Date: Thu, 09 Feb 1995 03:06:10 GMT From: Listserver PULSE MAGAZINE ============== Pulse is a monthly magazine for Gay Men. Edited in Scotland Issue 30 - February 1995 ELECTRONIC EDITION To subscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be subscribe pulse-list (If you are subscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) To unsubscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be unsubscribe pulse-list (If you are unsubscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) All Material Copyright (c) Claypoke Limited 1995. Permission is hereby given to distribute this material provided that this copyright notice is included and that distribution is specifically for non-profitmaking reasons. Distribution for profit must be done only with prior written consent of the magazine any deviation from this will be seen as an infringement of copyright. Hardcopies are limited to one per person for personal use only and such hard copies are subject to the same copyright restrictions as laid out above. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this edition: Read Me - the Pulse Editorial - You don't always get what you pay for! Scene News - Out and About A Sad Farewell Focus - on Liverpool Royston Du Lebek Health Matters - Bad Breath Sucks! Snippits - News clips Backtalk - Death Sentence? Contacts - The Pulse Meet Market Venues - Where to go Helplines - Switchboards and Info ---------------------------------------------------------- READ ME! ======== YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! (For Humour Restricted: Insert tongue firmly in cheek and read on) So, why isn't it ukp1.75? That's a question which gets thrown at me every now and then by somebody who feels that they should be paying for their copy of Pulse. In fact, it usually means they simply want to have a moan about the high price of other gay magazines. The reasons for NOT charging a cover price for Pulse are simple: we don't need to, and we don't want to! Our advertisers prefer it that way - we have a higher circulation than many paid for titles. And, unlike the free newsprint titles, we tend to get taken home - if only for our pinups. It's rare that you'll see a soggy copy of Pulse sitting around in a bar. Because we're restricted to being distributed free in gay clubs and bars, we can be more critical in our coverage as we don't have to rely on anybody to sell our magazine. Our scene advertisers like this too - the people who pick up Pulse in gay clubs and bars are the people who are likely to respond to their advertisements. Those who buy their magazines in newsagents and booksellers usually aren't scene people at all. The best tribute that's paid to us by our competitors is when they plagiarise our design ideas or articles - which they do! So, the next time you consider whether other magazines are worth ukp1.75 or more, consider this: at least we save you the price of a pint and we're more useful and better looking as well! Gordon Gosnell ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SCENE ===== Blackpool --------- As most of the gay world knows, Mr Blackpool (Basil Newby) is ringing the changes to his empire during 1995. As ever PULSE is first with the details of all that's happening. Well firstly, Pink is going to be THE colour this year, and I don't mean Basil's new frock either. In an exclusive interview for PULSE he tells the bold Tony all his inner secrets. All the venues under The Pink ownership are to receive major changes. Up the stairs at Basil's, it is a total face lift, paint work, carpets the lot. It doesn't stop there. Funny Girls, opened last year, has been such a success both with the gay and straight scene that it has even taken Basil by surprise. Within a few month a new bar, Pigalle, had to be built to cope with the demand and it hasn't stopped there. The shop next door to Funny Girls has been bought in order to expand to a capacity of (wait for it) 1,200. Pepe's is also in for a revamp, with a much heavier feel to the place. The club is to have a tunnel effect look with a new wooden dance floor and lots of chains (just my type of place), so now is the time to rub down the rubber and polish the leather. More to come! The Flamingo is to have a total transformation making it the biggest and best club around. By the time the refurbishment is complete, you will be able to look down on the dance floor from the very top. As long as you don't mind the heights. The dance floor itself is going to be even bigger than ever, with another two bars being built with the stage area being moved and a real theatre stage replacing it for all the major acts who will be appearing ( Now that's another article). Still at the Flamingo, a new mini-club is being built on to the club to give an extra capacity for 700, with of course a new entrance. One final piece of news, I hear that a 5th floor is in the planning stage, but that is for another year. Now just in case you are wondering, forget it, the club will not be closing during the alterations. So get ready to see in Easter with a new look and by the time of the illuminations the work will have been completed. So in the words of the song, Simply the Best. Nice one Basil. See you soon, Tony. Glasgow ------- A bit of confusion has been caused by a rumour doing the rounds in Glasgow that Squires is to be no longer. This has been caused by the fact that David, Graham and Ellis are getting rid of another pub run by their company. PULSE contacted the boys who issued this statement. 