Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 00:24:54 GMT From: Listserver PULSE MAGAZINE ============== Pulse is a monthly magazine for Gay Men. Edited in Scotland Issue 34 - June 1995 ELECTRONIC EDITION To subscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be subscribe pulse-list (If you are subscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) To unsubscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be unsubscribe pulse-list (If you are unsubscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) All Material Copyright (c) Pulse Magazine Limited 1995. Permission is hereby given to distribute this material provided that this copyright notice is included and that distribution is specifically for non-profitmaking reasons. Distribution for profit must be done only with prior written consent of the magazine any deviation from this will be seen as an infringement of copyright. Hardcopies are limited to one per person for personal use only and such hard copies are subject to the same copyright restrictions as laid out above. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this edition: Read Me - the Pulse Editorial - Never a Gay Day in the Army Scene News - Out and About PRIDE - We've come a long way Where it's at - our guide to Pride Scotland Cue the Music SHE - Pulse's Women's Pages Contacts for Women Sex Work, Sexual Violence and Sexual Choices Snippits - News clips Backtalk - OUTRIGHT Outs Dunn Focus - on Kettering and Leicester Contacts - The Pulse Meet Market Venues - Where to go ---------------------------------------------------------- READ ME! NEVER A GAY DAY IN THE ARMY The majority of the members of HMs armed forces, will without question, do the job required no matter what. Their place is not to question-but to obey. In the modern day forces people are given respect and mostly allowed to get on with their chosen career. Unless of course you come out as a lesbian or gay man. Then the contents of File Thirteen are applied and your ability to do your job changes overnight. Or hadn't you noticed? Lesbian and gay officers are routinely dismissed when their sexuality is discovered. Since 1991 over 250 people have been fired from the armed forces at a cost of ukp40 million. Their only crime-liking sex with same sex partners. While the members of Her Majesty's Government are allowed to indulge in whatever sexual practices they like, while they ru(i)n the country, it is deemed wrong for patriotic lesbians and gays to fight and sometimes die for their country. Investigations into those suspected of being lesbian or gay are not only costly but also cause a considerable amount of misery to those people who have up till then served their country with skill and dedication. The current service rules leave lesbians and gays wide open to blackmail, and the suggestion that lesbian and gays could not work along side their heterosexual colleagues is about as dated as the act governing the rules. The MOD's policy clearly breaks the guidelines set out in the European Convention of Human Rights, that guarantees the right to privacy, and the European Union's Equal Treatment Directive, which outlaws discrimination over sex. We must give those brave enough to challenge the law of the land, our dedicated support, financial help and as much press coverage as we can. You, for your part, can contact your MP and tell him/her what you think, and support those who fight the good fight. Gordon Gosnell ----------------------------------------- SCENE NEWS Edinburgh: The main news out of Edinburgh is of course concerning the first ever Pride Scotland on Saturday June the 17th. The festival will kick off with a march from Broughton Street, setting off prompt at 1.15pm. The procession will head up Leith Street, along Princes Street, on to the Mound, and across King George IV Bridge on its way to the Meadows. The festival itself will commence at 2pm and have amongst many other things a main stage, compared jointly by Eat Out's Brendan Nash, Edinburgh's Ernie Rossie and direct from Newcastle-Huffty plus a special surprise guest. Market and food stalls, a health tent and a women's only area will also be provided. Members of the PULSE and SCOTSGAY teams will be staffing our stall, so don't be afraid to come and speak, we don't bite - much. As I go to press I hear that the former proprietors of Eat Out in Glasgow have secured the lease on the cafe in the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Centre in Broughton Street. The cafe policy will be to continue with the coffee top ups and good quality fresh food that became their trademark in Glasgow. The Cafe will trade as 'Eat Out in Edinburgh', and should be open for business the week before Pride Scotland. See you there. Blackpool: So you think you have been everywhere in Blackpool then? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but you are wrong. Two new gay venues have opened up in Blackpool. Firstly Bodgers, a gay community pub with the emphasis on the gay community. Bodgers is run by the lovely Cliff and Sharon. To get the pub right the owners have consulted the gay community of Blackpool and their ideas seemed to have worked. Both management and staff (known to all as the Sad Mad Fishes) have worked hard to give the customers what they want - Bodgers has a warm inviting feel to it only playing background music so you can have a conversation without straining your voice. There are discos at the weekend with the lovely Robertus Campus Slackus Anus and even though the tunes flow out, such is the layout of the pub you can always find a quiet spot. Another feature of the pub is the food - what a treat, brilliant food at reasonable prices, all lovingly prepared by the fair hands of the one and only Marcia. Another feature of the pub is the line up of exclusive cabaret commencing on the 3rd June with Blackpool lads IMPORT(lovely movers), and guest appearances by Doris Stokes and a host of others. Also on Sunday is an all day Grand Charity bash in aid of HEAL, starting at noon and going through until 11.30pm. Bodgers can be found on Church Street. For details contact 01253-23537. The second gay Venue to open in Blackpool is Li Lo Lil's on Talbot Road (formerly Just Ji's). The club gives the feel of walking into a theatre (how camp), and Frank (ex Autumn Leaves Restaurant) is hosting the entertainment down there, so there is bound to be lots of fun and games. Watch out for top class cabaret, and who knows who you might see down there!!! So you see, Blackpool is getting bigger and better day by day. See you all soon. Tony. Glasgow: After the usual quiet May, thing are begining to pick up in the Holy