Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 16:56:46 BST From: SCOTSGAY MAGAZINE ================= ScotsGay is a magazine for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. Edited, printed and published in Scotland Issue 4 - June 1995 ELECTRONIC EDITION To subscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be subscribe scotsgay-list (If you are subscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) To unsubscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be unsubscribe scotsgay-list (If you are unsubscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) All Material Copyright (c) Pageprint Limited 1995. Permission is hereby given to distribute this material provided that this copyright notice is included and that distribution is specifically for non-profitmaking reasons. Distribution for profit must be done only with prior written consent of the magazine any deviation from this will be seen as an infringement of copyright. Hardcopies are limited to one per person for personal use only and such hard copies are subject to the same copyright restrictions as laid out above. The printed edition of ScotsGay is available by post at the following rates: 6 issue sub (UK & EC) 6ukp 6 issue sub (Overseas) 12ukp 12 issue sub (UK & EC) 10ukp 12 issue sub (Overseas) 22ukp Make Cheques and POs payable to 'Pageprint Limited' or 'ScotsGay' and send them to: Subscriptions ScotsGay Pageprint Limited PO Box 666 Edinburgh Scotland EH7 5YW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this edition: Editorial - keepin' yer mooth shut News - reports and investigations Serial - Dave and Paul do someone else Theatre - La Cage aux Folles Internet - digital dynamite Inside Out - the complete scene guide Venues - what and where Scene - who and how Boxes - the ScotsGay Meet Market International - furth o' Scotland Reviews- bumper films, vids, mags, books Listings and Helplines - updated every issue ScotsDyke - so just how did she come? Credits - who writes this stuff anyway? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL ========= Over a month ago, my old friend David Senior was murdered. Pulse carried an obituary, as did the computing press and the Pink Paper. And, slowly, his extended family managed to come to terms with his death. A month later, our privacy was shattered by the national press finally picking up on the story. Most, like the Edinburgh Evening News, did so in a sensitive and accurate way. Unlike the Sun - next to David's photograph (which they stole after being told they couldn't use it) was the headline 'Burglar stabs Lib-Dem to death in Prague'. The piece went on to call David a 'high-ranking Liberal Democrat', and quoted 'Lib-Dems colleague Iain Smith, who was David's election agent during the 1992 vote'. It then quoted Smith as saying, 'He had been a member of the party for a great number of years and was a committed Liberal'. David wasn't a Liberal Democrats - he was a member of the Liberal Party and stood as their Candidate against Lib-Dem Menzies Campbell whose agent was Iain Smith. As Paul Coombes, David's agent, commented: 'This report has marginally increased my faith in the standards of News International's reporting. They managed to spell David's name correctly.' Whilst David would have loved the stushie, he wouldn't have liked the comment of Dominic d'Angelo in the Belfast Telegraph that David was probably the victim of a casual sexual pick-up that went wrong. In fact, David knew the person charged with the murder, but Dominic didn't bother to check and just made things up (as usual). So what? Well, it just happens that David's 70 year old mother lives in a small Northern Ireland community where the Belfast Telegraph's report has caused her massive hurt. Sometimes, we should think before we open our mouths. John Hein ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS ==== THE WHOLE LOAF - PRIDE SCOTLAND Thousands of lesbians, gays and bisexuals and friends are expected to converge on Edinburgh on Saturday 17th June for Scotland's first Pride March and Festival. The March, will assemble at 12.45pm at Broughton Place (just opposite the Lesbigay Centre in Broughton Street) and will move off at 1.15pm. Led by Sheboom, the all women drummers, it will probably be heard in Fife as it makes its way to The Meadows via Princes Street, The Mound and George IV Bridge. The March will be followed by a Festival on The Meadows from 2pm until 8pm. There will be lesbigay talent on the stage, plus food, drink, market stalls (meet ScotsGay and Pulse personnel on our stall there), a health tent, a women's area, creche, blessings, crystal balls and a lot more. Comperes of the Festival will be Newcastle's Huffty, Edinburgh's Ernie Rossie and Glasgow's Brendan Nash, plus a surprise guest. Performers will include Broccoli Dog, Ruby Fruit, Atomic Kandy, Folkadelic, The Proud Ones, Mary White, Dirge, The Camp Vamps, Jason Pillay, The Well Oiled Sisters, and The Pink Singers. To go with the Festival, a number of satellite events are being held. On the 14th June, the CCA in Glasgow will present the first reading in Scotland by radical American poet Sapphire. On 15th June, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations present an afternoon seminar in Edinburgh on Sexuality with Angela Mason, Ruth Hendry and Eric Kay (ukp15 including lunch). Waterstones East End Bookshop in Edinburgh are to hold a discussion with speakers Peter Tatchell, Megan Radcliffe, Simon Edge and Chris Woods on 16th June. Highlight of the satellite programme will be the discussion organised by OUTRIGHT Scotland and Stonewall in Edinburgh's Tollcross Community Centre on 15th June with guest speakers Kieran Rose from Eire's victorious Gay and Lesbian Equality Network and Angela Mason, Director of Stonewall. Most of the pubs and clubs are organising their own Pride events (which includes The Blue Moon Cafe who are holding a champagne breakfast before the March). Full details are in the Pride Programme which can be obtained from most venues in Scotland - phone 0131-556 8822 if you can't get your hands on one. Pride Scotland is entirely funded by donations and sponsorship - so put something in the collecting buckets. Otherwise, we may not have a Pride next year. DUNN GOES OUT AND IN AS OUTRIGHT WOBBLES Veteran lesbigay activist Ian Dunn has been thrown out of the organisation he helped to found and then allowed back in again a week later. First, OUTRIGHT Scotland's Co-ordinating Committee expelled him for speaking to the press without permission then, after complaints that they had not obeyed the rules of natural justice, they re-instated his membership and invited him to a meeting where he will be given a chance to explain his actions. The Co-ordinating Committee were acting in response to Dunn's latest press statement which was sent to a number of publications and called into question the honesty and motives of OUTRIGHT's Convenor Martin Walker and his partner Iain Duthie. In a widely circulated press statement, the Committee alleged that Dunn 1. Had repeatedly spoken on behalf of the group or one of its companies when not authorised to do so. 2. Had misrepresented the group's policy or position, damaging the group's otherwise professional image. 3. Had uttered falsehoods regarding the Convenor and the Convenor's partner to the press. 4. Had, in the opinion of the Co-ordinating Committee, brought the group into disrepute. Martin Walker later said "A number of incidences, some dating back several years have made Ian Dunn's position within OUTRIGHT Scotland untenable. We can now move forward and continue to campaign on issues of relevance to Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals in Scotland." However, the fax machines were busy again a week later after the Committee held a special meeting and resolved to rescind its decision to terminate Dunn's membership. Instead, they decided to invite Dunn to attend another special meeting of the Committee in order to answer the complaints. In an agreed statement, the Group's Convenor later told the press, "Members of the Co-ordinating Committee last week wanted to suspend Ian Dunn's membership pending the next General Meeting of the Group, but the only sanction available to the Committee under the Group's Constitution was immediate termination of membership. After further consideration this week, and in the interests of natural justice, we will delay any decision until the meeting with Mr Dunn." The Co-ordinating Committee took the opportunity to draw up two motions which it will recommend to the Group's next General Meeting. The first would establish new arrangements, including the appointment of a Press Officer, to minimise the possibility of unauthorised public statements being made in OUTRIGHT Scotland's name. The second proposes that the General Meeting establish a working group to examine possible changes to the organisation's Constitution in order to give the Co-ordinating Committee more flexible powers to deal with complaints against members and to ensure fair treatment of such complaints. Ian Dunn was in Spain as we went to press and was unavailable for comment. Dick Wilson DEREK OFF Derek Ogg has resigned from the Board of Scottish AIDS Monitor for the second time in a year. He had resigned last Autumn but came back in confused circumstances which saw the resignation of Maureen Moore, SAM's Chief Executive, who is currently believed to be taking the matter of her departure to an employment tribunal. Ogg's latest letter of resignation, sent to SAM's staff and volunteers, roasted carping critics of the organisation. Nevertheless, it is widely believed that the Edinburgh Advocate was pushed out to restore the confidence of the people that pay most of SAM's bills - the Scottish Office and a number of local authorities. SAM's Chair, Dr Linda MacCallum, is said to have prompted Ogg's resignation by writing to SAM's Directors suggesting the move. SAM has lost considerable funding in the last year - that from the Scottish Office has been cut by nearly 50% whilst Highland and Strathclyde Regions have transferred their funds to other bodies. DANNII IN CANCELLATION RUMOUR AIDS/HIV organisation PHACE West have hit out at the attitude of a gay bar towards their launch party. According to Stewart Webb, "Delmonica's would not allow us to flyer the pub for the two weeks prior to our launch party. On the night of the party (Sun 28th May), we understand that an announcement or several announcements were made over the PA system that Dannii Minogue would not be performing. Unable to enter the bar with flyers, PHACE West project workers and volunteers stood outside Delmonica's to inform those entering or leaving that the event was definitely on. They were then asked to move on by Delmonica's security staff and did so in order to alleviate a difficult situation. "John Wilkes, PHACE West Manager, visited Delmonica's shortly after this incident to clarify the situation to the manager who apologised for any confusion caused and stated that a further announcement would be made to clarify that Miss Minogue would be performing." However, Delmonica's claim that the DJ who made the announcement honestly believed that the appearance had been cancelled. "As soon as this was discovered not to be the case, a further announcement was made correcting the position". It appears that Delmonica's (and PHACE West) may have been the victim of a crowd of unidentified people who were believed to have travelled round the scene on the previous evening spreading the cancellation rumour NEWS FOR THE SHITS Born again Christian Rupert Murdoch's News International has been slated by nine AIDS and lesbigay groups and reported to the Press Complaints Commission after they infiltrated a safer sex workshop and blazoned it over two issues of their down market title News of the World. The Bondage Course, run by Scottish AIDS Monitor as part of their programme of safer sex education, took place over two days at the Charlie Reid Centre in Glasgow's Elmbank Street. Now, following the publicity, the National Schizophrenia Fellowship, which runs the Centre, has thrown out the Strathclyde TV/TS Group, Crosslynx, which used to meet there. According to SAM, the News of the World reports were full of 'prejudicial and pejorative references' which included 'dirty dozen', 'weirdo', 'perverts', 'grey-haired lecher' and 'another sad case'. SAM complains that the rag has breached four PCC guidelines on 'accuracy', 'comment, conjecture and fact', 'privacy' and 'discrimination'. The article claimed that 'slobbering perverts' had 'practised flogging' each other 'at a vile bondage course funded by taxpayers'. If there's any slobbering going on, it's more likely to be coming from the News of the Screws readers who buy such rubbish or perhaps from the 'journalist' who 'exposed' the workshop concerned. UNFRIENDLY Fife Friend may have to look for a new spot for their monthly disco in Kirkcaldy after another magazine published details of the venue. An hotel spokesperson told ScotsGay: "We're a three star hotel and have our normal guests to consider. This was booked as a private party and future bookings are now in question." SWITCH Strathclyde Lesbian and Gay Switchboard have changed their phone number and have moved to new offices in the West End of Glasgow. Switchboard's new number is 0141-332 8372 and their lines are open every evening between 7pm and 10pm. YOUTH The Arches, in Glasgow, will be the venue for a meeting on Saturday 1st July to find out what services are missing for young lesbigays. From10am, there'll be workshops as well as a performance by Gay Youth Manchester's Drama Group in the evening. Details: Derek Craig on 0141-332 3838. HAPPY BUS 'Priscilla - Queen of the M1' (and presumably also of the M74 and M6) will ride loud and proud to Pride 1995 in London. Departing from Glasgow on Friday 23rd June, the luxury coach will feature on board videos and competitions. To book, phone 0141-332 3838 or 0141-332 8372. Seats cost ukp20 with a reduction to ukp15 for GLC members and PHACE West volunteers. BI LOSS Bifrost, the bisexual magazine, has folded and the Bisexual Resource Centre in Edinburgh's Lesbigay Centre has shut, but Bisexual Group meetings continue there each Thursday and the Bisexual Phoneline is still operating. SICK Jim Liddle has resigned as organiser of the Lantern Group in Edinburgh after his sick father suffered malicious telephone calls from city Christians complaining about his gay son. Jim, a practising Christian himself, was also on the receiving end of complaints about the Christian posters he displayed in the Lesbigay Centre. The Lantern continues to meet each Monday. CAFE MOVES The owners of GHQ have kicked the Eat Out Cafe out of their premises following a row, but Eat Out Partner Brendan Nash has now acquired the lease for the Edge Cafe in Edinburgh which recently ceased trading after being run for a month by James Stewart. BASHERS Three youths and a 14 year old girl have been arrested in connection with the murder of Michael Dorran found dying in Glasgow's Queens Park. There had been numerous reports of a gang of young queerbashers operating in this popular gay cruising spot. ------------------------------------------------------------------- SERIAL ====== COFFEE FOR THREE In the previous episode of our serial on Dave and Paul's formative years by Tony Hiscox-Sloane, the two 18 year olds eventually lost their virginity. Now, here's part four, so read on ... It was early, about 7.30 am, when I was awakened by the light streaming in the open window. After last night, I felt as though Paul and I were one; I couldn't really believe that we had had our first taste of real gay sex. As I lay there with Paul breathing lightly in my ear, I cast my mind back to what we had done. I was surprised how easy it was to take his cock up my back passage, the pleasure was even greater than I had imagined. The thought of our night of passion soon gave me another hard-on which I pressed against Paul's bum. "That's my job, Bitch", he whispered softly as he awakened. I put my hand out and held his cock which was by now up and ready for action. "Let's do it again before we get up", I whispered. "I don't have any more fucking condoms", he replied. He must have seen the disappointment in my face. "Look, I'll get more for tonight, OK?" "OK", I replied. "Let's wank each other off then, yeah!" I needed no further encouragement. We had only cleaned up our respective loads when Gran knocked on the bedroom door. "Come on boys it's 9.00 am . Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes." "What do you want to do today Paul?", my loverboy asked. "Well I fancy trying one of the gay pubs, what do you think?" "It sounds OK to me." I produced a list of pubs which I had torn out of one of the London based gay magazines which I had found in the main library. I knew it would come in handy some time. We eventually settled for CC Blooms and, once we had done some scouting around the shops, we decided to head for the pub. When we arrived it was a bit quiet, but then of course it was only 4.30pm. As we were to find out, the pubs didn't get busy 'til the evening. Even so, there were still quite a few folk in for that time of day. We started to talk to a guy at the bar, his name was Peter - agewise, I put him at about 21 or so. After the usual pleasantries we got chatting, and it turned out that he was working as a hairdresser just down the road, but was on holiday for a week. Hence the reason for being in the pub at that time of day. Paul excused himself and went off to the toilet and, no sooner had he gone, than Peter asked if we were a couple. "I suppose so", I replied. I filled him in very briefly on our history. He just nodded, then asked if we would like to come up to his flat for a coffee as he was fed up with the pubs anyway. I put it to Paul on his return. "Yeah, whatever", was his laconic reply. We finished our drinks and headed off to Peter's flat. It wasn't far, just over the Bridges, near South Clerk Street. It was quite a nice flat, clean and well kept for one so young. "Tea or coffee?", Peter asked. "Oh, coffee for both of us", I shouted through to the kitchen. Peter was a very self assured type of guy, and it was no surprise when he asked if we were just into each other or if we were into other guys as well. "Well, if you must know, neither of us have been with anyone else." Paul and I looked at each other in a shy kind of a way. There was a moment's silence only broken as Peter coughed and blurted out: "Do you fancy a threesome?". "Don't know", Paul muttered. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't mind", I replied and smiled at Paul who smiled back and just nodded in agreement. Peter got up and closed the curtains, took our empty coffee cups away and returned with a double duvet and some pillows and spread them in front of the fire. One minute we were looking at each other, the next Peter was standing in front of us wearing only a black jock strap which hid very little of his fairly large manhood. He had a fantastic swimmer's type body. We both looked at each other and very quickly stripped off and joined Peter on the duvet. Peter threw some condoms and gel on the floor and teased us, "Use as you see fit, guys". After a bit of feeling around, Peter asked if he could watch while we fucked. I smiled at Paul and turned over onto my belly. I could see that Dave was getting really turned on. Very soon he was inside me, giving me all the pleasures I had encountered the previous night. Peter, for his part, sat above my head wanking himself and eventually put his cock into my mouth. By this time, we were all well and truly away with ourselves, changing positions and just having a bloody good time. But soon it was time to head back to Gran's. As we were leaving, Peter said that he had really enjoyed himself and if we fancied it, to give him a ring and we could meet up for a coffee again. Some coffee! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LA CAGE AUX FOLLES ================== La Cage is a magnificent piece of musical theatre. It tells the story of a 'married' couple George and Albin who run a transvestite nightclub in St. Tropez. George is the manager and MC and Albin as 'Zsa Zsa' is the star attraction, with the 'notorious and dangerous' Cagelles dance troupe. The musical is full of wonderful songs, from the hit tune "I Am What I Am" to the tender love songs "Look Over There" and "Song of the Sand" to rousing chorus numbers "La Cage aux Folles" and "The Best of Times". It has dynamic dancing from 'Les Cagelles' - Tap, Can Can, Kick-Line - and there is fabulous farce in the play which tells how George & Albin's son Jean-Michel is going to marry 'a woman', who is the daughter of the politician who is trying to clean up the South of France, and how they avoid him finding out 'who they are'. A spectacular show with ukp400,000 of costumes, London Palladium sets and a cast who love every minute of La Cage - and so will you. ScotsGay has been given two sets of tickets for both the Glasgow and Edinburgh runs of the production. Now, we're giving readers a chance to win them in our free competition! All you have to do is answer the following simple question: In which country is St Tropez? Send your answer (along with your name, address, telephone number and where you want to see the show) to: La Cage aux Folles Competition, Pageprint Limited, PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW, by Mon 3rd July. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WANNA GET OFF? THEN GET ON! =========================== Not that long ago, the Internet (if it had been heard of at all) was looked on as the ultimate in nerdy anorakness. However in the past year or so it has become the hot and hip topic of conversation, spawning such newspeak as "The Global Village" and "The Information Superhighway", both of which are actually completely meaningless, but are good soundbites to throw into a politician's speech. So what's it all actually about? Well, basically, it's just a new communications medium, a bit like telephones were in the '30s, or fax machines in the early '80s. Lots of computers all over the world connected to lots of others, but most importantly for our purposes, lots of potentially interesting people sitting in front of those computers. And lesbigay people, always more adaptable to change, have embraced the Internet with Gay Abandon (sorry!) - political campaigns are built and waged across it, thousands of people meet their Mr. or Ms. Right on it (or just their 'You'll Do For The Evening'), masses of information on organisations, the law and venues are collated and for those cold and lonely evenings a hot and/or friendly contact to chat or have virtual nooky with. Yes, virtual nooky. Ok, so at the moment it's limited to a few lines of text on a computer screen, but you are connected to another person who is just as horny as you and shares the same bizarre fetish. So what if they're in Saskatchewan, right now they're there in front of you, typing one-handed, waiting for your next scorching line of intimate details. Sounds fun? Well it is, and more and more of our kin are finding their way on-line. Unfortunately, there are a quadrillion different ways to actually get on-line, and if I were to go through them all there'd be no room for anything else in the mag, and, yes, even the scene pages would have to go (Ow! Ow! Stop hitting me! Ok Ok they're very good scene pages OK? Can I get on with it now?). You might be lucky, and have access from your work, or university - good if you can get it, as it won't cost you anythin'. The rest of us have to either shell out for an Internet account from one of the providers (see box) and get a hold of a decent computer and a box called a modem, or else pop into one of the rapidly-opening Internet Cafes dotted around the place. You've never used a computer before? Ah, well, this is where I shirk my responsibilities again and tell you to find yourself a local computer guru, or check out one of the many computer magazines (I'm sure the newsagent will hide it in a plain brown paper bag if you ask). This is the hardest part of the process, and you'll undoubtedly shed many tears of frustration along the way, that is if you don't drown in the sea of multiplying cables that spring up and take over your room. However, as you'll see, the effort is worth it... For instance, via the 'Net I've found myself two boyfriends (one for eight years, one for six), numerous Bits On The Side, a hell of a lot of damned good friends who I can turn to in times of need, and, get this, a free trip over to the 'States to meet some of them! Now I can't guarantee that a week after you join you'll have the Air Tickets on your doormat, but such is the nature of the 'Net - these sorts of things can and do happen. Assuming that you've got over the access hurdle, how do you get in touch with all these people? Well most if not all 'Net connections have electronic mail, a bit like normal mail (now known as 'snail-mail') except that you type your message into a computer and it'll get to the other side of the world in under half an hour (most of the time!). Even if you only get to grips with e-mail you can 'meet' hundreds of different people, via what are called Mailing Lists. These are like collection points, where lots of messages from lots of different people are stuck together, and when there are about 5-15 messages, they're copied and sent out to all of the people subscribing to the list. Some lists are fairly quiet, with one mailing (or 'digest') a week, others can have up to three a day when they get busy. There are over 100 lesbigay-related mailing lists up and running and I've included a few in the box. The trick with mailing lists is to get chatting on them and see who catches your fancy. Then you can mail them privately and see if they're interested too. Be aware, though, that nuisance and obscene e-mail can be just as nasty as obscene telephone calls - start off courteously, and only get down to the raunchy stuff if you both want to. Oh, one thing you'll see again and again is the term 'MOTSS'. The Internet is chockablock full of abbreviations and acronyms, and this one stands for "Member Of The Same Sex". This came about because there are a lot of folk on the 'Net who don't like us, and can (and do, alas) cause us quite a bit of grief from time to time. By making the nature of the forum/group/list/whatever less obvious to outsiders we can cut down on the abuse and get on with the job of bickering amongst ourselves in (relative) peace. The next possible point of contact is via what's called Usenet, which is commonly referred to simply as "News". These are public forums for discussion, a bit like a bulletin board that you'd find in a community centre perhaps, except that they can be huge, and there are literally thousands of them, covering an unbelievable myriad of topics. There are a handful of gay forums, but are more directed towards chat and discussion - unsolicited "Hi I'm dead cute, wanna fuck me?" messages become very tedious very quickly. Get involved in the conversations, and as for mailing lists, see who catches your reading eye. Tell your 'news reader' program to get some of the following groups: alt.homosexual, alt.personals.motss,,,, soc.motss,,, uk.personals. When you see the TV News going on about the Internet, chances are the 'pooter in the background is connected to the World Wide Web. It's all fancy pictures and nicely formatted text, and really is easy to use. All you need is a Web browser (or navigator), the most common of which are called Mosaic and Netscape. Not all Internet providers can give you Web access, so check up if you want it. All you have to do is point your navigator at the URL or address of the Web site you want to look at, and your screen will fill with text and pictures. Then you just look around the screen and then point at any other interesting looking sites and pages - your browser will then fetch them. The Web is great for getting information, indeed most of the info for this article came from the excellent Queer Resources Directory. It has pointers to just about everything queer on the 'Net, from mailing lists to online versions of gay magazines. The smaller Web sites are set up by individuals, so they usually have some details about themselves and a few pics. You sometimes get sounds too. Note that you don't interact with the Web, you just browse it and find out where to go from there. Finally we come to the nooky section. Real-time chat with people all over the world, and if you go to the right places they'll be chatting about sex. Internet Relay Chat is, I think, going to explode in popularity as more and more people find out about its virtues, and vices. Basically a group of people get together inside what are called 'channels', and chat about whatever the channel is about. You type things into your computer and these are sent to all the other people's computers. You can send private messages too, and it's these that tend to get hot and steamy. When on IRC you take a nickname for yourself, up to 9 characters, for example I'm known on IRC as 'EdinBear'. Sometimes you can connect to IRC directly via your own computer, using a program called an IRC client. These can get quite nice and graphical, with lots of windows and fancy buttons and stuff. Some Internet providers, however, don't support that kind of connection, so you're limited to connecting to their usually much simpler client. Doesn't make much difference to what you say, it just doesn't look so nice. Once you're on IRC you can jump from channel to channel, seeing who is on, who sounds tasty, and who wants to talk dirty. Experiment with it and see if it grabs you. Oh and you can talk about other things if you want, there are at