'Squires itself is to continue as before. Whilst it is true we are disposing of another business tied into the same company, Squires will be unaffected and shall continue to trade as before. We have been at Squires for six years and are looking forward to another six at least. You are all invited to our sixth birthday party on Saturday the 18th February'. (Details of the party are contained in the Squires advert on page 6.) Now that they have been granted an 11am - 3am license, the owners at Divally's cinema club feel they can now compete on an even keel with the other establishments on the gay scene. Monday and Tuesday nights are Gay nights at Divally's with professional Cabaret on Mondays and the clubs own in house staff doing the honours on a Tuesday. Bar Staff Lee (Rita ram it in) and Scott (Gitrude up me) are a must to see as Dragarama. For a bit of honest to goodness fun and games Divally's is the place. As exclusively revealed in last months PULSE, Bennets have booked Eastenders star Sean Maguire to appear in what will be his only appearance in a Scottish gay club on Saturday the 18th of February. Normal admission prices will apply. All this and Suave Gav. How much can a girl stand. Due to publication dates, we have not been able to report in this issue on Glasgow's Gay Ball. A full report will appear in next months issue. When PULSE spoke to Jim Glenn chairman of the welfare fund committee, organisers of The Ball, he was hopeful of raising over six thousand pounds on the night. Now, have you been to the Monday club at Austins yet, If not, why not. It really is becoming the place to be seen at. The shape and size of the bar lends atmosphere to this type of live entertainment. The committee from the welfare fund can testify to that. I am led to believe that a few sore heads were around the following day. Edinburgh --------- Over in Edinburgh, things are a bit quiet after the Christmas holidays, but not that quiet. QT's are continuing with their twice monthly cabaret, and have vowed us to secrecy over the booking of one of the Britain's top acts on the 11th, best to check out the pubs in house advertising for details. CC Blooms are much in the same vein with no news at the moment. However we are led to believe that they shall soon be able to release their forthcoming programme of events, once again, watch the pub for details. The town's newest venture, Maggie Raye's is gaining in strength and one of the week's highlights is the Friday night Karaoke with Paul. With the opening of NUMBER 18, the capital once again has its very own gay sauna. This is not for the first time however, and it will be interesting to see if the police treat the running of a gay sauna in the same nudge nudge - wink wink way they do with the straight versions dotted around the city. PULSE shall be watching. One piece of news just in is of the appearance of an insolvency notice in the Scotsman Newspaper relating to Chapps Ltd the parent company of Chapps Bar and The Newtown Bar. This follows on the sudden closure of Chapps Bar. However, as we go to press, the Newtown Bar is still open for business. No one was available from the company for comment. Manchester ---------- Well sweetie darlings! Welcome to my first round up of Manchester's ever growing scene. The latest addition to the scene, Metz Cafe Bar, has already become a big hit with the locals and looks set to become well established as a part of the ever growing village. Managed by chirpy Michael Polly' Pollard, Metz overlooking the canal, serves excellent quality Eastern European cuisine. Simply furnished and lit by masses of candles, Metz oozes atmosphere whenever you open the door. On the pub scene, both the New York, and the Rembrant are now open on a Sunday between 3pm and 7pm giving that bit longer to top up from the night before, while the New York and the Q-Bar are now able to serve you until 11.30pm on Sundays. As we go to press, I hear that the extension into the car park is soon to commence on the New Union, the completed work will make it the largest pub in the village. It is hoped to have a 1am license soon after the extensions are complete. A rumour is doing the rounds that Chains on Whitworth Street is to open every night except a Sunday with the occasional cabaret planned for midweek. I shall bring you up to date as we receive more info on this one. Despite several objections claiming that there is a proliferation of pubs and clubs in the area, permission has been granted to turn the old three storey warehouse opposite Napoleon's into either a bar/club. Now last but not least, a reminder that the membership renewals for CRUZ 101 begins on the 1st of February. For me one of the highlights at CRUZ 101 is the Absolutely Fabulous Monday nights, this queens membership renewal is on the way. Kettering --------- Kettering's 'Scandals' is continuing to increase in popularity and is now attracting customers from all over the East Midlands. This month sees the appearance on Sunday the 12th of February of top London Stripper 'The Bronze'. One not to be missed. Leicester --------- Meanwhile over in Leicester the Pineapple Club is as vibrant as ever, especially on a Tuesday night when pints are only ukp1.10p. With the Fun Bingo on Wednesday, strippers on a Sunday, and double spirits every day at only ukp2.20p (with the new and bigger measure) I can't see how 'She who must be obeyed', will keep me away. For the more adventurous amongst you, regular buses are organised to 'The Yard' in Mansfield and 'Gavin's' in