City. Round at Bennets, where life is never a drag, you should have by now seen the new coat of paint and got the feet on the new carpet - at last! Whatever next? Early in the month sees the visit of the Total Recall Show. For those of you into costume, this is one not to be missed. Towards the middle of the month it's the one and only Lizzie Drip, with the month ending on a real high with the visit of The Portia Show. On the pub scene, Delmonica's continue with the regular visits of Barbara Bryceland on the 15th, on the 8th it's Jamie Watson and towards the end of the month a flying visit by hypnotist-Mr Q. Starting soon will be the heats of Del's Wednesday night Karaoke Competition with a first prize of ukp250. As you all know, Glasgow queens love a good Karaoke and are well supplied by La Belle Hutton at the Waterloo, Big Karn and Betty B at Austins and Tom Urie at Cafe Delmonica's. Now wouldn't it be fun if we could get them all together for a charity Karaoke? I'll be in touch, folks. Now for those of you who want to tell your Health Board what you think, here is your chance. Greater Glasgow Health Board are to run a stall in the health tent at Pride with their new material on gay men, sex and sexuality, drugs and alcohol. A questionaire will be distributed with a fab designer T-shirt in their prize draw. For further details call the lovely Mark Dawson - the Health Promotion Officer for Gay Men - on 0141- 946 7120. Liverpool: Liverpool is still as vibrant as ever, with the opening of yet another pub on Dale Street - Dolly's Dandelion on the same site as the old Reflections Club. DDs, gaining in popularity, is now to open at 6am on the last Saturday of the month, just as Garlands is closing for the night. On a Friday, both The Escape and Garlands are open until 3am. Now for those of you with a good memory, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't The Escape, now that it is beginning to show its own character, remind you of the good old days in Sadie's Bar Royal? Over at Time Out, Peter is spearheading the campaign for Mersey Pride, and as we go to press we hear that a date of 12th August has been entered in the diary. Should be fun. On the fun theme, the bold Peter tells us that a boat trip down the Mersey is planned for July, and one date not to be missed is a jumble sale in aid of FRIEND on Saturday 15th July at Time Out. Newcastle: It has been some time since I had a wee night out in Newcastle, and what a night it was. The last thing I remember was a very busy and crowded Heavens Above, still that's another story. For some time now the Newcastle scene has remained pretty static and insular, with some premises loosing their license, and some loosing their owners. However its good to be able to report that for the first time in ages there seems to be some fresh blood being pumped into the local scene. The opening of the Barking Dog and Dolly's Peppermint Bar and the new ownership at Strings would seem to have put a bit more life back into the old town. The wee fat thing with the camera will be poking his nose (at least) into things and will be reporting back in the near future. As ever, PULSE is first with the news that really matters. We can exclusively reveal that an Anglo American leisure group are looking at the possibility of purchasing pubs and clubs in the Newcastle area, with the special target of acquiring a club suitable to promote and record bands for the American Cable TV channels. Once again, more as it comes in. ----------------------------------------- WE'VE COME A LONG WAY In the beginning, gay sex was a huge no no and lots of free accommodation was provided by Her Majesty for those caught with their trousers down. In 1957, the Wolfendon Committee, set up by the government after a celebrated scandal, recommended that the law be changed. However, it wasn't until 1967 that this eventually happened when the Sexual Offences Act was passed. This act decriminalised gay sex between men - provided that they were both 21+, did it in private, didn't frighten the horses, etc. The 1967 Act didn't however, apply to Scotland - the Church of Scotland opposed it, and the Kirk was important in these days! This led to the ridiculous situation (because of the differences in Scots and English Laws of evidence) that two men in England having sex together with a policeman under the bed could be convicted on the evidence of the policeman (it was no longer in private because he was there) whereas it required two policemen under the bed in Scotland to secure a conviction because of the need for corroboration despite the fact that it was totally illegal - policemen or no policemen. It was in 1969 that the Scottish Minorities Group came into existence. Despite the closet name, it was an upfront lesbigay organisation. SMG worked on a number of levels, there were the branches which provided social facilities for members - meetings, discos, etc, whilst a national structure co-ordinated the campaigning work which culminated in the Robin Cook amendment to the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980 which extended the provisions of the 1967 Act to Scotland. SMG was the focus of the gay community - but the change in the law and the growth of the commercial gay scene led many to leave the group and its mass membership declined rapidly to the levels which obtain today. A change in the name of the Group to the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group also offended some people - it was a bit too out for many. As the scene expanded, many of the services which were provided by SHRG like the Switchboards were taken over by independent bodies which continue to flourish to this day. Over the years, there were various attempts to run a Pride in Scotland, but these never really came to more than the odd impromptu picnic up Calton Hill in Edinburgh. The advent of Section 28 (preventing local authorities from promoting homosexuality) provided an impetus for renewed campaigning and there was much queer activity in the late 80's with SHAG (The Scottish Homosexual Action Group) doing most of the work. Although Section 28 passed into law, it left in its wake two very successful Larks in the Park when Princes Street Gardens were taken over for a day of lesbigay celebration. The change in the UK age of consent last year (after more campaigning by OUTRIGHT Scotland and others) has brought about a situation where more and more lesbigay people (especially young ones) are able to be open about their sexuality. And it's in this light that we should see Pride Scotland. We wish Pride every success. John Hein ------------------------------------------ WHERE IT'S AT When at any Pride March two questions are always to the fore. Where shall we go to eat? Where shall we go for a drink? Well when in Edinburgh you will have plenty to choose from. Some of the pubs can and do cater for both. We have asked the bold Gordon to scribble down (have you seen the hand writing?) a few suggestions where you can go. Apart from the pubs, you still have a choice of venues for satisfying the inner person. The Blue Moon Cafe in Broughton Street is open till 3am serving snacks, table d' hote and a la carte meals as well as a selection of beer and wines. Further down the street in the lesbian/gay/bi-sexual centre the new 'Eat Out In Edinburgh' cafe direct from Glasgow after a 6 month run playing to full houses, should be open once again as the new proprietors rush to get themselves in place in time for Pride. Brendan Nash tells us that the cafe will be continuing its policy of coffee top-ups (what about the tea Bren?). The food will be similar to that of the Glasgow cafe in as much that it will be freshly made from local produce (yummmmmm). On your way in or out of the cafe, why not stop and have a wee troll through the goodies on offer in the by now infamous Drondale shop - get your favourite person a new toy or a bit of light reading after you have adorned them with their new leather vest and knickers. On the entertainment and drinking side, the choice is yours. The furthest west of all the gay pubs is Maggie Rayes in Rose Street Lane North. An impromptu cabaret bar which has become very popular with those among you who like a spot of live in-house entertainment. Always a lot of fun. Open at the weekend till 2am. Next stop on the fun trail is the Newtown Bar and Intense. Run by the former owners of Chapps, Ray and Andy, the Newtown is for those who like a cruise as well as a booze. The upstairs bar is set in the more traditional style, whilst downstairs is definitely for the hunters among you. The Newtown also does a good selection of bar meals and snacks. At the top of Broughton Street on Picardy Place you will find QTs and Insinuendos cabaret club. A very freshly decorated bar giving off a relaxing atmosphere to enjoy a few hours in after a day in the park. Downstairs in Insinuendos there is sometimes a selection of cabaret in the basement club bar. Best to check the bar to see what is on on that particular night. About 100 yards away, near the Playhouse in Greenside Place, you will find a choice of three bars to tempt you. Route 66, run by Sexy Steven, is a long thin bar with plenty of seating at either end and a dance floor off to the bar side. Disco starts about 10pm till late. A good mix of ages in pleasant surroundings. Basket suppers are also served from 3pm. Just up the road we find CC Blooms. A very busy and friendly pub with its own disco in the basement open every night. Largely a young crowd, and boy do they know how to enjoy themselves. Through the back of the bar is the pubs own restaurant, where you will find the best of food being served in a very relaxed and comfortable setting. A few doors along you come to Fusion. Edinburgh's latest gay bar has still to find its niche in the market. The former Chapps Bar has been tarted up a bit and looks as though it has been targeted at the young set. Sorry we have no other info to hand. The management seem a bit shy. If after the march, and trolling round the park, you are needing resuscitated a bit, you could always pop into Edinburgh's only gay sauna club - No 18 - at 18 Albert Place. Offering Sunbeds, Jacuzzi, Sauna cabin, and Private rest facilities. Refreshments are always on hand. There are no time restriction to your length of stay. A very friendly and now very busy club. Just the job before you hit the town. Now for those of you with any energy left, it's on to the disco. Joy, Scotlands biggest gay disco goes from strength to strength. Every Saturday night, Joy is to be found at the New Calton in Calton Road. What else can you say about such a success other than to quote their own Logo: 'Joy- The Gay Club for Happy People'. Well that's your lot, there are other places in town that either cater for a mixed company or for the arty set where you will be made to feel welcome, unfortunately too many to list, here ask around though. Edinburgh folk are really quite friendly despite the stories to the contrary. Enjoy your Pride and remember to play safe. Gordon Gosnell ------------------------------------------- CUE THE MUSIC Well, last month's efforts can't have been too bad, as the editor has invited me back for another go (not at the same reviews though, silly!). Mark Oh: TEARS DON'T LIE A massive hit in Europe prompted the UK label to release this techno pounder. The main backing really brings back memories of Johnny Mathis with 'When a child is born' - god what a thought I hear you crying, but give this a listen, you might even be impressed. If you can get cable TV, watch 'MTV Party Zone' on a Friday night - it's never off! UK Systematic Records - released. Out now. WESTBAM: WIZARDS OF THE SONIC (Red Jerry Vs Westbam mix) - Couldn't wait to get this one onto the turntables and shove up the volume. The German DJ bangs back into the clubs with the hottest track from his new album. Pete Tong has already given the award of 'Essential Tune' to this and well deserved it is too. Granted if fast techno/house is not your style then this may not be to your liking, otherwise you'll love it. UK Urban records - Released early June. HADDAWAY: FLY AWAY - Back with a bang and a huge one at that. Following on from his four top ten releases, this one will follow the same road as the others. We were given eight mixes to test with remixes from Tinman & The Development Corporation. The normal 12inch will have Haddaway fans throwing their slingbacks aside and bouncing with their dancing pumps. Tinmam's remix cleverly reworks the distinctive Haddaway vocal building & dropping as only Tinman can - fab! German Coconut Records - UK Logic Records - Released: Early June. COUNT INDIGO: UNKNOWN LOVE - (Evolution remix) A floor filler from the Count and as this is his first attempt on the vinyl he should be very pleased with himself. As a keen Cowboy Records follower this blends in very well with what I have come to expect from the label - class house! Huge pumping ever building bass beats & horns giving us an anthem for the summer. UK Cowboy Records - Released : 19th June. CABBELLERO: HYMN - Who would ever imagine an Ultravox classic but with a female vocal and a German club sound backing. This works quite well but will probably disappear as quickly as a lot of the other Euro tracks. German Edel