least 1500 different channels to choose from! Ok, that's the technical details outta the way. What makes the 'Net so groovy for finding people is that you get to know them long before you actually have to meet them, so it doesn't matter what you look like, or if you live out in the sticks, since with one phone call you're connected to the world. It's great for people who don't like the Scene, and is especially welcome for people with disabilities. It brings together people from all social backgrounds and cultures, and with such a wide pool to choose from the chances are there's someone out there who is right for you. One word of warning, though. The 'Net is always changing, and it could be that by the time you read this half the notes I've provided will be out of date. Sorry, but that's the way it works. Ask around for the latest pointers, or check out the Web. Also there's a lot of discussion about censoring the 'Net, as the mundanes in Parliament have decided that what they don't understand must be banned (like what's new) - the technical make-up of the 'Net would make any attempt at censorship very hard indeed, but it's not impossible. One thing's for sure. The 'Net is going to impinge on our lives more and more over the years, whether we like it or not. Best to get a foot in the door, and take advantage while you can, eh? Seamus MAILING LISTS These are the simplest of all the ways to chat to people and access information - all you need is an e-mail account somewhere, at work, university, home, dial-up BBS or even at one of the burgeoning Internet Cafes. Once you subscribe, every so often you'll get an e-mail message with a collation of the thoughts, ramblings and chat-up lines of the other members. Unfortunately there is no one across-the-board rule for subscribing to a mailing list, as many different systems are in use. So here are the names of a few of the gay lists along with the e-mail contact address. Just e-mail this person and ask about the mailing list, they're sure to send you information on how you can subscribe. Bears' Mailing List: BISEXU-L: Euro-Queer: Euro-Sappho: GL-ASB (all things S/M): TRANSGEN (trans/vestite/sexual/gender issues): uk-motss (UK's Lesbigay list): WORLD WIDE WEB - WWW Whilst it is possible, just, to use The Web on a text only interface, it really was designed to be run on a graphical system, such as Unix with XWindows, Microsoft Windows and the Macintosh. In fact it has been the very visual nature of The Web that has caused the recent explosion of interest in the Internet itself, as it makes good television and is a quick and easy way for people who are not used to using computers to access the wealth of information that's out there, just by pointing and clicking. There are many gay-oriented Web 'pages', from on-line pornographic magazines (in the Netherlands, where else?) to the excellent and very comprehensive Queer Resources Directory. Most of the Web pages available have been set up by individual people, rather than large organisations, so you can find some very personal and intimate details out there... Point your Web navigator at a few of these URLs (basically the 'address' of the pages): Queer Resources Directory: Net Services for Bears: Pulse Magazine: GETTING ON-LINE Internet Cafes: If you're lucky you'll be able to pop along to one of these. They are your standard cafe, except that they are full of computers as well. For around ukp2.00 you can get half an hour on-line whilst you sup your cappuccino. Some of them can set up e-mail accounts for you too. We only know of two that are open so far, both in Edinburgh. These are Cyberia, 88 Hanover Street (0131-220 4403) and Web 13, 13 Bread Street (0131-229 8883). Cyberia have plans afoot to open cafes in Aberdeen and Glasgow, however, and the Virtual Byte Cafe should be opening in Tayside (possibly Dundee) in the near future. Keep a look out in your area for other cafes, as the idea is catching on fast. Service Providers: these are the people who will connect your home or office computer up to the 'Net. Each is aimed at different levels of technical know-how, and they all approach things in different ways. Ask them to send you some info, and see which suits you best: BBC (0181-576 7799), CityScape (01223 566950), Cix (0181-390 8446), Delphi (0171-757 7160), Demon (0171-757 7160), Internet Scotland (0141-337 6662). INTERNET RELAY CHAT - IRC Depending on how you get on-line, you can either run a program on your computer which acts as the connection to the IRC system (a client) or you have to connect to a client on-line - find out from your service provider. The basic commands for IRC are '/join #channel', '/msg person message', '/whois person', '/who #channel' and '/quit'. So if you wanted to hang out in the GaySex channel you'd start up your IRC program or connect to your client and then type '/join #gaysex'. Thereafter, all that you type without a '/' will appear on the channel, and thus on all the members of that channel's screen. Anything they type will appear on your screen. If you want to talk to someone privately, say there's a guy called SexToy that looks intriguing, you'd type '/msg sextoy Hi - you sound interesting, where are you based?' This message will only appear on SexToy's screen. '/whois person' tells you some details of a person, and you can usually determine what country they're in from this - but not always! Use it as a rough guide. '/who #channel' lists all the people on a particular channel, and '/quit' will take you off the IRC system. There are a multitude of IRC channels devoted to all things gay; here're a few to get you started: #bearcave, #bimensex, #gay, #gaysex, #gaysm, #jack-off, #uk-poofs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSIDE OUT ========== The most complete, up-to-date and readable guide to Scotland's scene, with all the news and gossip. All the pubs and clubs, bookshops and cafes are here, along with what's happening to them and in them. Then we have a fine selection of punters looking for fun, friendship and love. Maybe one of them is looking for you? Aberdeen: CLUB CABERFEIDH 9 Hadden Street. Tel: (01224) 212181. Every night 10pm-2am. The biggest and most popular Lesbian and Gay disco in the north! FLANNIES BAR 20 Stirling Street. Tel: (01224) 583881. Mon-Sat 11am-12pm, Sun 6.30pm-11pm. Run by the owners of Club Caberfeidh and just round the corner! Down to earth and friendly. Pool table. Deservedly popular with dykes. Mixed Clientele. PINK FLAMINGO 47 Upper Kirkgate. Tel: (01224) 624472. Mon-Fri 5pm-2am, Sat-Sun 1pm-2am. Plush cocktail bar frequented by the trendier crowd. Dundee: CLUB CRUISE 60 Brown Street (part of Oscars). Tel: (01382) 221176. Sat 11pm-3am. Noisy with soft lighting, but, despite its name, relaxed and not too cruisy. Possibility of a new monthly Wednesday Romp - watch this space. DEVA'S 75 Seagate. Tel: (01382) 226840. Mon-Sat 11am-midnight, Sun 12.30pm-11pm. The revamped Gauger Bar. Something for everyone! Edinburgh: BLUE MOON 36 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-557 0911. Mon-Thu 9.30am-midnight. Fri 9.30am-3am. Sat-Sun 5am-3am!!!! (Brasserie Noon-3pm & 6-11pm). Popular lesbigay cafe . The 'Other Side of the Moon' Brasserie is entered from Broughton Street whilst the Barony Street entrance gives access to the cafe. CAFE LUCIA 13-29 Nicolson Street. Tel: 0131-662 1112. Generally 10am-10pm but hours vary according to performances. Mixed bar attached to the financially challenged Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Full of luvvies and their friends! C.C. BLOOM'S 23 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-556 9331. Noon-3am. Bar/diner serving superb food in the Hole in the Wall restaurant (Noon-10pm). Karaoke on Thursday and Sunday. Kwizoki Night on Tuesday at 10pm. Male strippers Sun afternoons. Disco every night. CITY CAFE 19 Blair Street. Tel: 0131-220 0125. Mon-Sat 11am-1pm, Sun 11am-midnight. Not as outrageously mixed as it used to be, but still seriously conventional. CLUB SAPPHO 25-27 Market Street. Tel: 0131-226 4224. Fri 9pm-4am. Scotland's new women only nightclub/bar. Fab atmosphere, venue and sounds. Wheelchair accessible. DRONDALE LIMITED 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 1471. Open Mon-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat 12-8. Situated at the front of the Edinburgh Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Centre. Undoubtedly the largest gay shop north of Manchester, carrying a large selection of magazines, cards, toys, underwear, swimwear, leather and rubberwear. Well worth a visit. Worldwide mail order service. EAT OUT IN EDINBURGH 60 Broughton Street. 9am-1am. Licensed cafe at the rear of the Edinburgh LG&B Centre. Now under the capable management of Brendan Nash - need we say more? Undoubtedly, the place to partake of a superior set of comestibles. EDINBURGH LESBIAN GAY AND BISEXUAL CENTRE 58a and 60 Broughton Street. Owned by OUTRIGHT Scotland, it houses Calosa Publishing Limited, Drondale Limited, Eat Out in Edinburgh and Pride Scotland as well as providing meeting and noticeboard space for many lesbigay organisations. FOUR BBBB's CLUB 26b Dublin Street. Tel: 0131-538 7775. Big Beary Bulky Boys have their own club at Intense in the Newtown Bar on the 4th Friday of the month. 8-10pm - bar opens to non members 9pm-12.30am. FUSION 22 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-558 1270. Mon-Sat 6.30pm-3am. Sun 10pm-3am. Edinburgh's latest gay bar. Formerly Chapps Bar, now run by Brian 'One Nighter' Le Vell. INSINUENDOS CABARET CLUB 2 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-556 0499. Basement Cabaret Bar in QT's - cabaret plus disco. Sat - free cabaret at midnight, Mon - male stripper at midnight. Karaoke some other nights - but ask. JOY AT THE CALTON 20 Calton Road. Tel: 0131-558 3758. Sat 11pm-late. Edinburgh's increasingly mixed Saturday One Nighter. Reduced entry before midnight. Free membership. Wheelchair accessible. LEITH OYSTER BAR 10 Burgess Street, Leith. Tel: 0131-554 6294. Noon-1am. Mixed but popular with students and Real Ale queens. Selection of real ales and good food. LORD NELSON BAR Linden Hotel, 9-13 Nelson Street. Tel: 0131-557 4344. Mon-Sat Noon-2pm, 6pm-11pm. Sun 7pm-11pm. A quiet bar attached to Edinburgh's biggest gay hotel. Superb Thai restaurant. MAGGIE RAYES 85 Rose Street Lane North. Tel: 0131-225 7651. Mon-Thur Noon-1am. Fri-Sat Noon-2am. Sun 1pm-1am. Frenetically friendly impromptu cabaret bar - formerly French Connections. Friday is karaoke night! Wheelchair accessible. NEWTOWN BAR 26B Dublin Street. Tel: 0131-538 7775. Noon-1am. Especially popular with Bears, but has wide clientele. Real Ale. Intense, the sub-basement cruise bar is open Fri-Sat 9pm-1am - mainly men, but women welcome too!. No EIGHTEEN 18 Albert Place. Tel: 0131-553 3222. Mon-Sat Noon-10pm. Scotland's only sauna club for gay gentlemen - run by a couple of straight Dykes! QT'S BAR 2 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-556 0499. Noon-2am. Bright city centre bar with a mixed crowd of all ages. At the Centre of Edinburgh's Gay Triangle. ROUTE 66 6 Baxter's Place. Tel: 0131-556 5991. Sun-Fri 3pm-1.30am. Sat Noon-1.30am. Food served all day. Discos Fri, Sat and Sun with DJs Christine, Claire and Patsy. Real Ale. THEATRE ROYAL BAR 24 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-557 2142. Mon-Sat 11am-midnight. Sun 6pm-11pm. Basically straight, this Real Ale bar (formerly a Gas Board Showroom) in the middle of Edinburgh's Gay Triangle attracts an increasing number of queers having an off-scene pint before heading for the fleshpots nearby. WEST & WILDE BOOKSHOP 25a Dundas Street. Tel: 0131-556 0079. Tue-Sat 10am-7pm, Sun Noon-5pm. Scotland's only lesbian and gay bookshop. Lots of books and quite a few magazines! Falkirk: DROOKIT DUCK 16 Grahams Road. Tel: 01324 613644 Mon 11am-3pm and 5pm-11.30. Tue-Thu 11am-3pm and 5pm-12.30am. Fri-Sat 11am-12.30am. Sun 7pm-midnight. Straight bar used by a few local gays. Glasgow: AUSTINS 183a Hope Street. Tel: 0141-332 2707. Mon-Sat Noon-midnight, Sun 12.30am-midnight. Friendly and busy basement pub. Food lunchtimes. Entertainment every evening. BENNETS DISCO 80-90, Glassford Street. Tel: 0141-552 5761. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Very popular busy gay disco. Tuesdays straight. CAFE DELMONICA'S 68 Virginia Street. Tel: 0141-552 4803. Mon-Sun Noon-midnight. Food Noon-7pm. Busy semi trendy pub with backroom area (but not THAT kind of backroom!). Cabaret Thurdays. Karaoke Wed and Sun. Happy hours 5-7 and 9-10 every night. CCA Centre for Contemporary Arts, 350 Sauchiehall Street. Tel: 0141-332 7521. Centre open Mon- Wed 9am-11pm Thur-Sat 9am-midnight. Bookshop 11am-7pm. Galleries 11am-6pm (admission free). Two galleries, two performance spaces, cafe bar and bookshop. Lesbigay friendly place bustling with life, the universe and everything. Wheelchair accessible apart from upstairs performance space. CLUB X-CHANGE 25 Royal Exchange Square. Tel: 0141-204 4599. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Large basement club, popular with young crowd. Wednesday nights are straight (though still quite mixed). COURT BAR 69 Hutcheson Street. Tel: 0141-552 2463. Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight, Sun 8.30-11pm. Small bar beside former Sheriff Court. Straight until mid-evening. DIVALLY'S 86 Maxwell Street. Tel: 0141-221 4657. 11am-3am. Increasingly popular members' club containing lounge bar and cinema showing legal erotica (gay and straight). Gayer on Mon and Tue. Glasgow's only TV staff! Membership available at the door. GHQ 8-10 West George Street. Tel: 0141-332 8005. Noon-midnight. Nice and convenient for Queen Street Station. Large bar featuring Suave Gav - Glasgow's most popular DJ - when he's not working at Bennets. GHQ CAFE 8-10 West George Street. Tel: 0141-332 7060. 11am-11pm, 7 days. Licensed cafe. JOY IN THE TUNNEL 84 Mitchell Street. Tel: 0141-204 1000. Wed 11pm-3am. New one nighter organised by Maggie and Alan from Edinburgh's Joy. SQUIRES LOUNGE 106 West Campbell Street. Tel: 0141-221 9184. Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight, Sat 12.30pm-Midnight, Sun 8pm-11pm. Long narrow intimate basement bar, DJ Thu, Fri & Sat. Packed at the weekend. Nightly happy hours. VICTORIA BAR 157-159 Bridgegait. Tel: 0141-552 6040. Mon-Sat Noon-midnight, Sun 12.30pm-midnight. Basically straight, but popular with real ale queens and dykes. THE WATERLOO 306 Argyle Street. Tel: 0141-221 7359. Mon-Sun Noon-midnight. Popular, crowded, down to earth drinking shop. Cabaret every Thursday, Karaoke on Sundays. Tuesdays Music and Quiz Night. Greenock: Although Greenock doesn't have a gay bar as such, some local lesbians and gays meet and socialise in the Princess Lounge. Some young gays also use the Jolly Sailor to meet and play pool. Inverness: NICO'S BAR/BISTRO Glen Mhor Hotel, Ness Bank. Tel: 01463 234308. Wed and Fri 9-11pm. Smart relaxed bar popular with local gays especially on Wednesday and Friday nights (9.15pm onwards). Mixed clientele. Kilmarnock: KAYPARK TAVERN 27/29 London Road. Tel: 01563 523623. Straight pub - the lounge is said to be used by some local gays on Mondays. Stirling: BARNTON BISTRO 3 1/2 Barnton Street. Tel: 01786 461698. Mon-Sat 10.15am-11pm (Meals Noon-8pm), Sun 6.30pm-11pm. Mixed, busy and friendly - popular with students. Good food. Real Ale. ABERDEEN As we go to press we hear that Flannies is no longer being run as a gay bar (sob), but contrary to rumour it is not going to close down for a period and local gays are still welcome (fab). However, Club Caberfeidh is to remain as a gay club (Yeahh!) and will now open seven days a week from 9pm-late. It's fantabulosa to see Jacqui back at the helm after a wee break due to illness. I am sure she will soon be putting all her energies into the old place once again. One thing she tells me is already in her Social Engagements Diary is the Mad Mid-Summers X-mas Party in the latter part of June. What next? A Hogmanay Party in September? (Noooooooo). The women in the Granite City seem a little slow to support the women only night each month at the East Neuk Bar on the last Friday of the month. Now come on girls, support it or loose it. Another group for those who are not too keen on the commercial scene is the Icebreakers social group who meet on the last Sunday of the month. Call the Switchboard on 01224 586869 for details. Fun for all the pretend family! DUNDEE An old friend who has been down south for a few years called the other day to ask if Dundee still had a gay scene, as he was about to be moved back home with his work. Well not only does it still have a gay scene but it is getting busier by the month, and is getting even more outrageous. The former Gauger has been revamped and now goes by the name of Deva's. As well as the new look to the place, there's also a new pool table and (wait for it) a juke box with the oldest and campest selection of raves from the grave you have ever heard. The modern selection contains Petula Clarke - see what I mean? I can't wait to get in there with my two bob bit (showing my age) to try some of those old 45s, yes, that's right 45s. Does that take you back or what. (Not really, I was brought up on 78s and 80s - Ed) Deva's will also be concentrating on serving quality food from their a la carte menu. All that is missing is the bedrooms, eh Karn? It would appear that the one nighter at the Edge is still closed although the Saturday nighter at Club Cruise is going from strength to strength with a popular mix of house and chart music to attract the merry throng of punters who regularly bop the night away. EDINBURGH Is that two months already? Seems like two years, me dears. However, on with the gossip (Don't you mean well researched information? Oh well, maybe not! - Ed). It would seem that it's all move in the Jessieburgh scene this weather. What with Frox at Buster Browns failing to get the support it needed (Thank you for the support, I shall always wear it) and a strong rumour that one major gay bar is about to change hands and yet another one is up for grabs, it make a gal wonder what the hell is going on these days. Is it a case of one bolt hole too many? Time will tell, eh? One welcome addition to the scene that should stay the course is the new Eat Out in Edinburgh arising phoenix like from the ashes of the old cafe in the Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Centre. We at ScotsGay wish Brendan and the team well with the new venture. When you're in Edinburgh, Nash on down there ... Over at Maggie Rayes, as well as the all day party for Pride, I hear a very special Karaoke is being planned for the end of the month. In July, plans are afoot for an all day Hoedown (Raymond tidying up the garden?), a Boston Tea Party (nothing to do with that interesting shop next to No 18) and a Bastille Weekend (sounds like the French Connection is still around). A busy wee pub and a busy big Raymond! Round at CC Blooms, believe it or not, it will soon be time for their first birthday party (Wed 5th July), with a surprise appearance by... now that would spoil the wee surprise. Stevie at Route 66 tells us that he is planning to run buses all over the country to other Bass owned pubs, with others coming up to Edinburgh. Sounds a bit like a European Exchange Deal - they don't call him Stevie Stagecoach for nothing! Just make sure you all have your passports ready, my dears. Now Stevie, I know I like a vodka or two, but to open a bar just for me, such a sweetie. I bet he still makes me pay for them though. My spy in the camp, (excuse the pun) tells me that Fusion is not as busy as had been hoped for at first. Part of this might have to do with the open look it now has and of course maybe it's just one pub too many in this area. Time will tell. I am sure Miss Le Vell will give it her best shot as long as she is there. Well, not much more to report this month, so I'll go and get the good dress out of the cleaners for Pride, get the camera loaded up and look forward to seeing you all there. GLASGOW Those nice people from the Glasgow Bars AIDS Welfare Fund Committee have started to advertise their next extravaganza - a Hoedown on the Renfrew Ferry. Well there should be no problems in getting enough cows and bulls for that one. The date for the diary is Monday the 10th of July. The dress code being - Gingham-Denin-Rhinestones, what ever turns you cowboy. I also hear that a very special surprise guest is being lined up. Tickets are ukp6 and will be available soon from the various bars. It would appear that the opening of the Glasgow Lesbian and Gay Centre is fast becoming a reality, with the adverts going up for the excess office space in their new premises in the city centre. It is hoped to have the centre open in the autumn. Watch this space for details. I hear that there are only a few tickets left for Priscilla's run to Pride in London, so if there any of you with any spare energy after Pride Scotland, you'd better get your tickets now to avoid being left behind. She came, she saw, she conquered! Little Ms Dynamite herself - Dannii Minogue - in her only appearance in Scotland, had them swinging from the rafters of Glasgow's Tunnel Club. And what about her lovely boys? Mmmmmmmm!!! The way the pubs filled up that evening and the free entry to the launch party of Phace West guaranteed a full house of over 800 hot and pulsating bodies on yet another May Bank Holiday weekend. It was good to see so many people making an effort and dressing up for the occasion. And what about Brendan Nash? Now there's camp and then there's camp and then there was Brendan Nash. Enough said, my dear. Nice one Bren, but is Jessieburgh ready for you? Now for those amongst you who like to sing, and I don't mean Karaoke, SAM's Peter McGraith and Jim Crowley are putting together a gay men's choir. They are also hoping to attract a gay man to be their very first Musical Director. Anyone interested should give Peter or Jim a ring on 0141-353 3133. If they can't get any Tenors, wonder if they'll settle for a fiver on account? Another SAM first is to be the SAM football team SAM United FC (Fucking Clever). The team is open to anyone regardless of age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status or race. However former pro's with great legs will be especially welcome - which rather rules out Jimmy Somerville! Jessieburgh is invading Glasgow again. It appears that the Joy crowd (Maggie and Alan plus DJ Christine), not content with a one nighter at Club X on 16th of June are starting up regular Wednesday nighters at the Tunnel from June 28th. Sounds like a perfect venue for them with its two distinct dance floors. Round the pubs, I hear that that well known tramp from Austins, the lovely Miss Betty - B has been seen on television recently. I bet that her appearance money is about to take a hike. Now what is all this I hear about Calum from the Waterloo and a certain guy with a big tache? No use denying it dear, I have the photos to prove it (see this page for proof). Just you wait 'til Shuggie gets you home, my boy. Ooooh! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOXES - THE SCOTSGAY MEET MARKET ================================ To reply to a Contact Ad: By e-mail: We can now accept replies by e-mail for Box Numbers. They should be sent to and will be printed out and posted on by snail mail to the box number holders. There will be no charge for this service. As box number holders are unlikely to have access to e-mail, please include your name and address so that they can get back to you! And remember to include the box number that you're replying to clearly on each reply. By snail mail: Just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the envelope with your reply inside another envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outside the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage stamps. International Reply Coupons are available from most Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs. Send all replies to: ScotsGay Magazine, Pageprint Limited, PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW. To place a Contact Ad: Write to the above address enclosing your advertisement copy. Ads are FREE of charge to the advertiser. Or you can send them by e-mail to ScotsGay's FREE personal ads are read by more people than those in any other Scottish based lesbigay publication. WOMEN ===== Paula Paula, Wednesday 19th April, Bennet's, you were with Melvin, I was with Hugh. We had to get the last bus. Hugh told me you said that you were too shy to talk to me, Cathy. Please get in contact - I'd like to talk to you. Box SG0401. Lesbian, 36, non-smoker, seeks friends/relationship, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife areas. Box SG0402. Glasgow/North Hi! 30 year young fun loving lesbian requires someone with VGSOH. Looks unimportant, personality counts. So, if you know how to have fun and laugh a lot, contact me. Box SG0403. Attractive Intelligent Educated gay woman, early thirties, mum to toddler, shy but articulate, likes cinema, reading, writing, seeks new friends, possibly relationship with sensitive, honest, genuine woman. Box SG0404. MEN === Fife/Edinburgh Shy 18 year old lad 6'1", hairy, brown skin, n/s, GSOH, easy going, intelligent. Looking for 1-2-1 with someone who can show me the ropes - 18-25. Photo please. Box SG0407. Friendly Bear seeks Smooth Cub Small friendly and extremely hairy bear, 38, would like to get his paws on a smooth young cub. Your cave or mine! Box SG0408. Son wanted Are you under 26, lonely, needing a father figure to look up to? I'm a friendly understanding guy, 40, who would be glad to offer you fatherly fun and friendship. Box SG0409. Perth - Edinburgh - Anywhere Hi! Me 22, 6ft tall, brown hair, 10st. You 25-35, GSOH, enjoy nights in or out. Possible 1-2-1. No time wasters. Photo please. ALA. Box SG0410. Absolutely Normal Can't believe he's doing this. Seeks response from guy (under 24) who can't believe he'd respond. Box SG0411. Glasgow/Anywhere 29, 5'10", slim, cropped dark hair, big brown eyes, seeking caring genuine guys for fun, sexy times, possible 1-2-1. Can travel or accommodate. Photo, phone number, genuine frank letter appreciated. Box SG0412. Glasgow, Strathclyde, Scotland Early retired housemaster in young men's remand home invites lads aged 18-36 who are wayward, wilful and disobedient to his study where they will be taught obedience, respect and humility by over the knee spanking or stronger CP if deserved. I am fair, generous and have GSOH. Newcomers to spanking scene especially welcome. Box SG0413. Glasgow - Uncle seeks Hunky Nephew You're under forty, under six foot and under orders to bring your smooth muscles to me. In return, this 49er will make you feel warm, wanted and well used. ALA. Box SG0414. CQ CQ CQ Licensed radio amateur (GM1) would like to hear from others. Novice licence holders especially welcome! Box SG0415. Horny Guy 35 year old, Edinburgh based, can travel or accommodate, would like to meet young guys (18+) for uncomplicated times. No strings. Phone or photo optional but please send full frank letter. Box SG0416. Perth 18 year old, going to University in Edinburgh next year, seeks friends around the same age. Nobody over 25 please. Box SG0417. Too old at 40? If you're 18-26 and like the company of older guys, why not drop me a line? I'm kind and understanding and totally discreet if need be. Box SG0418. Dundee Recently retired sincere honest guy, non scene, seeks young boxer, footballer, for massage. Frank letter with photo, phone number, please. Discretion assured. ALA. Any race. Box SG0419. An American in Edinburgh? Actually, this good looking Canadian guy, professional, into travel and the finer things is open to meeting a friend leading to long term. Let's meet and talk about the possibilities. Thanks. Box SG0420. Glasgow Young Glasgow guy, inexperienced, s/a, n/s seeks young guy for friendship and maybe more. I am looking for a cute, intelligent and gentle slim guy you? Blond cuties can apply! Box SG0421. Glasgow Guy 29 years old straight acting, honest, genuine, caring, likes football, swimming, computing, music, pubs, clubs seeks guy 18-28 for friendship, fun and possibly relationship. Discretion assured. Box SG0422 Glasgow Gay male, 40, GSOH, chubby, TLC, non scene. You 18+, student, unemployed for nights out, in, cinema, theatre, meals, pubs? Box SG0423. Glasgow: WE, Burly Top 5'9", OK looks, 45, seeks man/men 30-50, we, bald/receding hair, moustache, helps. Wrestle? Roles? Fooling around? Suggestions and photos will get mine. Box SG0424. Dundee - Tayside - Anywhere Gay guy, slim, good looking, 39 years young, GSOH, seeks friends for 1-2-1. Any colour. Non scene. Don't be lonely. Please write - go on, make my day, you won't be disappointed. ALA. Box SG0425. Glasgow Based - Penpals? Highlands Youthful 36 year old, non smoker, vegetarian, Eurovision enthusiast, fit, slim, hairy, seeks genuine friends or special one! Sharing, fitness, theatre, travel, more? Caring romantic type, (Inverness flat, singles/couples) commitment please. 