videos. Welcome replies 22-45 years. Photos please - will return. Hairy bodies welcome. Write soon to meet up for fun. Box SG05120. North Scotland - Inverness - Try It! Glasgow guy (36 - non smoker) recently moved to Inverness would appreciate contact with others, anywhere (24-35), non-smokers, can accommodate, show you round town, sports, theatre, w/ends (longer?). Photo guarantees reply. Box SG05121. Glasgow - Edinburgh - Anywhere Are you young, shy, not sure if you're gay but willing to explore the possibility? I'm mature, discrete, kind and understanding. What have you got to lose? Box SG05122. Edinburgh Affectionate, tactile guy 50+, non scene, seeks sincere, n/s, hairy guy, who likes to be touched, for fun and friendship. Let's meet and talk about the possibilities. Box SG05123. Glasgow - Edinburgh Guy, early 40's, seeks younger guy 18-29 who is looking for a well adjusted man to lead him through the pitfalls of gay life. Photo please. ALA. Box SG05124. Sexy Black Guy Seeks Red Heads Black guy, 40, travelling from Frankfurt to Scotland regularly, would like to meet interesting red heads for fun, friendship, maybe more. Photo, phone appreciated. Box SG05125. Aberdeen - Anywhere Genuine shy 27 year old seeks guys under 30 for friendship, 1-2-1. Travel only. I'm 5'9", blue eyes, medium build, discretion assured. Photo if possible. Phone number please. ALA. Box SG05126. Glasgow 14st, beefy, weight-lifter, submissive, 30's, seeks dominant male, masculine, 18-50. Uniforms a plus, as well as SM, CP. No drugs or long hair. Prefer heavy build. Box SG05127. Glasgow Business Man Seeks younger guy under 25 for over the knee fun. Your limits respected. Your photo gets a quick reply. Box SG05128. Glasgow - Edinburgh Gay man, 28, seeks new friends (18-33). I'm prematurely balding but otherwise good looking with a medium build, athletic body. I'm into swimming, cinema and concerts. Box SG05129. Glasgow - Lanarkshire Easy going guy, 34, slim build, flat top, GSOH. Fed up being "Home Alone", looking for guys under 35 for fun and friendship. Box SG05130. Glasgow Area Friendly, affectionate guy, newly 40, OK looks, full of ideas but lacking in ambition and worldliness, seeks slim younger guy to share optimism, adventure, affection. I know you're out there! Box SG05131. Renfrewshire Male (40's), non-scene, happy with life, many interests and hobbies. I would like to meet an older gentleman (60+) with a similar outlook and quiet nature. Box SG05132. Dundee - Tayside - Anywhere Gay good looking slim guy wishes to meet others 18+ for friendship or 1-2-1, any race or colour, uniformed and forces. Can accommodate and travel. Photo please. ALA with telephone number. Box SG05133. Falkirk - Stirling - Central Region Male, 50 years old, chubby, quiet, non scene, passive, submissive, straight acting, seeks males, active, well endowed, any age, for fun and friendship. Cannot accommodate. Photo helps. Write soon. Box SG05134. Important Info - Over 30's Only Inverness guy, 43, 5'9", stocky build, GSOH, varied interests, seeks others over 30 locally and nationwide for fun, friendship and possibly more. Make contact today. See what happens. ALA. Box SG05135. Real Ale Drinker Looking for company at the forthcoming Glasgow and Edinburgh Beer Festivals? Let's meet up for a few pints! Box SG05136. Ayrshire - West Of Scotland - Glasgow Guy, 34, looking for other guys 20-48 who are genuinely interested in meeting for fun and friendship, good times, cosy evenings in. Box SG05137. Edinburgh - Anywhere Non-scene, young 37, hairy, GSOH, gentle and affectionate, would like to meet a guy 10-30, who really wants to be cared for. Straight type only, any nationality, ALA. Box SG05142. Edinburgh Mid 50's with gentle touch seeks smooth friends for hands on experience and hopefully ongoing friendship. Chubby chasers