records released - Out Now. That's it for this month, we shall see if I'm still in employment after this lot eh! Andy. ------------------------------------------ SHE Remember when you were a youngster and your mum put down your dinner to you and you thought god not again and just stared at it (It was cabbage with me). You would say 'I don't like it' mum would say 'How do you know if you won't try it'? However there was no way you were going to eat it. Your pals didn't so why should you? In the end you made so much fuss that you were never given it again. Now as you get older and a bit wiser you begin to wonder what it would be like to eat the offending item that made you throw such a tantrum all those years ago. So you try a little and to your surprise you find you actually quite like the little veggies. Now, as you aren't to fussed about meat you deduce that you must be a veggie. There you are now a born again veggie, and you start to do all the politically correct veggie things like veggie restaurants, protests and checking every ingredient on supermarket labels before you buy your goodies and then claim yourself the biggest vegetarian since Linda McCartney. Then one day you wake up with a craving for a huge big juicy stake, you tell yourself you can't have it because you are a vegetarian. However the craving won't go away and for weeks you keep torturing yourself because as far as you are concerned a vegetarian must stick to the road you have chosen to take when you were at the cross-roads all those years ago. So what now? Is it just a phase you are going through? or was the veggie bit the phase, who knows? The answer is simple, nobody knows. No one can tell you what to do or how to act. It all boils down to the same thing with your sexuality. Most kids when they are brought up are assumed to be heterosexual, so when they realise that are gay, the go through a tremendous amount of anxiety and pressure. Whether to tell the family and friends at all(we've all been there at some point. First of all it's your nearest and dearest, then everyone gets to know as you 'go public' and declare yourself the most out lesbian since Martina Navratilova. Then a few years down gay avenue you come to another cross-roads, only this time instead of jumping in with two big feet you stand back for a while and realise that you are not at a cross-roads after all, it's really a big junction. It's not fair to say that it's only going left or right, because when you look at it more closely you notice a road going right up the middle. Instead of going through all the anxiety bit again, you take the middle path, and there you are, you're bi-sexual. But what is bi-sexual? Some people think it's greed, and some think it's confusion of the mind and sexual preference. However in my humble opinion it really is the best of both worlds. The lack of knowledge, advice, and understanding about bi-sexuality is so so lacking on the gay scene. Who, without lying can say that they have never been attracted to a member of the opposite sex, if only when you are as randy as hell. If you tell your gay friends that you are really bi-sexual all you get is a headache from listening to their sarcastic comments. On the other hand, when you tell your hety pals they don't really bother. after all they stood by you when you came out-didn't they. That's the gay scene for you, most people are only in it for what they can get out of it.(There are some genuine ones out there but not too many. They call it a 'Gay Community' but it is not so different from the rest of society in general. Most people want to label everyone else so they can tell what little box to put you into. Maybe that's why not very much is said about bi-sexuality, people have a lot of bother finding a little box for it. If bi-sexuality bothers you, tough. We are all individuals and not objects. Nobody stops a coffee drinker having a cup of tea, or a veggie eating meat. So what's the problem when it comes to private sexual matters. As long as you are happy, don't play with peoples emotions and are true to yourself-what the hell, go for it. Vicky ----------------------------------------- SEX WORK, SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL CHOICES A lesbian and gay pride forum to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Wages Due Lesbians (WDL) and the English Collective of Prostitutes is to be held at 7pm on Thursday 29th of June at 230a Kentish Town Road in London. Among the various topics for discussion will be-: Sex as a job; having to comply with having to refuse sexual demands; racism within the sex industry; surviving and getting justice in the face of rape and other forms of violence; campaigning to decriminalise consenting sex and for financial independence to make sexual choices an affordable reality; and more... Everyone is welcome to come to this public meeting which is a part of a series of forums presented by Housewives in Dialogue on the issues and concerns which grassroots women will take to the biggest international event ever - the UN fourth World Conference on Women, being held in Beijing China in September. Governments are trying to avoid discussion on their responsibility for violence against women, on choice and on the rights of prostitute women. WDL and the ECP are pressing for these issues to be put on the agenda of the Beijing conference. Speakers at the conference include: - Niki Adams of the ECP on the historic successful private persecution for rape brought by two prostitute women after the crown prosecution service dropped the case. - A housewife and mother from Manchester on her life as a closet lesbian. - A prostitute woman who has to deal with the racism of her clients. - A woman who as a child was sexually abused by a relative and fought back. The venue is wheelchair accessible except for toilets. There will be an induction loop and sign language interpreter, refreshments will be available. For further information call either 0171-837 7509 or 0171-833 4817. ----------------------------------------- SNIPITS The management at Sunderland's Royal Infirmary have suspended a male auxiliary from duty for allegedly compiling a list of men with the HIV virus A list which has been made public. It has been claimed that at least three of the names on the alleged list were HIV positive whilst others were not. Jimmy Glass of the Terrence Higgins Trust said: 'If this list exists, it is the worst nightmare people with HIV and AIDS fear'. Essex police are appealing to the local gay community for help in their hunt for the killer of 27 year old Simon Shannon, Simon's body was found at his ground floor flat in