20-36. Box SG0426. Glasgow: Older (46) WE Active Guy Seeks younger (30+) guy. I'm 5'9", we, burly, grey, OK looks, intelligent; you're we (I hope), balding, thin(nish), maybe wear specs, certainly want someone for fun and more. Box SG0427. Aberdeen - Dundee - Scotland Mature chubby male, fifties, hairy, seeks dark skinned guys, all races, for safe fun, friendship, possible relationship. Can travel or accommodate. Photo/phone appreciated. Box SG0428. Glasgow - Lanarkshire Me: passive, 34, 5'11", short hair, 'tache, GSOH. You: 34-, active, GSOH, looking for fun and friendship, so get writing. ALAWP. No !squares! Box SG0429. Glasgow/Strathclyde/Anywhere Friendly bi-guy, 40's, (single), will pull your briefs down. Enjoy videos, massage, w/s, fun and frolic, welcome replies from anyone (22-40). Photographs appreciated- will return promptly, let's meet soon. Box SG0430. Dundee - Anywhere Good looking average build strong willed man 37 years old is looking for younger man for friendship possibly more. Photo required. All Letters Answered. Box SG0431. Edinburgh Professional male (51) seeks partner. Interests include music and travel. Hoping to meet someone younger for films, concerts and nights at home. Non scene. Box SG0432. Glasgow Bi Guy Early 40s, into briefs, oral, DIY, seeks like minded guys for fun/friendship. Sorry, can't accommodate. Prefer Glasgow area, but can travel. ALA. Box SG0433. Falkirk Area Falkirk based guy (30), adventurous, outdoor type, sincere, n/s, seeks similar n/s, 18-40 for fun times, friendship and possible 1-2-1. Box SG0434. 18-21? All I want is your body! Mature 35 year old guy, tired of love and romance, is looking for the occasional uninhibited no-nonsense session with a young guy (preferably smooth). Can accommodate or will travel. Beginners welcome. Box SG0435. London, Slim 37 Year Old Easy going and fun loving. Interests include photography and cinema. Are you the Mr Sheen that'll make my whole life sparkle? You can also send me e-mail: Box SG0437. Ayrshire Guy, 34, slim, is looking for friends, fun and good times with other guys aged 28-42. Box SG0438. Good times 22, 6'1", medium build, single based in London. Interests include Theatre, Music and walks in the country, seeks guys under 35 with similar interests for frivolity and good times. Box SG0439. E-mail/Pen Pals 29 yr professional computer consultant seeks gay guys to correspond with. Working in London. Likes Midi Music, Windows 95, programming, X-Files, Babylon 5 & Friday night deep-pan pizza. E-mail: Box SG0440. Edinburgh 40 year old would like to correspond/meet other guys 18-26. I'm gentle and caring. Health conscious. Non smoker. Slightly overweight (you can be too). Please send photo - returned with mine. Box SG0441. Submissive, 40 yr old, Bi guy into computers amongst other things seeks kind disciplinarian, 40+, Edinburgh area for friendship, nights in. E-mail address would be an advantage. Box SG0442. Glasgow Late 30s, seeks young friend under 25 in need of firm corrective hand. Box SG0443. West of Scotland Mature early 40's self employed man seeks younger friend (under 24) for nights in, meal out. No complications. Box SG0444. Good-looking 25 year old guy seeks outgoing and sociable people all over the world to meet or correspond with. If you're interested in everything that's fun from clubbing to going to the opera then I'm your man. E-mail or write to Box SG0445. Edinburgh 35 year old guy demands naughty 25-40 year old guys requiring old fashioned correction. Box SG0446. Glasgow Student Seeks mature guys. (Tache's/Bears very welcome). Non scene? Discretion? No probs! Me: 21, 5'11"(ish), slim, dark hair. Box SG0447. Beginners Welcome! 42 year old, would like to meet young guy (18-21) to introduce him to things gay. BoxSG0448. BISEXUAL ======== Want some fun? - Me too! Bisexual Male in the North West of England seeks males, females or couples for adult fun. I am 28, clean, discreet and uninhibited. I cannot accommodate but I can travel. E-mail: or write to Box SG0436. Edinburgh/Glasgow A house full of books and a garden full of flowers but no love. Bi-guy, 36, seeks woman for fun and friendship. Box SG0405 Well heeled seeks high heeled Male, 39, varied interests, seeks stocking wearing woman. Box SG0406 COMMERCIAL ========== Get onto the Internet For only a tenner a month (plus VAT), Demon Internet Services provides full access to the Internet. Want to learn more? Phone 0131-552 0344. Accountancy Services Tax problems, accounting, auditing, business plans, call Marios on 0131-555 0600 (Fax: 0131-555 6652). We are members of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and Registered Auditors. Personal and confidential service. New Zealand Accommodation SIGMA - South Island Gay Managed Accommodation, a network of accommodation for gays and lesbians visiting the South Island of New Zealand. For a free list, write to: Ron Harris, Shag Point, RD2 Palmerston, Otago, NZ or phone 00 64 3-465-1742. Worldwide Penfriends Regular lists. Make friends, exchange holidays, improve your languages. For general and music lovers' lists send ukp3 to 'The Penpal List', c/o 221B Merton Road, Southfields, London. SW18 5EE. Contacts in USA and France Voluntary Group for holiday exchange, penpals, etc. Covering USA and French-speaking countries. For sample bulletin send 3 International Reply Coupons to: Recontre France/Amerique, 350 Nature Trail Lane, Murrysville, PA 15668, USA. Pen Friends Lesbian, gay, bi pen pals. Members all ages all over UK. Non profit service. Membership ukp5 per year includes updates, listing, box. SAE for details to LGB National Pen Pals, PO Box 2000, Horwich, Lancs, England. BL6 7PG. FRIENDS ABROAD ============== Bi-Women Friends For friendship, pen-pal. Send letter describing yourself and interested and send picture if available. Will return with same. Marie Grace, PO Box 273, Northford, CT 06472, USA. College students seeks friends 23 yo student, Iranian descent, good shape, good sense of humour looking for male friends to talk to. Reply, you won't be sorry. If you like, you can e-mail: or write: Aashir Awan, 1945 Eastchester Rd. #18G, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. Thin American I am thin, nice muscles, blue eyes, brown hair. You must be nice, interesting, open-minded. I love to travel the world and meet all sorts of people. Friendship, love, more? Let's see what happens. E-mail at: or write: Ken Steinbrenner, 512 Scott Hall, UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA. Science Fiction CuBear seeks Chubby Daddy Bear for life-mate You're odd, intelligent, cuddly, older, wiser, creative, loving, optimistic, chubby, furry, balding. Like Star Trek:TNG, Role Playing Games? I'm 31, 5'11" 195lbs Bl/Bl cub, willing to immigrate.Ian Hoegfeldt, 5326 Minnetoga Terrace, Minnetonka, MN 55343-8948, USA. E-mail: French Canadian Gay guy from France, 6'4, 23 years old, studying in Montreal - Canada, would like to contact other gays (nearly same age) from all over the world, to exchange experiences, pictures (GIFs) or to meet.... Interests: travels, sports, nature, computers. E-mail me! (fweens@EE.McGill.CA) or write me! Franck WEENS 3-1722 Iberville, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, H2K 3C2 32yo active guy from Rio, Brazil GWM, suntanned, 1.78 m, 80 kgs, masculine, ring on left ear, hairy,uncut, brown hair, brown eyes, BA in Letters, English/Portuguese teacher, researcher (deafness), writing the MA dissertation in Linguistics, never been abroad, would like to make contact with gays from all over the world for fun or friendship. Photos appreciated. Horny letters and photos to Luiz Carlos Souza, Caixa Postal 16.285, Largo do Machado, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, CEP 22.222-970. E-mail messages to LCSOUZA@BRLNCC.BITNET or LCSOUZA@VM.LNCC.BR (internet). Bear Hunter I'm a 44 year old handsome stout bearded earthbear in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, looking for contacts with Scottish bears who are into (1) gardening, (2) spiritual exploration, and (3) fooling around. I'm big - 5ft 10in, 260lb, 46" waist, Russian Irish Welsh German French English Dutch background, hairy (back, shoulders, chest, gut, some on ass and legs), bearded, aggressive bottom; I have a very raunchy side (safesex only). If you'd like to e-mail me, my e-mail address on the Internet is And my phone number is 00 1 505-438-7038. My snail-mail address is Rand B. Lee, PO Box22232, Santa Fe NM 87502-2232. Rugged Cleancut DC Guy Rugged, masculine, cleancut, handsome man, 6ft, 188#, 26yo, endowed looking for love by the inch. ISO masculine, fit xtraendowed man, 20s-30s for brief or longtime encounter. Take the chance! XXXXX XXXXXXXX, 950 25th Street, NW, #1015N, Washington, DC 20037, USA. E-mail:XXXXXX Young Mauritian gay, studying in Austria wishes gay penpals all over the world for friendship..if affinities exist..more..Please do contact me over e-mail on: or write: Am Postamt 6027, Josue Dooboory, Postlagernd, Innsbruck, Austria. Two British guys living in Holland would like to hear from single guys or couples to exchange correspondence/e-mail/visits etc. We are 37 and 40 and would like to hear from guys between 18 and 35. Varied interests. Non-camp and not really on the scene. Good humour, fun and open minds. Previnairestraat 42, 2013 BX Haarlem, The Netherlands or e-mail: Bearded Longhair, friendly Texas Bear Enjoys meeting similar foreign guys visiting Dallas. 5'7", 200lbs, moderately furry body. Write: 14500 Dallas Parkway, Apt. 160, Dallas, Texas 75240, USA. E-mail:, WWW: Israel 32 years old looking for guys from all over the world for correspondence, friendship and mutual visits. Peter Eibenschutz, P.O.Box 2756, Holon 58525, Israel. E-Mail : Seeking footmen Hi! I'm a 34-year-old Finnish man and I would like to correspond with all men who are interested in men's feet and footwear. It would be nice to exchange ideas with someone who is on the same wave-length, so to speak. Don't hesitate to answer if you find shoes and feet interesting! E-mail: Or write: Hannu Vainonen, Yo-kyla 4 B 4, 20540 Turku, Finland. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL NEWS ================== by Rex Wockner GAYS BARRED FROM PEACE MARCH IN NORWAY A group of gays and lesbians in Oslo, Norway, was removed from a peace march commemorating victims of the Nazis, reported the gay newspaper Blikk. A well-known soccer referee, Rolf Nyhus, from one of the march organizing groups, the Oslo Sports Federation, led the call to ban the gays, calling their participation "improper." Other marchers then accused the group of turning the event into a "homo celebration" and "ruining the day." The contingent was carrying a rainbow flag and a banner reading, "The Nazis marked us with a pink triangle - thousands died for their love." March co-organizer the Oslo Red Cross, which had approved the gay contingent, apologized for the matter and asked the Sports Federation to make "an unreserved apology." "It's frightening that homophobia and bigotry can rule an event that marks the occasion of the end of the Nazi era in Europe," commented lesbian activist Siri Kvalheim. "We had the feeling the fellow marchers were sorry that Hitler hadn't done a better job of exterminating gays and lesbians in the concentration camps." THE WORLD's POLICIES ON GAYS IN THE MILITARY The gay-related policies of militaries around the world vary widely, according to a recent survey. In the U.S. gays allegedly can serve under the "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue" policy, even though the military has continued to pursue. Britain has a similar policy. Homosexuality is "incompatible with Service life" and 300 gays or lesbians have been involuntarily discharged in the past five years. Gays are also banned in Egypt and Chile. Chile kicks gays out because homosexuality cannot be "treated." Drug addicts are allowed to remain and receive treatment. Several countries' militaries have no problem with gays. "It is viewed as a private matter for each individual," said Israeli army spokesman Moshe Fogel. "Soldiers ... are not even asked about homosexual tendencies." Gays are allowed to serve openly in all the Scandinavian nations. "Our policy is no policy," a Swedish spokesman said. "It's no problem for us." Gays can serve in France but sex acts on military premises are considered disruptive to military life and often lead to discharge. In Germany, discreet gays face no discrimination. Open gays can stay, but they are denied promotions that would give them authority over others. Gays can avoid military service in Greece because they have a "chronic and serious psychotic disorder." Japan doesn't know anything about gays in its military and thus hasn't gotten around to banning them. "There's been no problem of that sort, so far," a defence ministry spokesman said, laughing. Russia also has never considered the issue publicly. ARGENTINA The first lesbian space in Argentina, Buenos Aires' Casa de las Lunas (House of Moons), recently opened its doors to all women. "Lesbians and feminist women from different sectors of our society can come together in a place where they find an atmosphere of solidarity, where differences are respected and a degree of visibility is possible," the group said. The centre's projects include counselling, study groups, art workshops and exhibitions, a library and language classes. AUSTRALIA A gay man in the Australian state of Tasmania plans to open a sperm bank for lesbians, who are often denied access to regular sperm banks. Richard X, whose last name has been withheld, said he will collect semen in glass jars and inseminate women with syringes. A spokesman for the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group supported the project. "It's much safer than what exists now where lesbians have to have casual sex," he said. CANADA The Ontario Court of Appeal has upheld a lower-court ruling that Canada's higher age-of-consent for anal sex unconstitutionally discriminates against gays. The court said section 159 of the Criminal Code violates the equality-rights section of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms by discriminating based on both age and sexual orientation. The government argued that the law was needed to slow HIV transmission. However, Madam Justice Rosalie Abella said section 159 "perpetuates rather than narrows the gap for a historically disadvantaged group - gay men - it does so arbitrarily and stereotypically, and is, therefore, a discriminatory provision which infringes the guarantee of equality." The age-of-consent is now 14. GERMANY Germany's Green party has demanded that the government apologize to gays arrested between 1935 and 1969 under a Nazi-era law that banned homosexuality. The party also insisted that compensation be paid to gays who were placed in concentration camps. During the 34-year period, about 50,000 gays were prosecuted. More than 5,000 homosexual men were sent to Nazi concentration camps, where an estimated 3,000 of them died wearing the pink triangle. VATICAN The official Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore has condemned the city of Milan's decision to OK installation of condom vending machines in bars, discos, universities and other places frequented by young people. Condoms had been available only at drug and grocery stores. The church accused city officials of "an assault on good sense and sound teaching" that would "facilitate the depravation of youth." --------------------------------------------------------------------- REVIEWS ======= film: In our last issue, I reviewed the 9th London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. Now, it's on tour (courtesy