Wolverhampton. ---------------------------------------------------------- RE-VIEW Fairweather People! Here's my top's selection of real horrorshow flics for this month. TIMECOP (PETER HYAMS) In this latest film of Jean Claude Van Damme, it has him returning to the sci fi genre as a human future cop charged with policing time!!! The plot has numerous jumps from the future to the past,there are some amazing special effect, but most of the action take place insurprise surprise ...1994 - but this is really a B movie thriller. The baddies are not really bad enough and Jean isn't as good as his role in UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, but performs better than you would expect.The story has a few major premise problems but as a whole this is a good Jean Claude romp with one glimpse of his delectable bum, but l have just been told that although this has an 18 certificate, we do not see his dick, so it must be small!!! STARGATE (ROLAND EMMERICH) This Hollywood latest blockbusting sci-fiction epic staring James Spader, Kurt Russel and Jaye Davidson and is being touted in the US as 2001 or even the STAR WARS of our generation. Is it? Read On! Kurt Russel plays a recently bereaved hard arsed Colonel and is sent with a group of marines to discover what is onthe other side of the Stargate. They arrive on the other side to discover King Ra played by Jaye Davidson (of the CRYING GAME) who waltzes around with a host of mean looking androgynous kids. Davidson walks around with glowing eyes killing the odd slave and is very upset that these people have strange ideas about his kingdom. There are some stunning special effects and lots of heavy symbolism and some nonsense about ending slavery for the masses. James Spader gets laid, a few of the stupid marines die, Kurt Russell finds redemption and there are some impressive battle scenes.The film is somewhat of a wasted opportunity - all mouth and no trousers! It stops being good science fiction to become an adventure romp and not a particularly good one. The special effects are ok, just a pity the story is crap. INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (NEIL JORDAN 1994) This film had one the biggest openings of the year in the US and it is one of the most hyped movies of this year!! Most of Hollwood's best looking stars are here (Tom Cruise and major babes Brad Pitt, Christian Slater and Antonio Banderas). The most shocking thing about this film is that Tom Cruise can act!!! Yes,he can act - he's not just a nice body. The story starts with Christian Slater playing journalist, interviewing Brad Pitt in a New York apartment in 1994, who is explaining how he mets Tom Cruise, the wayward vampire and, sure enough, he changes him into a vampire. Brad, poor lad, can live forever, has the power to seduce anyone, can fly, can't feel any pain or suffer any injury, butthe disadvantage is that he must only go out at night and must suck the odd bit of blood. Problem: he hates this!!! Pitt refuses to kill peopleuntil he is given a young child vampire to look after by Cruise. After show of handbags with Cruise, they split to Paris where Antonio Banderas (Tom Hank's lover in Philedelphia) enters. There are some amazing homoerotic scenes between him and Pitt but sadly, no sex - they could be described as more macho 'male bonding'. I really hate to say this about a Hollywood blockbuster but l love this film - Cruise is brilliant, his best role ever, and although Pitt sometimes a little boring I can forgive anyone that cute - he's simply wonderful. This is a must see!!! Take your lovers, Take your Friends, Take Anyone!!! -------------------------------------------------- A SAD FAREWELL ============== It's not often you can say with heart on hand that you have seen the end of an era. The end of this particular era is one I would rather not be writing about. The Waterloo Bar in Glasgow is the oldest gay bar in the Holy City, if not in Scotland. It has been managed for the past eleven years by Mrs Vicky Morrison, until now the longest serving manager on the gay scene. Vicky, to most who know her, is being moved up the ladder by her company, Tennents Taverns Ltd. When Vicky took on the Waterloo it was a bit of a dive, more like a wine shop than anything else. A couple of doors along was the Duke of Wellington, and between them they had just about every character in town as locals. It wasn't long before some of the more robust characters were on the end of Vicky's wagging finger, and inevitably many were barred. Bit by bit the Waterloo was dragged up from the wine shop to the fine gay bar it has become. It is not only her bar skills that Vicky will be remembered for, over the years she has become a bit of a mother figure and confidant to some of her regulars who felt that they could trust her with their innermost problems - a bit like going to confession, only at this church you got a smile and a pint as well. Another bow to her string is the way she has involved both her patrons and herself in the many fund raising events throughout the years. She is also one of the major factors of the very successful Glasgow Bars AIDS Welfare Fund Committee, which she shall be continuing to serve upon despite her move. To many Vicky Morrison IS the Waterloo Bar, and the wisdom of the move may well backfire on her bosses. The running of a gay bar is unlike any other bar, a fact the new management will no doubt find out in the fullness of time. The bar sales will also tell the high heid yins up at Bath Street whether they have made the right move or not. I