Clacton after neighbours alerted the police upon seeing a quantity of milk on the doorstep. The post mortem showed that Shannon died from multiple injuries including strangulation and a cut throat. Newcastle man Norman Cook, walked free from court after being given a two-year suspended sentence after he admitted 15 offences of obtaining property by deception. Cook asked that 18 other offences be taken into account. Cook also threatened to out other gay men unless they paid him large sums of cash. A controversial American psychiatrist who has described homosexuality as a 'perversion' was mobbed by an angry group of protesters at a recent lecture in London. Professor Charles Socarides was speaking at the London School of Psychotherapy at Regent Park College when demonstrators burst in carrying placards reading 'We're not sick, we don't need healing'. The owners of Blackpool's Pleasure Beach have demanded that hundreds of educational AIDS leaflets and posters depicting the town's tower and roller coaster be destroyed, claiming that they were offensive. Body Positive produced the artwork with the backing of the local council. Blackpool's latest addition to the gay scene, Bodgers, had to be evacuated recently after customers smelt fumes in the main bar. Fire engines, police, and gas board officials were all at the premises within minutes of the alarm being raised. No-one was injured because of the fire, but police are investigating the possible cause of the blaze. Three youths, aged 20, 18 and 16, and a 14 year old girl have been arrested in connection with the death of a Glasgow man. Michael Dorran, 35, was found with serious injuries in the city's Queens Park and later died in Glasgow's Southern General Hospital. As reported previously in Pulse, gangs of youths had been seen roaming the park late at night. ----------------------------------------- OUTRIGHT OUTS DUNN OUTRIGHT Scotland has finally bitten the bullet: its Co-ordinating Committee has expelled Ian Dunn for yet again purporting to speak on behalf of the group or its associated companies when he had no right to do so. The latest incident arose over a statement made by Ian to the Edinburgh Evening News which amounted to a character assassination on OUTRIGHT's Convenor Martin Walker. The same statement was also sent to the Pink Paper and was even sent with a request that it be read out at the Lantern (a social group which meets in the Edinburgh Lesbigay Centre). Despite many warnings, Ian, who is not an office bearer, has consistently spoken to the press claiming to speak on behalf of OUTRIGHT and has proved a major embarrassment to the group's office bearers over the last few years - sapping energies which could have been better spent on the various campaigns in which the group is involved. The problem is that Ian just doesn't seem to be able to let go of the group which he co-founded. Times have changed, there are new people and ideas and he is very often in a minority of one. Nevertheless, he obviously believes that he is acting in the interests of the group, but the methods he uses and the way in which he uses them are beyond the pale. Over the last twenty five years, there has been a steady haemorrhage of members from the group - members who originally joined keen to advance the interests of lesbigay liberation, were taken to the bosom of Ian, become his proteges and were promptly co-opted or elected to the Executive. Sadly, when the inevitable falling out came along, the sheer vituperation of Ian's reaction forced most people to give up and go away - loosing the services and enthusiasm of people who could have done much for our movement. Those few who have fallen out with Ian and have stayed active in OUTRIGHT have often had cause to regret it. When Pulse printed a piece last year refuting a scurillous and untrue leaflet which had been circulated about him, there were no thanks from Ian. Rather, he used the opportunity to spread the story that we had been responsible for the original leaflet! We can understand Ian's desire to be at the centre of things - some people find it nice to appear on TV and radio and to be able to be the Big Cheese. But most of us either grow out of that sort of thing before we're 30 or become MPs! The OUTRIGHT Co-ordinating Committee has been criticised for ousting Ian without hearing his side of events. Perhaps it would have been better had they done so, but they appear to have been acting in accordance with the group's constitution (as voted for by Ian who is well known as a Constitution Queen). Others claim that Ian's expulsion will lead to activists leaving OUTRIGHT. Quite the opposite is true - his departure would lead to many new and existing activists coming on board! Ultimately, it will be up to the membership of OUTRIGHT to decide what to do about Ian Dunn. It has to be said that he has done much for the group and for the cause over the years. If only he could find a way of putting his personal feelings to one side and working with people who have the same aims as he does! If OUTRIGHT can persuade him to stop being so nasty, he could be a real asset to the group. Otherwise, it is best that he stays away and finds some other outlet for his undoubted talents. Gordon Gosnell ----------------------------------------- FOCUS This month the roving camera has been out and about in the midlands visiting some of the local hotspots in Kettering and Leicester and having a look at what the local get up to(well the stuff we can print anyway) In Kettering, The Cotton Club, formerly known as Scandals has recently changed hands. It was hoped that the Sunday one-nighter could be continued, but due to lack of support the new management have decided to cancel it permanently. As the towns only gay venue it leaves a hole in the market. Could someone else step in? We shall keep you informed as things go develop - or not. Over at Leicester, the old city is fast becoming one of the Midlands most vibrant areas, attracting people from such gay hot spots as Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield, to name but a few. Our first port of call was to the Pineapple Inn. Mark and Philip have really dragged this one into the nineties and have banished the old drab pub atmosphere to the bin. The 2am license, good beer prices and the friendly bar staff really supplement the busy busy feel to the place. The new lighting, dance area, and the curved bar also help to make the bar come alive. For those of you who like to cruise, the very fact that you can walk in a circle round the bar, stopping of to hear the cabaret, is a plus. When we last reported on the fund-raising for Pineapple Aid the