especially welcome. Box SG05143. Edinburgh Caring Type Young early 40s wants gay guy for love etc. Non scene, 1-2-1 basis, ALAP, can accom. Any takers anywhere. Will be discrete but true. Are you lonely? Write now. Box SG05144. Aberdeen 33, 5'10", 'O' crop, well built, pierced, toattooed, into DMs, 501s, Fred Perrys, seeks active skin type for experiment in blues, yellow, rimming and shaving. Can accommodate weekends. Box SG05145. Glasgow Horny 25 year old graduate seeks similar for fun and friendship. Likes beer, the Internet and will give anything a go once. Slim, dark hair, fair skin, smooth. See yah soon! Box SG05146. Tayside - Dundee 38 year old passive guy would like to meet younger active/bi guy for discreet no strings fun. Can travel. ALAWP. Box SG05147. Glasgow - Anywhere Early 40's friendly bi-guy will pull your briefs down. Enjoys massage, watersports, watching videos. Welcome replies from 22-45 years. Hairy bodies welcomed. Wanted: your surplus toys, videos. Let's meet for fun soon. Box SG05148. Glasgow - Edinburgh - Anywhere Professional guy, 48, slim with 'tache, w/e, straight acting, seeks slim active guy 30+, w/e and hairy if possible for fun, friendship and possible 1-2-1. Box SG05149. BISEXUAL Come and play with us! Mixed bi-couple need people for things you just can't do with two. Switch into some safe sexy and fantasy fulfilling games. What's your pleasure? Edinburgh area. Box SG05138. Bi-TV Bi-male (30), TV, intelligent, seeks similar or females for kinky games. Let's bitch our way through the night! Edinburgh. Box SG05139. Looking for something different Bisexual couple seeking fun with similar advnturous couple. For muscles and rastas pleasure please write enclosing photo and phone number. Box SG05140. Ageing gracefully Bisexual man, 42, university educated, resourcefully unemployed, would like to hear from younger woman preferably in the Edinburgh area. Box SG05141. FRIENDS ABROAD USA - Florida Hospitality Exchanges We live near most Central Florida tourist attractions. If you're visiting our area, we can offer hospitality for a night or two in exchange for a future visit to your home. We've enjoyed guests from the UK and several other countries. E-mail: or write Jim and Randy, 830 Orange Park Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801, USA. Good-Looking Florida College Guy 26 year old, 6'2", 200 lbs., brown hair and eyes, in great physical shape looking to correspond and possibly meet other guys up to 35 years old. Write: Joshua Sarber, 4244 West Tennessee St., #164, Tallahassee, Florida, 32304. Indonesian GM Seeks Friends Worldwide Hi I am Indonesian, live in LA, 31 yo, 5'11", 160 lbs, have dark skin, black hair, dark brown eyes. If you are interested in coresponding with me through the internet please e-mail: or write: Effo Hasyim, 8205 Santa Monica Bl. #1-224, West Hollywood, CA 90046, USA. Eclectic I'm a 40ish gynecologist. Like to travel,speak French, classical music, theatre. Really eclectic tastes (but not sexually) looking for penpals/visitors. For a fuller picture, e-mail: or write:Gregory Lang, 2665 W.Rock Rd., Allentown, PA 18103,USA. Very Attractive American GBM ISO M/F Gay Friends in UK Attractive GBM in San Francisco, 31, 6'2" (188cm), 185lbs. (84kg), recent business school graduate ISO gay penpals/friends in the UK. Enjoy cycling, photography, cooking, skiing. E-Mail: or write: Jon, ASUC Box #193, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. Thai Chinese Wants Friends 22-year-old Hong Kong Chinese studying in Bangkok seeks friends from all over the world. E-mail: or write: Nicky W.H. Chan, 262/97 Asean Tower, Sukumvit 71, Prakanony, Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand 10110. GWM 35, 6'4", attorney, reasonable looks and shape, would like to correspond with sincere, intelligent, funny, GM, not