of the British Film Institute) and is headed for Scotland. The Glasgow Film Theatre boasts twelve programmes in 13 days starting on the 10th of June whilst The Filmhouse start showing their 14 programme strong season on 9th June (date changed to fit in with Pride Scotland). I've finally been able to see one film which I reviewed last time from the press release, it's Postcards From America which is on in Edinburgh Sat 10 to Mon 12 June and in Glasgow Fri 16 to Sun 18 June. It's by British moviemaker Steve McLean and is an adaptation of the autobiography of the late David Wojnarowicz. It traces three stages of his life: first, as a child with an abusive father, next, as a teenage hustler and finally, as a young man travelling with a view to enjoying the open road and lots of anonymous sex. It's nicely shot and thoughtfully treated. Well worth seeing! Scottish AIDS Monitor will be hosting a Forum after the Sunday showing in Glasgow and the 2pm Sunday showing in Edinburgh. Although not part of the Festival season, another film which has been getting rave reviews is Tim Burton's Ed Wood. I see that it's on at the GFT too. It's the story of the transvestite guy who directed the world's worst films. The GFT is imaginatively showing some of these (Plan 9 from Outer Space is my all time favourite) as part of a short Ed Wood season. In conclusion, a tip of the hat to the late Mr Cosmo who died recently. Scottish filmgoers owe a large debt of gratitude to his farsighted programming in Rose Street. Braithwaite video: Just Eighteen (Prowler Press) ukp14 99 This the fun story of Hungarian hunk Gabor's eighteenth birthday and how he celebrates with his equally hunk-like mates. They play football, two of the team go off to a barn for some private passion, then they all go off to a house to party!!! There's a nude wrestling match and, interestingly enough, they all wear white Y-fronts (not Calvin Kleins). They all have great bodies, but I think everyone in this video is straight - never mind. There are the usual bed scenes which are all mildly erotic. There is also a magazine available which has some of the same pictures in it. 4\10 Bad Boys Ball (Pride Video) This is a sort of video documentary of the BAD BOYS BALL when American porn stars came to London. It has lots of behind the scenes footage and interviews with the stars as well as lots of the show. The show itself was very disappointing apparently due to the regulations in this country about live sex shows - as a result, the video is somewhat of a waste but perhaps good for any real fans of American porn. To me, the stars seemed to be muscle bound morons with very little to say but, then, would you want these men to talk to? 5/10 Desertion (Pride Video) This was shot in the newly democratised South Africa and according to the press release "takes you on an erotic adventure of scorching heat and passion. Seven men, trapped in a desert of their own passions, brought together by a mysterious desert man." The filming is quite breathtaking and the locations are a dream - so are the men for that matter. There is one beautiful looking black guy and six white guys who aren't bad either. There are some erotic moments but l do feel that if you were going to fuck in the desert you would put down a blanket or something to stop the sand getting into all those "odd" places. 7/10 Wrestle (Pride Video) This is a video that is truly awful and somewhat a waste of money. It has good locations whilst the model have great bodies. The story is half a dozen guys who are, the ads proudly state, "beautiful wrestlers in naked combat". However l was totally bored - it would have been much more fun if Big Daddy had come on and flattened most of the stars! 4/10 Euro Boy - The Video No 8 (Prowler Press) ukp14.00 I love this series of videos, yes they are tacky and cheap but a lot of fun. They have various scenes in this case 2 duos and 3 raunchy solos. There is sexy dutch boy Ander sweating it out in a sauna, Niel an assistant in a sex shop giving customer Nathan his own brand of special service, Dave who is posing on his mountain bike for a photoshoot for an American photographer and finally Marc and Jamie who got for a raunchy blind date. This is all good clean fun pretend family fun - an excellent one for the collection. 8/10 Boyfish/Girlfish/Allfish A somewhat strange series of videos which consists of naked people swimming around inside a tank with a musical accompaniment. These are ideal chill-out videos - take them home after a hard nite out and relax - but do turn the sound off and put on your own music! 6/10 Squaddies (Prowler Press) ukp14.00 As the title suggests, it is the story of a group of soldiers. They are put through their paces by a drill sergeant. The bodies in this video are very good, the sex scenes are very funny and there is even what might be described as a "cum" shot. The video starts with one of the recruits who is late for parade and is given a helping hand by one of the others! Hence the possibly "cum" shot. The other scenes are in the fields around the camp. Again, it's good cheap fun and worth a wank at least. 8/10 Boys On Film 4 (Dangerous To Know) This is part of a series of short films which would normally get shown at film festivals but DTK have put them together in this excellent series of videos. The first film is SHAME directed by Stevie McBride and is the story of a tabloid journalist's attempt to "out" two young good looking stars of an American TV series. The journalist does all the things you'd expect to expose them in this excellent story which has a twist to the end which is meant to be a comment on tabloid journalism, gays and fame. 7/10 The second, directed by Jeff Cole is SEX ELVIS BOY and is a student type film of two guys cruising on Hampstead Heath. This is the worst film in the series but the others make up for it. 3/10 The third is SPEAKING IN RIDDLES directed by Mark C. O'Flaherty. This is an excellent story of a gay camp world where everything is not as it seems. There is the pursuit of hedonism - no bad thing. The film tells the story of a young angst-ridden writer who is seduced into this world by The King Of Queens. There is an excellent dinner party scene and there are some really beautiful moments. 9/10 The last is one, which l feel is the best, is called THE LAST STOP and is directed by Mark Adams and Ross Dinwiddy. It's wonderfully shot in Black and White and tells the story of a straight couple who are in a relationship which is in trouble - the woman is leaving but does not have the nerve to tell the guy. At the weekend their lives are changed by an alluring stranger. It is a really sexy tale which l have watched five times and would really recommend. 10/10 Thin Ice (Fiona Cunningham Reid) This is one of the first lesbian movies to be given a PG and to go on general release. It is set on an ice skating rink and tells the story of Steffi who is training for the Gay Games but loses her partner and needs another. She finds Natilie at the rink. Natilie is a troubled girl - her daddy has committed suicide and she lives with sister and family who would drive even a saint to suicide. The story is of how Steffi and her gay pal Greg get her to come to the Gay Games - the twist is that they are trying to sell the story to the newspapers as a way of financing their trip but have not told Natalie. There's the possibility of love - but maybe not! There is little or no sex (sorry girls) but, then it is a PG! The story really is not up to much but it's a nice feel-good movie that you could take your mother to see with no problems. 8/10 Zero Patience (John Grayson) 1994 It is about AIDS and is a comedy - not just that but a musical comedy. It tells the story of Sir Richard Frances Burton who is assembling a multi-media exhibit on the origins of AIDS. This all goes well until the ghost of Patient Zero, the Canadian flight attendant who was blamed for the spread of AIDS from Africa to the USA, comes back to change his views. This is very funny and pulls no punches, hitting every target from the drug companies to AIDS activists - nobody is immune. There is a really notable section which has singing arseholes. Even if you've seen a hundred other AIDS films and have hated them - please watch this one, you'll love it. And now that it's out on video, you've no excuse not to buy or rent it - it's the best AIDS movie ever. 10/10 mags: One of the endearing things about British porn is its ability to laugh at itself. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than in Prowler Press's Steam - Just Eighteen. This is a total pisstake of all these magazines for adolescent girls (and not a few adolescent boys too) - but this time reworked from a totally gay perspective. All the photos are taken from the Prowler Video Just Eighteen - a selection of Hungarian guys some of whom actually look Just Eighteen (but some of whom clearly look about twenty eight - so there's something for everyone!). The pix are surrounded by tongue in cheek captions which amuse as well as inform: "Are you sure you don't want me to suck your dick?", asks Peter. Says Robert, "Let me think about it... anyway the dumb UK laws don't permit the readers to see anyway!" Worth the ukp4.99 for a laugh as much as a wank fantasy provider. EuroBoy 62 is slightly more serious and slightly glossier - wipe clean, almost. It contains a goodly selection of smooth young hunks and, surprise, surprise, is that Daniel I recognise from the previous mag? It is indeed - looking even sexier in this set of photos! Hot Studs for Horny Lads indeed! Prowl 31 reminds me a lot of the early HIM magazines - a selection of stories, pictures, readers' problems and even an astrologist. Rather fun. And the drawings by Andy Lambert illustrating the mucky story remind me a lot of the work of Oliver Frey in their understated charm. Talking of whom, I wonder where he got to after his stint on Crash, Zzap64, AMTIX! and Fear? Whatever he's doing, I'm sure he's wasting the talents which he showed us all in HIM. Oh well, now that I'm in a nostalgic mood, you'll have to excuse me, I must just go and dig out some backnumbers from under the bed ... Justin Milne books: Remembering SATAN (recovered memory and the shattering of a family) by Lawrence Wright Serpent's Tail, ukp9.99 Remembering SATAN is one of the most disturbing accounts of a true tale of abuse. It started with the arrest of one Paul Ingram on November 28, 1988 and it left in its wake a family being ripped apart after the brainwashing by the Church, the Police and those evil little shits called social workers. We are frequently told on television and in the newspapers that evidence has been found to suggest ritual satanic abuse, this of course is total bollocks, and is just dreamed up by some screwed-up right-wing Christian fanatic. The FBI have done a lot of research into this subject and has never ever found any evidence to substantiate any claims of satanic abuse. However, I am sure that if they investigated abuses by the Church they would be in court for a thousand years or more. The evil scum that were involved at Cleveland, Orkney, Lancashire and South West Wales ought to be tried for crimes against humanity, but nothing will happen to them because they are protected by the State - they can come into your house anytime they want and take away your children and incarcerate you anytime they want for whatever reason they decide. Their excuse is that they were only following orders - this is also what the Nazis said at Nrnberg, so don't you forget it. This book will open your eyes, go out and buy it. "Keep Up The Fight - Don't Let The Bastards Win" The Essential Guide to Lesbian and Gay Weddings by Tess Ayers & Paul Brown Harper Collins, ukp9.99 Do you fancy nipping off to the United States and marrying your lover? Well, even there, in the land of opportunity, it is not a legal option, but for a bit of fun and to help some struggling businesses specialising in this sort of thing, you can have the Wedding Ceremony and everything that goes with it. The book was of course written for the American market and has little practical value as a Gay and Lesbian Reference book here, but what fun to read. It covers anything you could possibly want to know, from the guest list, via finding the best florist, right to the catering arrangements and how to deal with the musicians at the reception. A wonderful, silly book that alternately is tugging on the heart-strings of the true-romantic and the purse-strings of the true miser. Every style of wedding seems to be covered, whether the pair is lesbian or gay, whether both "brides" want to wear a gown or whether one prefers to look stunning in a tuxedo. You'll find tips for the latest in wedding etiquette, witty anecdotes from gay and lesbian union ceremonies and unexpected historical trivia, and the lot written with charm and humour. If I lived in the 'States I would totally agree with Quentin Crisp, who said about this book: "Practical and, at the same time, hilarious." I can't agree with the practical bit here, but I did find this book refreshingly funny. To The Friend Who Did Not Save My Life/ The Man In The Red Hat/ The Compassion Protocol by Herve Guibert Quartet Books, ukp9.00/ukp8.00/ukp8.00 I have decided to write this review about the three books at once, as I did not find them sufficiently different to write three separate articles. As a matter of fact, I am getting terribly bored reading stuff by people that think catching AIDS means also catching the talent to become a writer. I know this is not terribly politically correct, or kind, I can't help feeling that novels that concern themselves predominately with suffering are bad enough without being heavily-laced with self-pity. I really don't understand The Independent's literary correspondent's view of Herve Guibert, who is described by him as "One of France's most gifted writers... His prose is unique in contemporary writers." The only excuse I can find for such a rave review is that perhaps the translation does not do Herve Guibert justice. Having been brought up in Germany, with German as my first language, I do understand the difficulties involved in translating from one language to another (you have no idea how dreary Shakespeare is in German). I'd like to give these books another chance, but I for one would like to read them in the original French. Madam & Eve; Free At Last by S. Francis, H. Dugmore & Rico Penguin Books, ukp5.99 Do you want a different perspective on what life is like in South Africa from the stuffy BBC Newsroom's dreary fabrications? Would you like to chuckle and laugh about the humorous and often ironic look at South Africa through the eyes of a rich white suburban woman and her liberated black maid? Well, this is the book for you. We have one of those households that prides itself on its bookshelf by the loo and since the arrival of this book of excellently drawn and scripted cartoons, my sessions there have become almost embarrassingly long with lots of chuckles and giggles emanating from our smallest room. Originally the collection of cartoons in this book appeared in several South African newspapers and has proved to be an instant hit wherever it was published. And I am not surprised. The wry and nevertheless touching outlook of the two heroines is not just a constant source of amusement, but also gives an insight into life in that country, for which we all spent time helping to fight for the human rights now finally available to everybody regardless of colour. The Cape Times wrote about these cartoons: "Madam & Eve is a bridge over which a good chuckle can roll until the belly laughs at our idiosyncrasies eventually are allowed free transport." Wonderful book, well worth having and at ukp5.99 you can't grumble. Try by Dennis Cooper Serpent's Tail, ukp7.99 Imagine a big pot into which you mix Genet, De Sade and just a pinch of Burroughs, leave to simmer and you produce a dish called Dennis Cooper. What a wicked man, totally extreme and my kind of guy. Exploring the darker side of life, opening our minds to abuses of all kinds is a very brave thing to do for a writer and by producing this novel he can be assured he will be remembered a lot longer than any Mills & Boon novelist (I con only presume that's what they call themselves). This is a tale of a boy adopted by two sexually abusive fathers, his uncle makes and stars in pornographic videos of young boys and his best friend's a junkie. In my humble opinion, this is one of the most explosive and exciting pieces of fiction I have read in years. Next time you have some money go out and buy this book. I promise you, you won't be sorry you did. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LISTINGS ======== If your group isn't listed, - or if your entry needs updating - please write to ScotsGay with full details. If we don't know about it, it just won't go in! We'd also like to know about your forthcoming events and meetings. Although many of the listings are for specific towns, they often cover a much wider area. If in doubt, you can always phone one of the Switchboards for more information. To include your group, write to:- ScotsGay Listings, Pageprint Limited, PO Box 666, Edinburgh EH7 5YW, Fax them to: 0131-558 1262 or e-mail them to NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND is Scotland's premier lesbian, gay and bisexual rights organisation. It was founded in 1969 as the Scottish Minorities Group, later became the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group and changed its name to OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND in December 1992. OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND owns the Edinburgh Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Centre. For their new leaflet and membership application form, send an sae to: The Secretary, OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND, 58a Broughton Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3SA or send e-mail to EDINBURGH: The Lantern is a drop-in discussion group which meets every Monday 7.309pm in the Edinburgh Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Centre at 58a Broughton Street. Varied programme - please drop down any Monday, no formalities, new members welcomed. DUNDEE: OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND Dundee Focus Group for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals meets 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm in the YMCA Special Projects Office, 76 Bell Street. Write to: PO Box 104, Dundee. DD1 3DU. OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND has other Focus Groups. The contacts are: LBG Disability Forum - Jim Halcrow 0131-661 5398. Diversity (Anti racism group) - Andy Gentle 0131-557 1662. Outright Women - Alison Rowan. International - John Hein 0131-558 1279. Law Reform - Tim Hopkins 0131-553 1459 or Hugo Greenhalgh. Police Liaison - Tim Hopkins 0131-553 1459. If no telephone number is given, you can write to the person listed c/o 58a Broughton Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3SA. Why not join OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND? Membership is ukp10 waged and ukp5 unwaged. Please make out your cheque/Postal Order to OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND and send to The Membership Secretary, OUTRIGHT SCOTLAND, 58a Broughton Street, EDINBURGH. EH1 3SA. PRIDE SCOTLAND: Pride Scotland has been established to organise the lesbian, gay male and bisexual Pride event in Scotland. Although the main celebrations will be held over the weekend of the 17th and 18th of June 1995, other events will be held throughout the year. Phone: 0131-556 8822. Or write: 58a Broughton Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3SA. All kinds of help are urgently required! LOCAL ORGANISATIONS ABERDEEN: Aberdeen Gay Group caters for all ages and meets 3rd Sunday of every month. Phone John on Aberdeen (01224) 317552 for information or write to: AGG, PO Box 129, Aberdeen. AB9 6EY. Swim or Social most Wednesdays: Phone David on Aberdeen (01224) 317552. Icebreakers is a social group which meets on Friday evenings. Contact Aberdeen Switchboard for details. AYRSHIRE: Ayrshire Forum is a group for gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. We provide support and act as a social focus. Meets every Wednesday 7-10pm. For info: Telephone Ayr (01292) 268900 Tue and Thur 7-10pm or write c/o The Leisure Centre, 24 Wellington Square, Ayr. Ayrshire Gay and Lesbian Switchboard operates Mon/Wed/Fri 7-10pm (answerphone outwith these periods). Phone: Ayr (01292) 619000. Or write to: PO Box 1043, Ayr. KA6 5JQ CAITHNESS GAY AND LESBIAN CONNECTION: A friendly informal group which meets regularly. Write to: Box 689, Journal Office, 42 Union Street, Wick, Caithness. KW1 5ED. CENTRAL REGION: Forth Friend has a social group which meets every second Wednesday. The Forth Friend phoneline operates each Monday from 7.30pm to 10pm on Stirling (01786) 471285. Or write to: PO Box 28, Stirling. FK9 5YW. DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY: Regular social meetings - usually every second Thursday. For details of all events: phone Dumfries (01387) 269161 Thursdays 7.309.30pm or write to Dumfries and Galloway Lesbian and Gay Group, PO Box 1299, Dumfries. DG1 2PD. DUNDEE: Tay Friend, holds regular meetings. Write to: Tayfriend, PO Box 182, Dundee. DD1 9UP. EDINBURGH: Edinburgh Gay Social Club is an off-scene social group for gay men. Write to: EGSC, PO Box 12207, Edinburgh. EH4 3YX. Icebreakers is an alternative to the scene and takes place between 7pm and 8pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each calendar month in the ELGBC, 58a Broughton Street, Edinburgh. Phone 0131-556 4049 for details. The Lantern is an informal discussion group held every Monday 7.309pm downstairs in the ELGBC, 58a Broughton Street. Phone Jim Liddle 0131-332 1949 (days) 0131-669 3205 (eve/weekends). ELGIN: Newly formed to bring together gay men and women living in the Elgin area. We are also looking for gay women living in the area to help form the new Elgin Gay Switchboard. For more details, telephone Bobby on Elgin (01343) 542928. FIFE FRIEND: Small voluntary phoneline offering support, advice and information to lesbians and gay men within Fife. Friday: 7.30pm10.30pm. Telephone: Kirkcaldy (01592) 266688. Write to PO Box 19, Kirkcaldy, Fife. KY1 3JF. GLASGOW: GALLUS (Gay and Lesbian Liberation & Unity in Strathclyde) - A campaigning organisation. Contact c/o SGLS, PO Box 38, Glasgow G2 2QF or via Strathclyde Switchboard on 0141-332 8372. Glasgow Gay and Lesbian Centre Project meets on the 1st Saturday of each month at 2pm in Strathclyde House. Write to: GLC Project, PO Box 463, GLASGOW G12 8NJ or contact Strathclyde Switchboard on 0141-332 8372. For childcare, phone Jennifer (at least 1 week in advance) on 0141-552 3320. BSL Interpreter is usually available (check 2 weeks in advance). Glasgow Gay Group is an informal social group for gay men. Has a regular weekly pub night as well as running other social events like theatre, cinema, bowling, etc. Phone: Steve on 0141-339 7395 - preferably on Mon or Tues evenings. Icebreakers Cafe - An alternative to the gay scene - First Sunday in each month. 12.303.30pm in Austin's Bar, 183a Hope Street, Glasgow. Details from Strathclyde Switchboard on 0141-332 8372. GREENOCK: Inverclyde Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group is a new group just being established. Details from Joe Hammill on Greenock (01475) 729174. INVERNESS: Gay Group meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 28 Huntly Street. Phone Andrew on Inverness (01463) 711585 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or write to: PO Box 67, Inverness. PAISLEY: Paisley Forum is a social group for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and our allies. Meets Paisley Arts Centre, New Street on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Details: Phone Allan Johnstone on 0141-842 7200 (9-5 only) or Strathclyde Switchboard on 0141-332 8372. WOMEN'S GROUPS ABERDEEN LESBIAN GROUP: Meets every Wednesday in the Women's Centre, Shoe Lane. Phone Aberdeen (01224) 625010 or 627415 for details. ALLOA: Lesbian Social/Discussion Group. Phone: Alloa (01259) 219891. EDINBURGH: AD Group: For lesbians 45+ and older (younger lesbians who support the concerns of lesbians 45+ and older also welcome). Meetings for discussion and support, first Saturday (15pm) of month in The Women's Centre, 61a Broughton Street. For more details, phone Lesbian Line. Bisexual Women 30+ meet monthly. Details from Bisexual Phoneline or Angi on 0131-661 9907. Dykes Nytes Out: social events for couples and singles in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Write to: PO Box 169, Edinburgh. EH1 3LU. Lesbian Line 0131-557 0751, Mondays and Thursdays 7.3010pm. For information, advice and counselling in confidence. Write to: PO Box PO Box 169, Edinburgh. EH1 3UU. Lesbian Mothers Group: Contact Lesbian Line for details. Edinburgh Bisexual Group meets every Thursday at 8pm in the ELGBC, 58a Broughton Street. All welcome. Women's Network: PO Box 159, Edinburgh. EH7 5EL. GLASGOW: Dykes Nytes Out: social events for couples and singles in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Write to: PO Box 169, Edinburgh. EH1 3LU. Glasgow Bisexual Group meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 7.30 - 9.30pm in the City Centre. Phone: 0141-332 8372 for details and venue. Glasgow Women's Library, 4th/5th Floors, 109 Trongate, G1 5HD. Tel: 0141-552 8345. Open Tue-Fri 1-6pm. Sat 2-5pm. Closed Mon. Lending and reference library - books, magazines, journals, videos, leaflets and information. UK and overseas feminist and lesbian publications. Lesbian Line 0141-552 3355 Wednesdays 710pm. Write to: PO Box 686, Glasgow. G3 7TL enclosing an sae for monthly 'Lavender Listing'. Lesbian Mothers Group: Meets every second Monday at 7pm. Support group, pub nights, informal chat. Creche and fares help available. Phone Lynne on 0141-221 7150. Lesbian Networking Meeting: Contact Lesbian Line on 0141-552 3355 for meeting details and Lynne on 0141-221 7150 for childcare information. Lesbian Sports Group: Squash, badminton, tennis. Meets weekly. Phone Lesbian Line on 0141-552 3355 for details. Lesbian Youth Action: Contact Lindsay Jane Morgan c/o Lesbian Line on 0141-552 3355. Olderwomen's Group: Contact Lesbian Line on 0141-552 3355 for details. Team Caledonia West Women's Cycling Group: Phone Women in Sport on 0141-227 5933 for details. Women's Softball Group: Meets weekly. Contact Lesbian Line on 0141-552 3355 for details. INVERNESS: Out and About is a friendly lesbian social group that gets together once a month. Write to: PO Box 91, Inverness. IV1 2GJ. LESBIAN INFORMATION SERVICE: PO Box 8, Todmorden, Lancashire. Telephone: 01706 817235. BISEXUALS EDINBURGH BISEXUAL GROUP: Meets every Thursday at 8pm in the ELGBC, 58a Broughton Street. There's an excellent programme of talks and speakers. Phone Bisexual Line on 0131-557 3620. GLASGOW BISEXUAL GROUP: Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 7.30 - 9.30pm in the City Centre. Phone Bisexual Line on 0131-557 3620 or Strathclyde Switchboard on 0141-332 8372 for further details. ATHEISTS/HUMANISTS EDINBURGH FREETHINKERS: An informal network of militant atheists (with one militant humanist agnostic atheist). Write to: PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW or e-mail GAY AND LESBIAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION (GALHA): A group for non religious lesbians gays and bisexuals which promotes an enlightened, rational Humanist approach to homosexuality. Details from GALHA National Office, 34 Spring Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. CV8 2HB. Telephone/Fax: 01926 58450. BEARS BEARS' CLUB UK: For hairy men and admirers. Has a monthly meeting in the New Town Bar, Edinburgh. Write to: BCUK, 56 Albert Street, Beswick, Manchester. M11 3SU. BEREAVEMENT GAY BEREAVEMENT PROJECT: Lesbians and gay men needing advice and support can ring 0181-455 8894 at any time. Or write to: Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project, Vaughan M Williams Centre, Colindale Hospital, London. NW9 5HG. BIKERS GAY BIKERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB: A UK-wide club for women and men. Active Scottish section. Write for details to GBMCC, PO Box 33, Nottingham. NG10 2BF. BODYBUILDERS/WEIGHTRAINERS GAY BODYBUILDERS/WEIGHTRAINERS CLUB: contact Frank Wallace on 0181-675 5858 for contact with Scottish members and nationally. Club produces "Fizzical" magazine as part of ukp12 membership. CHRISTIANS L&GCM: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement. Glasgow Group - Helpline 0141-334 2286 Thurs 710pm or write to PO Box 1436, Glasgow. G31 2NY. Edinburgh Contact - Phone John Thomson on 0131-556 1309. QUAKERS: Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship (formerly Friends' Homosexual Fellowship) is a welcoming and supportive national group for people of all sexual orientations and their friends. Write to: Ruth, 3 Hallsfield, Cricklade, Swindon, Wilts. SN6 6LR. QUEST: Organisation for Roman Catholic men and women who are gay. Regular monthly meetings, socials, befriending, help at times of calm or crisis. Groups meet in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Telephone Linkline Glasgow 0141-333 9340 Tuesday and Sunday 710pm. Or you can write to Quest, PO Box 280, Glasgow. G12 0AW. COMPUTER BUFFS BORDERS BULLETIN BOARD: Computer based info every evening 6pm-8am. 01450 377877. To get at the Gay areas, leave a message for the SYSOP asking for access. LAMBDA BOARD - EDINBURGH: A free computer based bulletin board system. Private mailboxing, areas for Women, Gay Men, Bisexuals, Leather Enthusiasts, TV/TSs, etc. 0131-556 6316. Scrolling (8N1) and Viewdata (Prestel) formats at speeds up to V22bis (2400/2400). CULTURAL GAY CALEDONIAN ASSOCIATION: Social group for kilt wearers and friends. Meets in GHQ on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. Phone Bill on 0141-646 1513. GLASGAY!: Scotland's Lesbigay Arts Festival. Write: PO Box 1590, Glasgow. G12 9XZ. Fax: 0141-339 5898. INTERNATIONAL KILT APPRECIATION SOCIETY (IKAS): Contact and social group for guys interested in viewing/wearing kilts. Regular newsletter: SAE Mervyn Tacy, 'Ziveli', 20 Ordsall Park Road, RETFORD, Notts, DN22 7PA. LONG YANG CLUB: An international organisation for gay orientals and interested people of other nationalities. Promotes social events, education and mutual help services and publishes a magazine. Phone Robert: 0141-334 7144. DRINK PROBLEMS If you are a lesbian or gay man with a drink problem and want help and advice, ring Tom on 0141-770 6599, 7 days a week anytime. Tom refers to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), but does preparatory work. FOOTBALL GAY FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS NETWORK: Glasgow group holds monthly meetings in Squires Bar. For further details, please send an sae to GFSN, c/o Gay Times, 116 Bayham Street, London. NW1 0BA. FORCES AT EASE: An advice service to armed forces personnel and their families on any subject. Free, independent, confidential, impartial. Write: 28 Commercial Street, London E7 8LY or phone (Sundays 5-7pm only) 0171-247 5164. RANK OUTSIDERS: Support group of Lesbian and Gay Ex Armed Forces Personnel. No rank distinctions. Write to Rank Outsiders, c/o The Stonewall Group, 2 Greycoat Place, Westminster, London. SW1P 1SB. HEALTH MATTERS BODY POSITIVE (GLASGOW): Providing support for those HIV+ and with AIDS in the West of Scotland. Phone: 0141-332 5010. Or write: 3 Park Quadrant, Glasgow. G3 6BS. BODY POSITIVE (GRAMPIAN): Support and assistance for gay men with HIV/AIDS. Phone: Aberdeen (01224) 404408. Or write to: PO Box 83, Aberdeen. BODY POSITIVE (LOTHIAN): HIV+ gay men's social group meets every Sunday 2-6pm. Or phone to speak to a gay positive person 1:1. Phone 0131-652 0754 Mon-Fri. CENTRE FOR WOMEN'S HEALTH: 6 Sandyford Place, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. G3 7NB. Open Tue-Thur 10am-4.30pm (other times by arrangement). Fully accessible. Telephone: 0141-211 6700 (Minicom: 0141-211 6701). GALUP: Gay and Lesbian United Programme. Promotes health issues among lesbians gays and bisexuals in the Dundee area. Phone: Dundee (01382) 200352. Or write: c/o YMCA Special Projects Office, 76 Bell Street, Dundee. GLASGOW HIV CARERS SUPPORT GROUP: Phone: 0141-353 2979. Or write to: Church House, 340 Cathedral Street, Glasgow. G1 2BQ. GRAMPIAN AIDS LINE: Aberdeen (01224) 574000 Tuesdays and Fridays 79pm or write to GAL, PO Box 250, Aberdeen. PAISLEY SUPPORT GROUP: For people with HIV, partners, friends and family. Meets Tues 1.30-3.30 at The Wynd, School Wynd (off Moss Street). Phone Joe: 0141-889 6252. PHACE WEST: A new, locally based and managed agency for people affected by HIV/AIDS serving Glasgow and the West of Scotland. 49 Bath Street, Glasgow. G2 2DL. Phone: 0141-332 3838 (Fax: 0141-332 3755). POSITIVE HELP: Practical help for people who are HIV+ or who have AIDS and their families, children, friends and carers. 64a Broughton Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3SA. Phone: 0131-558 1122. PSORIASIS GROUP: A new self-help group for lesbians, gays and bisexuals affected by psoriasis. Write to: Stuart Easton, 7/9 Orwell Terrace, Edinburgh. EH11 2DU. REACH OUT HIGHLAND: encourages and supports people throughout the Highlands - whether living there or visiting - to take responsibility for, manage, and make informed choices about their sexual health and well-being. 28 Huntly Street, Inverness. Phone: Inverness (01463) 711585. Helpline: Inverness (01463) 241000. Mon & Fri 7-9.30pm. SCOTTISH AIDS MONITOR: provides information and support on all matters relating to HIV/AIDS, including welfare rights and legal advice, charitable relief fund, Buddy support and counselling for friends and family. Phone: 01382 461167 (Dundee), 0131-555 4850 (Edinburgh), or 0141-353 3133 (Glasgow). Or write to c/o SWT Dept, Northern College, Gardyne Road, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, 26 Anderson Place, Leith, Edinburgh. EH6 5NP or 22 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. G3 7XH. SOLAS NATIONAL HIV INFORMATION CENTRE: 2/4 Abbeymount, Edinburgh. EH8 8EJ. Information, advice and cafe. Information centre: Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri - 11-4pm. Wed, 5-8pm. Phone: 0131-659 5116. STEVE RETSON PROJECT: Weekly sexual health service for gay men. Tuesday 5.30-9pm. GUM, Royal Infirmary, Castle Street, Glasgow. NATIONAL AIDS HELPLINE: 0800 567123. A Freephone, 24 hour service for confidential advice and information. LEATHER MSC SCOTLAND: MSC Scotland, PO Box 28, Head Post Office, Edinburgh. EH3 5JL. MSC Scotland is a member of the European Federation of Motorcycle Clubs. LEGAL GAY AND LESBIAN LEGAL ADVICE: GLAD is a London based advice line run by lesbian and gay lawyers. Phone: 0171-976 0840 (Tue-Fri 7-9.30pm). State clearly that you seek Scottish legal advice as our law is very different from that of England and Wales. MALE RAPE/SEXUAL ABUSE MASA: Men Against Sexual Abuse. Phone: 0141-550 2048, Tuesday evening or Friday evening 7pm9pm. OUTDOOR CLUBS GAY OUTDOOR CLUB: Holds regular events including walking, cycling, swimming, hillwalking, windsurfing, cross-country skiing, camping and youth hostelling etc. Also holds regular swimming/social meetings in Edinburgh and Glasgow. For more details about GOC, write (enclosing an A5 sae) to: GOC, PO Box 24, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 8YZ or ring one of the Scottish Contacts:- East: Grant on 0131-556 8705 (Hill-walking), John on 0131-226 2341 (Swimming), Iain on 0131-539 0715 (Cycling). West: Douglas on 0141-848 6643. North: Michael on Inverness (01463) 230651. GAY RAMBLING GROUP: Walks on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Phone Robert on 0141-427 1511. OVER FORTIES PHOENIX: The only national group for the over forties and friends of any age. Write (enclosing an sae) to: Phoenix, PO Box 103, Wallington, Surrey. SM6 9SJ. PARENTS PARENTS' FRIEND: Phone: Leeds (0113) 2674627 7-11pm. Or write to: Voluntary Action Leeds, Stringer House, 34 Lupton Street, Hunslett, Leeds. LS10 2QW. SCOTTISH PARENTS ENQUIRY SERVICE: Support for parents of lesbians and gay men. Contact via Edinburgh Lesbian and Gay Switchboard (Nightly 7.3010pm - 0131-556 4049) or write to SPE, PO Box 169, Edinburgh. EH1 3UU POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE: Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality - write: BM TORCHE, London WC1N 3XX. LABOUR CAMPAIGN FOR LESBIAN AND GAY RIGHTS: Works within the Labour and Trades Union movement to secure equality for lesbians and gay men. Contact PO Box 306, LONDON N5 2SY. There are also Local Groups throughout the country. LESBIAN AND GAY FREEDOM MOVEMENT: LGFM is a movement to bring Anarchist ideas and ideals to lesbians, gays and bisexuals, and to make sexuality a major campaigning issue for all anarchists. Details (3 postage stamps please) from LGFM, BM Box 207, LONDON. WC1N 3XX LIBERAL PARTY LESBIAN AND GAY CAMPAIGN: Phone: Southport (01704) 500115 (day), 0151-259 5935 (ansaphone), write to: Liberal Party Lesbian & Gay Campaign, 41 Sutton Street, Liverpool. L13 7EG or e-mail: RUNNERS EDINBURGH GAY MEN'S RUNNING CLUB: Meets for 34 mile casual local run. Call Alistair: 0131-661 0008. SCIENCE FICTION GLASGOW GAY SCIENCE FICTION SOCIETY: Meets every 3rd Sunday of the month. Contact Paul on 0141-339 9176. S/M SM GAYS: Write to SM Gays, BM SM Gays, London. WC1N 3XX SPORTS BRITISH GAY AND LESBIAN SPORTS FEDERATION: Encourages participation in sport. Write (with sae) to BGLSF, Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, London. N1 9SE. STUDENTS Many Universities and Colleges have Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Societies. Contact these via your Student Union or Student Association. Many are open to non-students living in the area. There are also groups covering wider areas run in conjunction with the National Union of Students - East of Scotland: Write to Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Officer, East of Scotland Area NUS, 11 Broughton Market, Edinburgh. EH3 6NU or phone on 0131-558 1541. North of Scotland: Write to Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Officer, North of Scotland Area NUS, University of Abertay, 158 Marketgait, Dundee. DD1 1NJ. West of Scotland: Write to Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Officer, West of Scotland Area NUS, Cathcart House, Langside College, 50 Prospecthill Road, Glasgow. G42 9LB or phone Gary McNeil on 0141-636 6477. You can contact the NUS Scottish Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Officer on 0131-556 6598 or write to NUS Scotland, 11 Broughton Market, Edinburgh. EH3 6NU. TEACHERS LESBIANS AND GAYS WORKING IN EDUCATION: Write to BM LAGWIE, London. WC1N 3XX. TV/TS ABERDEEN: Crossdressing Group. Contact Aberdeen Switchboard for details. EDINBURGH: Scottish TV/TS Group meets in private rooms every last Saturday each month except December. Ring Edinburgh Lesbian and Gay Switchboard 0131-556 4049 for further information. GLASGOW: Crosslynx meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 7pm-10pm. Phone Strathclyde Switchboard 0141-332 8372 for more details. VISUAL IMPAIRMENT VISUAL IMPAIRED GAY GROUP SCOTLAND (VIGG): Offers a listening ear and support to women and men in close co-operation with the Lesbigay Disability Forum. Phone Colin and Jim: Dumfries (01387) 261679. WORKPLACE MSF: Lesbians and Gays in MSF. Phone: 0171-738 5469 or write c/o 39b Pentonville Road, London. N1 9LP. UNISON NATIONAL L&G CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE: Phone: 0131-469 3880. Or write: c/o 18 St Giles Street, Edinburgh. EH1 1PT. WRESTLING ALTERNATIVE WRESTLERS EUROPE: A European-wide gay/bisexual wrestling organisation organised from Glasgow. Contact c/o Alternative Sports, PO Box 437, Glasgow. G42 8HU, phone 0973 310416 or e-mail YOUTH GROUPS LOTHIAN LESBIAN AND GAY YOUTH MOVEMENT: For those under 26. Phone Edinburgh Switchboard or write to: LLGYM, PO Box 169, Edinburgh. EH1 3UU. STIRLING YOUTH GROUP: Meets Mondays fortnightly. Details from Forth Friend on Stirling (01786) 471285 Mon 7.30-10pm. STONEWALL YOUTH GROUP: For lesbian and gay teenagers. Meets Sats. Phone: 0131-556 4040 Tues 8-9pm. Or write: PO Box 169, Edinburgh. EH1 3UU. STRATHCLYDE LESBIAN AND GAY YOUTH MOVEMENT: Friendship and support for under 28s. Meets Tuesday 7.30pm and Sat afternoons. Details from Strathclyde Switchboard on 0141-221 8373 nightly from 710pm. SWITCHBOARDS AND HELPLINES ABERDEEN GAY SWITCHBOARD: Wed & Fri 7-10pm Phone: Aberdeen (01224) 586869 Minicom: Aberdeen (01224) 213355 Fax: Aberdeen (01224) 212333 AYRSHIRE GAY AND LESBIAN SWITCHBOARD: Mon, Wed & Fri 7-10pm Phone: Ayr (01292) 619000 BISEXUAL PHONELINE: Thurs 7.30-9.30pm Phone: 0131-557 3620 DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY L&G PHONELINE: Thurs 7.30-9.30pm Phone: Dumfries (01387) 269161 DUNDEE LGB SWITCHBOARD: Mon 7-10pm Phone: Dundee (01382) 202620 EDINBURGH GAY SWITCHBOARD: Nightly 7.30-10pm Phone: 0131-556 4049 EDINBURGH LESBIAN LINE: Mon, Thurs 7.30-10pm Phone: 0131-557 0751 FIFE FRIEND: Fri 7.30-10.30pm Phone: Kirkcaldy (01592) 266688 FORTH FRIEND: Mon 7.30-10pm Phone: Stirling (01786) 471285 GLASGOW LESBIAN LINE: Wed 7-10pm Phone: 0141-552 3355 STRATHCLYDE GAY AND LESBIAN SWITCHBOARD: Nightly 7-10pm Phone: 0141-332 8372 LONDON LESBIAN AND GAY SWITCHBOARD: 24 hours Phone/Minicom: 0171-837 7324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScotsDyke: SHE CAME BY THE BOOK =============================== In our last issue, we featured an interview with the excellent American dyke novelist Mary Wings. Now, from her latest book 'She Came By The Book' - the third Emma Victor Mystery - we print with her kind permission, the Prologue. She Came By The Book is published by The Women's Press at ukp5.99 As a lesbian I never thought that I would mind another woman wearing the same dress to a big event. But the woman was Tracy Port, and the dress looked so very good on her, even while she was being poisoned at my feet. My eyes unwillingly watched Tracy's body convulse. I felt guilty. Not because I'd felt bad about Tracy Port wearing the same dress as me to the Howard Blooming Lesbian and Gay Memorial Archive Dinner. And not because, even when dying, I felt she looked better in it than I did. But because somehow I thought the disaster that had ruined the dinner, that had taken Tracy's life, was all my fault. I tried not to focus on the death mask taking over Tracy's features. But we were all transfixed, staring at Tracy clutching her throat, the black sequins of our dress blinking like a few thousand blinded raccoons. On the marble floor, the hem of my dress was rising to reveal the muscularly developed legs of the Executive Director of the Lesbian and Gay Memorial Archive. Spectacular legs which had taken her over many a finish line. And on publicity jogs with politicians like the potential Senator, Renquist Falkenberg. But Tracy had been dancing with an invisible demon of death and now the dance was done. Tracy lay at my feet. Dead. Get a grip, Emma Victor. Figure out just exactly what you're doing here. And why someone is tugging on a box at the end of your arm. A box you're supposed to be guarding with your life. It started with an errand. It has ended in death. Hold on tight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREDITS ======= ScotsGay is a magazine for lesbians, gays and bisexuals which is edited, printed and published in Scotland. ISSN: 1357-0595. Pageprint Limited 1995. Non profit use by the lesbigay community of material in the magazine will normally be permitted free of charge - but contact us first for permission. We haven't had sex with most of the people who appear in the magazine so we don't actually know what their sexuality is. Editor: John Hein. Advertising Manager: Gordon Gosnell. Contributors in this issue: Martin Powell, Richard Wilson (News), Seamus (Features), Adam and Gordon (Scene), Rex Wockner (International), Tony Hiscox-Sloan (Smut), Justin Milne (Mags), Braithwaite (Films and Media), Dirk and Andy (Books). Editorial Enquiries: Write to: ScotsGay, Pageprint Limited, PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW. Telephone: 0131-539 0666. Fax: 0131-558 1262. E-mail: We welcome news, articles, photos, cartoons, etc. - especially lesbian and bisexual material. Advertising Enquiries: Telephone: 0374 966402. Fax: 01505 335021. Subscribing by Internet: Scotsgay is available on the Internet. Send a 'subscribe scotsgay-list' message to and the text files of future editions will be delivered to you by e-mail..