total had reached around ukp2,000. Well things have really taken off with the target reaching a massive ukp5,000 and climbing. Fab show folks - keep it coming in. On the entertainment side, there are strip shows, fun bingo, and various styles of cabaret on every night of the week. On the night we were in you couldn't move for bodies, (what a complaint - hands to yourself Gordon). The busy weekends are something else. Be prepared for fun. Not very far from the Pineapple you come across the city's largest night spot comprising of the Crown Bar and Street - Life collectively known as Leicester Place. The very large lounge bar with a customer friendly bar situated in an easy access area, gives its customers a feeling of space, although it still has plenty of seating areas for those in need of a wee rest - or whatever. Through in the disco, one of the most unusual disco's I have come across it is hell let loose on a stick. This one is for the serious clubber who likes his/her noise level on the high side. Designed like a very seedy back street with actual shop fronts this club has no need to learn anything about atmosphere, it has the lot. This is the place for the young and young at heart alike. If you visit the crown before 10.30 you are allowed into the Street on reduced entry. The country's oldest gay pub, the Dover Castle has gone through several changes since the present owner Terry took over from the Ansell Brewery. This very busy pub now features a sun soaking beer garden/lounge and pool table amongst it's attractions. The Castle also offers poppers at the bar. With a new DJ box and sound system the Castle regulars can expect an ear bashing experience from DJ Eddie. The Castle is very popular with lesbians, and judging by the noise some of them were making it must have been someones birthday. As we go to press, the details of the new premises for GHQ are a bit scarce, so come on David let us know what is going on. I will report as soon as I hear anything. Since we at Pulse have started covering this area in our Scene News column, it would appear that the talent has multiplied(Yee-ha) as has the interest of other magazines. This can only be helping to attract customers and talent to the area, so go for it folks. Fairly new to the Leicester scene is Raffles Health Club. (see advert). For a moderate ukp5 entry you can enjoy the best in sauna, steam, sun and gymnasium facilities, with hot and cold facilities always available - stay as long as you like as well. One of the nice points about Raffles is the way everyone is made to feel welcome by Simon the manager, who goes out of his way to introduce you to others. It feels more like a gathering of friends, a point many other saunas could take note of. Should you feel in the need of spoiling, pleasing and pampering you only have to snap your fingers and the lovely masseur Alan is at your service. Co-owners John and Peter have immediate plans to install a Jacuzzi and a roof-top naturist style sun deck for sunbathing. The popular Saturday 'All Nighter' 12 mid-day till 6am on Sunday is an experience that should not be missed. You can always tell 'er indoors' that you have gone fishing. Well almost true eh! All in all Raffles is well worth a trip and great value for money. Gordon ------------------------------------------ CONTACTS Men Liverpool and Northwest Slim built clonish guy is looking for similar guys with GSOH. Can accommodat ebut can't travel. ALAWP. If you don't write you will never know what you are missing. Box P3401. Glasgow/Anywhere 29, 5ft 10in, slim with cropped dark hair and big brown eyes. Seeks guys 25-35 for fun, sexy times and possible 121. Can travel or accommodate. Photo, number and frank letter appreciated. Box P3402. Edinburgh/Lothian Genuine down to earth type is looking for a non-smoking guy who likes to wear leather for safe fun times. Friendship or 121. I'm 5ft 4in and 35 years old. No time wasters. ALA. Box P3403. Northwest Clone bear couple in their early 30s, non-smoking and macho, would like to meet similar types for fun. Likes include walking, cinema, social on/off the scene. Can accommodate. Photo ensures reply. Box P3404. West Yorkshire Guy 42 seeks guys for fun and friendship willing to try anything. Guys of colour very welcome age 21-50. Can accommodate, Detailed letter appreciated. Box P3405. Leicester/Midlands Indian 30, 5ft 9in with medium build, professional, non-scene, non-smoking and straight acting, seeks similar honest and caring passive and smooth white guy for friendship and maybe 121. Cannot travel, photo ensures reply. Box P3406. Glasgow Guy 30 with slim build, 6ft 1in, clean shaven with plenty of passionate TLC to give to the right guy. Likes socialising and cosy nights in. Looking for a genuine guy 30-35. ALAWAP. Box P3407. Handsome/Edinburgh Big (24) guy 6ft 1in and 14.5 stone with rugged masculine good looks and non scene. Seeks older 40+ rough and hairy man for friendship and communication. Photo appreciated. Box P3408 Blackpool/Northwest 18-40 active virile master wanted to give CP to 30 year old student. GSOH non smoker into most music. Able to travel/accomm. No beards and no time wasters-have phone. Box P3409 North East 22 year old guy, 5ft 10in with medium build, seeks someone interested in the country, travel, music, going out and staying in. Must be fun loving, think you could handle me? Photo appreciated. Box P3410 Glasgow/Edinburgh Large lefty bear seeks stocky socialist brother bear chubby chaser for fun and laughter. I'm not very good at small talk, but can offer lots of love and affection. Box P3411 Fife/Edinburgh 76 model Not many miles on the clock, brown colour mixed paint job. Black/white made in Africa. Fur covered in places, in need of service by patient W/E mechanic. Box P3412 Wales/Northwest England Gwynedd, staying alone is not a problem (well almost never) but having a boyfriend is better. I'm 28 and seek a mate 18-28 in North Wales or Northwest England for 121. Photo please. Box P3413 Absolutely Fabulous Sweetie Aries 25 with blue eyes sort of long blondish hair, seeks guys 25 plus, tatoo's a major turn on, pierced parts orgasmic, quite good body. Write with a recent photo. Box P3414 Leeds Anywhere Mad 21 year old guy seeks someone with GSOH. 21 plus. Frank letter very welcome. I can accommodate you. Looking for a 121 or just fun. Write now. ALAWAP. Box P3415 Glasgow/Anywhere 37 year old tall guy likes to be loved and loves all kinds of sex, likes to obey his master. Likes hockey and dark hairy men. Box P3416 Northwest Lancs Clone couple early 30s N/S seek tached guys same age, N/S for friendship and fun. Many interests GSOH can accommodate. Photo