overweight. Like outdoors, healthy lifestyle. Will have e-mail address soon. Write: James M. Rebbe, 2700 Connecticut Ave. NW , Apt. 711, Washington DC 20008, USA. Periodicals For an update to a directory of lgb periodicals, 1890s-1990s, I'd appreciate any help to sources. Previous edition, 700pp, published in 1990 by Canadian Gay Archives. E-mail: or write: Alan V. Miller, Canadian L&G Archives, P.O. Box 639 Station A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5W 1G2. Aggressive Gay Men Wanted (By GM in USA) GAY male...30, 5'8", 142 lbs. (br/br) looking for friendship/excitement, possible relationship with no limitations or rules, definitely want sex too, want someone into really giving EXTREMELY deep penetration rimming sessions!!! Sex will NOT be the one only thing I meet someone for though!!! Would like to meet men who are SETH READERS (This is Really Important!!!) Marcus waiting for sombody sometime........ Write: Marcus Huiseman, 100 Melrose, Apt. #304, Seattle, WA 98102, USA WANTED Assistance Needed Looking for a personal assistant to help with small farm and kennel in America. Position is for someone good with animals and interested in business and travel. Must be adventurous and business minded. Possibility of extensive travel opportunities for the right person. No fats, fems, drugs or alcoholics. Room and board with travel expenses provided. Salary to be negotiated. Prefer bi-sexual male 30-40 years old. Send photo and resume to: PO Box 1393, Cashiers, North Carolina 28717-1393, USA. Will return with phone call to schedule interview in Edinburgh. Seeking Accommodation Lesbian veggie (24) seeks room to rent in Stirling area. 4th year student at Uni. Hope to share with like-minded people for friendship and understanding. Box SG05102. SERVICES Translations English to German and German to English. General business and personal translations undertaken by native German speaker. Details: Phone Colne (01282) 862351. bersetzungen Englisch zu Deutsch und Deutsch zu Englisch bersetzungen. Geschftliche und persnliche bersetzungen werden bernommen von einem in England ansssigem Deutschen. Fr genauere Informationen bitte rufen Sie mich an unter der Nummer Colne (01282) 862351. Accountancy Services Tax problems, accounting, auditing, business plans, call Marios on 0131-555 0600 (Fax: 0131-555 6652). We are members of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and Registered Auditors. Personal and confidential service. Aromatherapy Trainee offers aromatherapy at ukp10 per session (half hour). Telephone Clay on 0131-554 2429. Boudoir Noir The non-fiction Leather-Fetish-Consensual SM Magazine. Box 5, Station F, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4Y 2L4. Phone: 00 1 416 591 2387. Fax: 00 1 416 591 1572. E-mail: Sample $10. Subscription $24 ($50 outside North America). Member Canadian Magazine Publishers Association. Check out our Web Site at Company Formations Why pay more? For only ukp90, Cosun Limited will supply a freshly formed Scottish, English/Welsh or Northern Ireland Limited or PLC with your own choice of name. For a free copy of our 'Guide to Limited Companies': Freephone 0800 526421. Contacts in USA and France Voluntary Group for holiday exchange, penpals, etc. Covering USA and French-speaking countries. For sample bulletin send 3 International Reply Coupons to: Recontre France/Amerique, 350 Nature Trail Lane, Murrysville, PA 15668, USA. Genuine Phone Dating For Gay Men The Dating Line that has it all! Instant Messaging, VoiceMale Dating and "Traditional" Phone Dating. 0891 556655. 39p/min cheap, 49p/min other. TBO, Box 425, PE25 2RQ. CALL NOW! Get onto the Internet For only a tenner a month (plus VAT), Demon Internet Services provides full access to the Internet. Want to learn more? Phone 0131-552 0344. Pen Friends Gay, Lesbian and Bi-sexuals ages 16+, non profit organisation, members nationwide and worldwide, membership ukp6 p/a or ukp3 p/a concessionary. Write, enclosing 2 stamps to: LGB National Pen Pals, PO Box 2000, Horwich, Lancs, England. BL6 7PG. Stories To Order Our stories enliven those parts others cannot. Why? Because they are created especially for you and only you. Read about whatever you wish by using our definitive fantasy service. Intrigued? Then why not send a stamp for full details of our truly individual service to: TTS, PO Box 1846, Bath. BA1 3TJ. Worldwide Penfriends Regular lists. Make friends, exchange holidays, improve your languages. For general and music lovers' lists send ukp3 to 'The Penpal List', c/o 221B Merton Road, Southfields, London. SW18 5EE. WHERE TO STAY Want a friendly B&B? Balnacrive Guest House, Dulnain Bridge, by Grantown-on-Spey. Anne and Mary warmly welcome you to the Scottish Highlands. All sports and recreation available from walking to ski-ing. Please phone 01479 851228 for brochure. New Zealand Accommodation SIGMA - South Island Gay Managed Accommodation, a network of accommodation for gays and lesbians visiting the South Island of New Zealand. For a free list, write to: Ron Harris, Shag Point, RD2 Palmerston, Otago, NZ or phone 00 64 3-465-1742. VENUES Aberdeen CLUB CABERFEIDH 9 Hadden Street. Tel: (01224) 212181. Tue-Sun 10pm-2am. Disco - tends to be quiet midweek but busier at the weekends. PINK FLAMINGO 47 Netherkirkgate. Tel: (01224) 624472. Daily Noon-2am. Plush cocktail bar frequented by the trendier crowd with an increasingly busy disco downstairs. Dundee CLUB CRUISE 60 Brown Street (part of Oscars). Tel: (01382) 221176. Sat 10.30pm-2.30am. Despite several recent attempts at expanding to two nights a week, remains a one nighter. Noisy with soft lighting, but, despite its name, relaxed and not too cruisy. DEVA'S 75 Seagate. Tel: (01382) 226840. Mon-Sat 11am-midnight, Sun 12.30pm-11pm. Formerly the Gauger, no expense spared in the re-decoration of Dundee's long established gay bar. Something for everyone! Pool table. DJ. Edinburgh BLACK BO'S 57/61 Blackfriars Street. Tel: 0131-557 6136. Mon-Fri 12.30pm-2.30pm and 6pm-10.30pm, Sat 12.30pm-10.30pm, Sun 6pm-10pm. Superb little vegetarian restaurant. Friendly staff. Mixed clientele. Good value lunch menu. BLUE MOON 1 Barony Street/36 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 2788. Popular lesbigay cafe/bar complex. The cafe opens Sun-Thu 9am-midnight. Fri-Sat 9.30am-3am. The Buzz Bar is open Daily 9.30am-midnight, The basement Tapas Bar serves Spanish food, drink and music and is open nightly 5pm-1am. BODYTECH SAUNA 29a Haddington Place. Opening soon. FREE to members of L.A.D.S. only. Will operate Thu, Fri, Sat 4pm-9pm. CAFE KUDOS 22 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-556 4349. Daily Noon-1am. Food Noon-9pm. Part of Edinburgh's flourishing cafe society in the former Chapps premises. Fresh and stylish. CAFE LUCIA 13-29 Nicolson Street. Tel: 0131-662 1112. Generally 10am-10pm but hours vary according to performances. Mixed bar attached to the financially challenged Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Full of luvvies and their friends! C.C. BLOOM'S 23 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-556 9331. Daily Noon-3am. Bar/diner serving superb food in the Hole in the Wall restaurant (Noon-10pm). Karaoke on Thursday and Sunday. Male strippers Sun at 4pm. Disco every night from 10.30pm. CITY CAFE 19 Blair Street. Tel: 0131-220 0125. Mon-Sat 11am-1pm, Sun 11am-midnight. Not as outrageously mixed as it used to be, but still seriously conventional. DRONDALE LIMITED 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 1471. Open Mon-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat 12-8. At the front of the Edinburgh Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Centre. Undoubtedly