ensures a reply. Box P3417 Northwest couple 28/30 one dark one fair, both good looking and fit, seek other singles and couples for fun and friendship. ALAWAP. Box P3418 Bradford West Yorks 40 cuddles seeks others for hot fun and games. Looks and age unimportant. Could be 121 for right person. ALA Photo if poss. Box P3419. Nottinghamshire Guy 29 slim and hairy, seeks mates for writing, drinking, being happy and horny. So what are you waiting for get writing. Box P3420 Falkirk Area Slim 21 with brown hair and blue eyes, likes clubs, pubs, and the cinema. Seeks Bi/Gay guys 21/30 for friendship. GSOH. Photo a must, can travel. Box P3421 Worksop/Sheffield Active VWE guy wanted by passive attractive Male for daytime visits. ALAWAP. Box P3422 Blackpool Young 26 year old, 5ft 6in medium build, clean shaven and straight acting is looking for guys 25-35 for friendship or poss 121. Handsome, preferably hairy. Photo appreciated. Box P3423 Scotland/Anywhere Guy 43, 5ft 11in seeks gay or bi guys 25+ requiring regular correction. Genuine and discreet. Can accommodate, frank letter and Photo please. Box P3424 Northwest seeks master 37 year old seeks young master 18-25 into most things, skinhead boot boys most welcome. ALAWAP Box P3425 Edinburgh Lad 33 year old into rubber gear, DMs, W/S, poppers and used pants. wants to meet guys with imagination for fun. Phone number appreciated. Box P3426 Glasgow Guy 31, slim build seeks guy 21-35 for fun and friendship with poss 121. Into pubs, clubs, travel, eating in or out, some sports and massage. You similar. Box P3427 Englishman in Edinburgh 22 year old, slim, toned and attractive, seeks genuine guy 18-28 for nights in or out. Must be horny, wild and definately single. ALA phone handy. Box P3428 Bored with the rat race Me too, 21 year old seeks a guy 25-30 for fun times on and off the Glasgow scene. Hairy chest a definate bonus. Must have GSOH also. ALAWAP. Box P3429 Nottingham 34 very hairy and randy Grant Mitchell look alike seeks Phil Mitchell look alike for fun nights in and out. Non smokers only. Box P3430. Glasgow Student Seeks mature guys (Tache's/Bears very welcome). Non-scene? Discretion? No probs. Me: 21, 5'11(ish), slim, dark hair. Box P3431. Replying To Contacts By e-mail: We can now accept replies by e-mail for Box Numbers. They should be sent to and will be printed out and posted on by snail mail to the box number holders. There will be no charge for this service. As box number holders are unlikely to have access to e-mail, please include your name and address so that they can get back to you! And remember to include the box number that you're replying to clearly on each reply. By snail mail: Just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the envelope with your reply inside another envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outside the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage stamps. International Reply Coupons are available from most Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs. Send all replies to: PULSE Magazine, PO Box 1248, Paisley, Renfrewshire. PA3 3YA. To place a Contact Ad: Write to the above address enclosing your advertisement copy. Ads are FREE of charge to the advertiser. ------------------------------------------ VENUES ======= *Aberdeen: CLUB CABERFEIDH - 9 Hadden Street, Tel: (01224) 212181. Thu-Sun 10pm-2am. Popular Disco just a stones throw away from Flannies Bar. PINK FLAMINGO - 47 Upper Kirkgate. Tel: (01224) 624472. Mon-Fri 5pm-2am, Sat-Sun 1pm-2am. Plush cocktail bar frequented by the trendier crowd. *Blackpool: BASIL'S ON THE STRAND - 9 The Strand, Tel: (01253) 293 877. Mon-Sat 12.30pm-12.30am. Sun pub hours. Pub with dance floor, bistro, Clone Zone Shop. PEPE'S - 92-94, Talbot Road, Tel: (01253) 26691. Mon-Sat 12-5pm & 8pm-2am, Sun 12-3pm & 8-10pm. Cabaret on Weds and Sat lunchtimes. FUNNY GIRLS - Tel: (01253) 291144 for details. FLAMINGO 2001 - 176 Talbot Road, Tel: (01253) 24901. Mon-Sat 10-2am. Sun 7-11.30 pm. Disco Club, Drag & Bistro. Sun Piano Bar lunchtimes. GALAXY HEALTH CLUB - 25 Springfield Road, Tel: (01253) 294610 LUCY'S BAR - below Rumours, Talbot Square, Tel: (01253) 293204. Mon-Thu 12-3pm and 7-2am, Sat 12-4.30pm and 7-2am, Sun 12-3pm and 7-10.30pm. DJ and Cabaret. MATCHAM'S BAR - Behind Grand Theatre, Corporation Street, Tel: (01253) 28309. Mon-Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 12pm-3pm. Mixed Bar. 20'S TEA ROOMS - 5 Queens Street, Tel: (01253) 25713. 10-5pm. Open 7 days a week. *Bolton: CHURCH HOTEL - 174 Crook St. Mixed Gay Bar with entertainments. 7 Nights. Tel: (01204) 521856. MR D'S - 148 Crook St. Tel: (01204) 399325. Mixed Bar. THE STAR - 11 Bow Street. Tel: (01204) 525926. Mixed/Gay. Open 7 Nights. *Bradford: CALIGULAS - , 7 Barry Street. Tel (01274) 731606. Nightclub and Fun bar. THE SUN - 124 Sunbridge Road. Tel: (01274) 737722. Busy disco pub. Real ale. *Derby: CURZON NIGHTCLUB - 25 Curzon Street. Tel: (01332) 204290. FREDDIES BAR - 101 Curzon Street. Tel: (01332) 204290. *Dundee: CLUB CRUISE - 60 Brown Street (part of Oscars). Tel: (01382) 221176. Sat 11pm-3am. Noisy with soft lighting, but, despite its name, relaxed and not too cruisy. GAUGER BAR - 75 Seagate. Tel: (01382) 226840. Mon-Sat 11am-12pm, Sun 6pm-11pm. Large bar with pool table and its very own disco! *Edinburgh: BUSTER BROWNS - 25-27 Market Street. Tel: 0131-226 4224. New Gay weekend club (Fri, Sat, Sun). C.C. BLOOMS - 23 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-556 9331. Friendly Bar/Diner. Serves Quality Food. Open 12-Late. DRONDALE LIMITED 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 1471. Open Mon-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat 12-8. Situated at the front of the Edinburgh Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Centre. Undoubtedly the largest gay shop north of Manchester, carrying a large selection of magazines, cards, toys, underwear, swimwear, leather and rubberwear. Well worth a visit. Worldwide mail order service. THE EDGE - 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 0852. Licensed cafe. 9am-1am - days a week. EDINBURGH FESTIVAL THEATRE - 13-29 Nicolson St. Tel 0131-529 6000. Cafe Lucia for the Boys and Girls. THE EDINBURGH LESBIAN GAY & BISEXUAL CENTRE - 58a Broughton Street. Entry through 60 as well. INSINUENDOS - 2 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-556 0499. Basement Cabaret Club in QT's Bar. Acts, Strippers, etc. JOY AT THE CALTON - 20 Calton Road. Tel: 0131-558 3758. 11pm till late. Edinburgh's Saturday one nighter. MAGGIE RAYE'S - 85 Rose Street Lane North. Tel: 0131-225 7651. Noon-1am. Impromptu Cabaret Bar. NEW TOWN BAR - 26B Dublin Street. Tel: 0131-538 7775. Noon-1am. Popular Basement Bar. Cellar Cruise Bar open Thu-Sat 9pm-1am. No EIGHTEEN - 18 Albert Place. Tel: 0131-553 3222. Mon-Sat Noon-10pm. Scotland's only sauna club for gay gentlemen - run by a couple of straight Dykes! QT'S BAR - 2 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-556 0499. Noon-2am. Bright city centre bar with a mixed crowd of all ages. At the Centre of Edinburgh's Gay Triangle. ROUTE 66 - 6 Baxter's Place. Tel: 0131-556 5991. Mon-Fri 1.30am. Sat Noon-1.30am. Sun 4pm-1.30am. Food served all day. Discos Fri, Sat and Sun with DJs Christine, Claire, Craig and Patsy. Real Ale. WEST & WILDE BOOKSHOP - 25a Dundas Street. Tel: 0131-556 0079. Tue-Sat 10am- 7pm, Sun Noon-5pm. Scotland's only lesbian and gay bookshop. Lots of books and quite a few magazines! WORD POWER BOOKSHOP - 43 West Nicolson Street. Tel: 0131-662 9112. *Glasgow: AUSTINS - 183a Hope Street. Tel: 0141-332 2707. Mon-Sat Noon-midnight, Sun 12.30am- midnight. Friendly and busy basement pub. Food lunchtimes. Entertainment every evening. BENNETS DISCO - 80-90 Glassford Street. Tel: 0141-552 5761. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Very popular busy gay disco. Tuesdays: straight. CAFE DELMONICA'S - 68 Virginia Street. Tel: 0141-552 4803. Mon-Sun Noon-midnight. Food Noon-7pm. Busy semi trendy pub with backroom area (but not THAT kind of backroom!). Cabaret Thurdays. Karaoke Wed and Sun. Happy hours 5-7 and 9-10 every night. CLUB X-CHANGE - 25 Royal Exchange Square. Tel: 0141-204 4599. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Large basement club, popular with young crowd. Wednesday nights are straight (though still quite mixed). COURT BAR - 69 Hutcheson Street. Tel: 0141-552 2463. Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight, Sun 8.30-11pm. Small bar with basement area. DIVALLY'S - 86 Maxwell Street. Tel: 0141-221 4657. 11am-3am. Increasingly popular members' club containing lounge bar and cinema showing legal erotica (gay and straight). Gayer on Mon and Tue. Glasgow's only TV staff! Membership available at the door. EAT OUT - 8-10 West George St. Tel: 0141-332 7060. 10am-10pm - 7 days. Glasgow's first dedicated Lesbian & Gay cafe. 7 days a week. GHQ - 8-10 West George St. Tel 0141-332 8005. Open 6-12noon-midnight. Large bar. SQUIRES LOUNGE - 106 West Campbell Street, Tel: 0141-221 9184. Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight, Sat 12.30-Midnight, Sun 8pm-12pm. Thu, Fri, Sat DJ. Nightly Happy Hours. THE WATERLOO - 306 Argyle Street, Tel: 0141-221 7359. Mon-Sun 12-12. As crowded and popular as ever. Cabaret every Thurs, Karaoke with Ms Hutton on Sundays. *Harrogate: THE DUNGEON - 2 Parliament Terrace. Tel: (01423) 524629. Very Busy Sunday Nights, Open 7-11pm. HALES BAR - 1 Crescent Road. Mixed bar with old style gas lighting. In the Real Beer Guide! BEDROCK AT THE ZOO - 11 Station Parade. Tel: (01423) 503294. New Thursday night club from 10pm-2am with Drag DJ. *Kettering: SCANDALS - 57/61. High Street. Tel: (01536) 310113. *Leicester: DOVER CASTLE - 34 Diver Street. (No Telephone) GHQ CLUB - Madisons Complex, 68 Humberstone Gate. Tel 0116-251 5528. LEICESTER PLACE - 24 Doyden Street. Tel: 0116-251 0785. THE PINEAPPLE INN - 27 Burleys Way. Tel: 0116-2623384/1. *Leeds: THE NEW PENNY PUB - Call Lane. Tel: 0113-243 8055. THE BRIDGE INN - Lower Brigate. Tel: 0113-244 4734. THE OLD RED LION - 2 Meadow Lane. Tel: 0113-242 6779. Real Ale. PRIMOS II - Nightclub, 41-43 New York Street. Tel: 0113-244 6300. *Liverpool: THE CURZON CLUB - Temple Lane. Tel: 0151-236 5160. Guests Allowed. THE ESCAPE - 41-45 Paradise Street. Tel: 0151-709 8567. GARLANDS - 8-10 Eberle St. Tel: 0151-236 3307. THE LISBON - Stanley St. Tel: 0151-236 1248. Nice friendly large pub. PACO'S - Stanley St. Tel: 0151-236 9737. Basement Bar. REFLECTIONS CLUB - 24 Dale St. Tel: 0151-236 3946. TIME OUT - 30 Highfield Street. Tel: 0151-236 6768. Fresh and welcoming bar. Real ale. *Manchester: CHAINS - 4-6 Whitworth St. Tel: 0161-228 3078. Gay disco complex. Mon,Thurs-Sun 10pm-2.30am. Sun 1-4pm. Closed Tuesdays. BLUES FUN - Bar/Disco, 211 Slamford Street, Ashton-upon-Lyme. Tel: 0161-330 3212. Long Established popular Gay venue, Open Mon-Sat till 2am. CLUB LA LA - All Night Disco. Tel: (01706) 826767 CRUZ 101 - 101 Princes Street. Tel: 0161-237 1554. Large Club open 10pm-2am. Closed Sun. Members only. ETHOS AT RUBY TUESDAYS - 10pm-2am. Tel: (01374) 747674 for details. GRAND CENTRAL - 80 Oxford Street.(100 yds from Oxford St Railway Station). Also contains basement bar ('The Subway') NAPOLEON'S - Sackville Street/Bloom Street. Tel: 0161-236 8800. Gay disco/club. Sun-Sat 9.30-2am. NEW YORK, NEW YORK - 98 Bloom Street. Tel: 0161-236 6556. Mixed gay bar. All day opening OSCARS - 5 Copper Street. Tel: 0161-236 6007. Gay nightclub. Wed-Sat 10-2am. Q-BAR - 28 Richmond Street. Tel: 0161-237 9329. Members only bar (Free Membership avail.). Tues-Sat 9-1am, Sun 9-11.30pm. THE REMBRANDT HOTEL - 33 Sackville Street. Tel: 0161-236 1311. *Newcastle: COURTYARD - 2 Scotswood Road. Tel: 0191-232 2037. Mixed pub. HEAVENS ABOVE - Above the Courtyard Bar. Tel: 0191-261 0488. Young and lively crowd. Busy at weekends. POWERHOUSE - Waterloo Street. Tel: 0191-261 4507. Thur-Sat 10-1am Gay club Ist Wed of month. Men only. ROCKIES - 78 Scotswood Rd. Mixed bar with disco, pub hours. ROCKSHOTS - Waterloo St. Tel: 0191-232 9648. Large and popular disco. Very busy. STRINGS - 29 Blenheim Street, Tel: 0191-232 3530. Mixed Gay bar with accent on the Disco. THE VILLAGE - Sunderland St. Next to Powerhouse. Mon, Thur, Fri, Sat 12-11pm, Tue, Wed 12-12pm, Sun 7-10.30pm. *Nottingham: ADMIRAL DUNCAN - 74 Lower Parliament Street. Tel: 0115-950 2701. GATSBY'S - Huntingdon Street. Tel: 0115-950 5323. *Preston: BARRISTERS - Local Thursday one nighter called 'Queen Bitch'. Door open 11pm. THE STAGE DOOR - 28 Croft St. Tel: (01772) 251275. Open daily in evenings. *Wakefield: THE DOLPHIN PUB - 6 Lower Warren Gate. Tel: (01924) 20705. *York: WHITE HORSE - Bootham. Tel: 01904 623778. York's only full time gay haunt. Open 11am- 11pm. -------------------------------------------- PULSE MAGAZINE Issue 34 - June 1995 Editorial team: Adam Donlin John Hein ( Gordon Gosnell Published by Pulse Magazine Limited Contributors: Vicky Johnson (SHE) Tony Leverett (Scene News - Blackpool) Gordon (Scene News - Edinburgh) Dale (Scene - Midlands) Gary (Scene - Manchester) Daniel (Scene - Liverpool) Electronic Edition: John Hein ( General Enquiries: Pulse Magazine PO Box 1248 PAISLEY Renfrewshire Scotland PA3 3YA Advertising Enquiries: Telephone: +44 (0) 374 966402 TeleFax: +44 (0) 1505 335021 END OF FILE -- Listserver