the largest gay shop north of Manchester, with a large selection of magazines, cards, toys, underwear, swimwear, leather and rubberwear. Well worth a visit even if only for the cute staff (if you like that sort of thing). Worldwide mail order service. EAT OUT IN EDINBURGH 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 0152. WWW: Daily 11am-11pm. Licensed cafe (situated at the rear of the Edinburgh Lesbian Gay & Bisexual Centre) wherein Brendan Nash provides a superior set of comestibles. EDINBURGH LESBIAN GAY AND BISEXUAL CENTRE 58a and 60 Broughton Street. Owned by OUTRIGHT Scotland, it houses Calosa Publishing Limited, Drondale Limited, Eat Out in Edinburgh and Pride Scotland as well as providing meeting and noticeboard space for many lesbigay organisations. Private mailboxes available. FOUR BBBB's CLUB 26b Dublin Street. Tel: 0131-538 7775. Big Beary Bulky Boys have their own club at Intense in the New Town Bar on the 4th Friday of the month. 8-10pm - bar opens to non members 9pm-12.30am. JOY AT THE NEW CALTON 20 Calton Road. Tel: 0131-558 3758. Sat 11pm-late. This One Nighter is Scotland's largest gay club. Reduced entry before midnight. For membership: write: JOY, PO Box 13456, Edinburgh. EH6 8YA. Wheelchair accessible. L.A.D.S. 2 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-556 5414. Nightly 10pm-2am. Cruisy club/disco, membership available on night. Downstairs from Picardy's but with its own door, Raymond's black emulsion is maturing nicely. LORD NELSON BAR Linden Hotel, 9-13 Nelson Street. Tel: 0131-557 4344. Mon-Sat Noon-2pm, 6pm-11pm. Sun 7pm-11pm. Quiet bar attached to Edinburgh's biggest gay hotel. Superb Thai restaurant. Owned by London's Philbeach Hotel. MAGGIE RAYES 89 Rose Street Lane North. Tel: 0131-225 7651. Mon-Thur Noon-1am. Fri-Sat Noon-2am. Sun 1pm-1am. Frenetically friendly impromptu cabaret bar. Friday is karaoke night! NEW TOWN BAR 26B Dublin Street. Tel: 0131-538 7775. Daily Noon-1am. Especially popular with Bears, but has wide clientele. Real Ale. Intense, the sub-basement leather and fetish bar is open Thurs-Sun 9pm-1am - mainly men, but women welcome too! No EIGHTEEN 18 Albert Place. Tel: 0131-553 3222. Mon-Sat Noon-10pm. Sauna club for gay gentlemen - run by a couple of straight Dykes! OVER THE RAINBOW 32c Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-557 8969. Daily 11am-1am. Edinburgh's newest licensed cafe. Live music a speciality. Camp at its best! PICARDY'S 2 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-556 5414. Sun-Thur 7pm-1am. Fri-Sat 7pm-2am. Cabaret Show Bar. Stylish and increasingly popular. ROUTE 66 6 Baxter's Place. Tel: 0131-556 5991. Sun-Fri 3pm-1.30am. Sat Noon-1.30am. Food served all day. Quiz night Wednesday. Discos Fri and Sat. Real Ale. THEATRE ROYAL BAR 24 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-557 2142. Mon-Sat 11am-midnight. Sun 6pm-11pm. Basically straight, this Real Ale bar (formerly a Gas Board Showroom) in the middle of Edinburgh's Gay Triangle attracts an increasing number of queers for an off-scene pint before heading for nearby fleshpots. WEST & WILDE BOOKSHOP 25a Dundas Street. Tel: 0131-556 0079. Tue-Sat 10am-7pm, Sun Noon-5pm. Scotlands only lesbian and gay bookshop. Lots of books and quite a few magazines! Falkirk DROOKIT DUCK 16 Grahams Road. Tel: 01324 613644. Mon 11am-3pm and 5pm-11.30. Tue-Thu 11am-3pm and 5pm-12.30am. Fri-Sat 11am-12.30am. Sun 7pm-midnight. Straight bar used by a few discrete local gays. Glasgow AUSTINS 183a Hope Street. Tel: 0141-332 2707. Mon-Sat Noon-midnight, Sun 12.30am-midnight. Friendly and busy basement pub. Food lunchtimes (until 5pm). Entertainment every evening. BENNETS DISCO 80-90, Glassford Street. Tel: 0141-552 5761. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Very popular busy long established gay disco. Tuesdays straight. CAFE DELMONICAS 68 Virginia Street. Tel: 0141-552 4803. Daily Noon-midnight. Food Noon-7pm. Busy pub with backroom area (not THAT kind of backroom!). DJ: Mon, Thur, Fri, Sat. Bingo: Tuesdays. Games/Quiz: Wed. Karaoke: Sun. Happy hours: 5-7 and 9-10 every night. Mondays: Becks at ukp1.25 all night! CCA Centre for Contemporary Arts, 350 Sauchiehall Street. Tel: 0141-332 7521. Centre open Mon-Wed 9am-11pm Thur-Sat 9am-midnight. Bookshop 11am-7pm. Galleries 11am-6pm (admission free). Two galleries, two performance spaces, cafe bar and bookshop. Lesbigay friendly place bustling with life, the universe and everything. Wheelchair accessible apart from upstairs performance space. CLUB X-CHANGE 25 Royal Exchange Square. Tel: 0141-204 4599. Nightly 11pm-3am. Large basement club, popular with young crowd. Wednesday nights are straight (though still quite mixed). Not as busy as it used to be. COURT BAR 69 Hutcheson Street. Tel: 0141-552 2463. Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight, Sun 8.30-11pm. Small bar beside former Sheriff Court. Straight until mid-evening. DIVALLY'S 86 Maxwell Street. Tel: 0141-221 4657. Daily 11am-midnight. Members' club containing lounge bar and cinema showing legal erotica (gay and straight). Gayer on Mon and Tue. Membership available at the door. GHQ CAFE/BAR 8-10 West George Street. Tel: 0141-332 8005. Bar: Noon-midnight. Cafe:10am-10pm. Nice and convenient for Queen Street Station. Large bar featuring Suave Gav - Glasgow's most popular DJ. Happy hour 5pm-7pm nightly. MADAME GILLESPIE'S 26 Cheapside Street. Tel: 0141-226 5468. Daily 6pm-3am. Scotland's first gay revue bar. Duplex complex incorporating disco with fab light show. A quality venue featuring regular PAs. Staff permanently in drag. SQUIRES LOUNGE 106 West Campbell Street. Tel: 0141-221 9184. Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight, Sat 12.30pm-Midnight, Sun 8pm-12pm. Long narrow intimate basement bar, DJ Sun, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri & Sat. Packed at the weekend. Nightly happy hours 9-10pm (all night Sun). VICTORIA BAR 157-159 Bridgegait. Tel: 0141-552 6040. Mon-Sat Noon-midnight, Sun 12.30pm-midnight. Basically straight, but justly popular with real ale queens and dykes. THE WATERLOO 306 Argyle Street. Tel: 0141-221 7359. Daily Noon-midnight. Popular, crowded, down to earth gay drinking shop. Will be closed 26th Sept - 10th Oct for refurbishment. Inverness NICO'S BAR/BISTRO Glen Mhor Hotel, Ness Bank. Tel: 01463 234308. Wed and Fri 9-11pm. Smart relaxed bar popular with local gays especially on Wednesday and Friday nights (9.15pm onwards). Mixed clientele. Kilmarnock KAYPARK TAVERN 27/29 London Road. Tel: 01563 523623. Straight pub - the lounge is used by some local gays on Mondays evenings. Stirling BARNTON BISTRO 3 1/2 Barnton Street. Tel: 01786 461698. Mon-Sat 10.15am-11pm (Meals Noon-8pm), Sun 6.30pm-11pm. Situated near to the railway station, this mixed, busy, bohemian and friendly bar/bistro is justly popular with students and Sons/Daughters of the Rock alike. Good food. Real Ale. CREDITS InsideOut: a monthly magazine for lesbians, gays and bisexuals. ISSN: 1360-9327. Edited, printed and published in Scotland. Pageprint Limited, Sept 1995. PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5JW. In even numbered months, InsideOut appears as part of ScotsGay. Non profit use by the lesbigay community of material in the magazine will normally be permitted free of charge - but contact us first for permission. We haven't had sex with most of the people who appear in the magazine, so we don't actually know what their sexuality is. Editorial: Tel: 0131-539 0666. Fax: 0131-558 1262. E-mail: Advertising: Tel: 0131-558 1279. Fax: 0131-558 1262. 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