think not. Whatever happens, I am sure we have not seen the last of Mrs Morrison. Things have a strange way of turning round when you least expect them to. On a personal note, I shall of course continue to frequent the Waterloo, but somehow, I feel it will never be quite the same without Vicky who was there when I needed her. Vicky, it goes without saying, you only have to lift the phone. Gordon Gosnell ----------------------------------------------------------- FOCUS In Focus this month, our man with the camera takes a return visit to Liverpool to have a look at some of the places old and new that were missed out in his last visit. Namely the Lisbon, Time Out, and The Escape. The first port of call was the Lisbon. An interesting basement bar set only a few yards from some of the other pubs in what is fast becoming a bit of a gay village. The Lisbon is what I would call a bit of a mixed, well run, down to earth bar. Manageress Mary seems to have the right mix of clientele that some other mixed bars don't. Unlike some other bars, the Lisbon has been done out in an Olde Worlde style which seems to give it a really homely feel. As in many bars the Lisbon has a pool table, that seems to be popular especially with the female customers. The owners of the bar are Bass, and all their usual beers are available on tap. Time Out, is one of the city's latest gay pubs to spring up. Owners Peter Gregory and Philip Yeoh, who only recently moved up from London, liked what they saw of the town and decided that there was room for a new fresh look bar in the Liverpool scene. At first, Time Out is not so easy to find, but when you do, what a pleasant surprise awaits you. Open the door on a dark winters night, and you are met by a fresh, clean, open look, finished in Pine, with some rather unusual lighting. Although there is only one bar at the moment, plans are afoot to expand to the floor above, which will all go well with the new look garden square being built to the front of the pub by the local council. A shrewd man is Peter. As you may have noticed in the various adverts they run, their drinks price are unlikely to leave you skint. All this and very friendly bar staff, all the makings of a good pub. And so to the Escape. This latest venture into the Pink Pound by owners Bass is sure to become the crown in the Liverpool scene. Jointly managed by Ian Harman and Joseph Roche the Escape must be one of the nicest clubs, either straight or gay, in the area. As far as the decoration goes, enough said when you realise that approx ukp1.25m was spent on the place. The Escape is more than just another disco. As well as being open seven night per week, it is also open as a pub from 12 noon till 4.00 pm Monday-Saturday. During the day it becomes the cafe bar 'Eats' serving the best of meals and snacks as well as the usual drinks. At night it's lights down a bit and on with the disco. Apart from the main dance and bar areas on the first level, the upper level offers a quieter area to one side of the bar with large settees for two. The middle of the upper floor has a square balcony overlooking the dance floor (great for cruising) or just hanging on to in case you have had a sherry or two to many. The club's music policy is as varied as it is good, with everything from Hi NRG, Garage, House, Funky, to sounds of the 70s and 80s. With something different every night there must be a night or two just for you. Manager Ian tells me that they will be having the top acts from all over the country as well as the best in strippers. All in all, the Escape has given the other clubs in Liverpool a standard to aim at. This can only be good for the scene in general. ----------------------------------------- ROYSTON DU LEBEK Whilst taking a friend to hospital for his routine Chemotherapy treatment, international artist Royston du Maurier-Lebek was shocked to see how bare and boring the walls were in the reception and ward areas. This preyed so much on his mind that he contacted one of the staff nurses to ask if they would like a few paintings to brighten up the walls a bit. The offer was gladly received and the walls were quickly given the homely touch, much to the appreciation of the staff and patients. Lebek has also tried to include centres for both male and female prostitutes. Thus started what has become a bit of a crusade to the bold Lebek. His 'Art in the Community' programme was born . The total donations to date are approx 1,000 paintings supplied to 68 hospitals or clinics all over the country from Aberdeen to Brighton and all points in between. Having seen the extensive list of recipients, I was quick to ask Lebek why he chose so many GU clinics to make the donations to. His reply was frank and down to earth. 'In the seventies and early eighties when all we were worrying about was the clap and crab infestation, it was just a quick visit to the clap clinic, some cream or a few pills, a week's abstinence and gung ho away we went again. However today things are a bit more problematic, what with AIDS and HIV to worry about. The visits to the hospital and or clinic have taken on a more serious and sinister feeling. In the past few years many of my close and not so close friends have died, and this of course has meant many a visit to the various hospitals and clinics whilst they were ill and dying. By donating the paintings I have been able to supply something nice to look at other than safer sex posters, which usually give the message to the very people who already have some disease or other. 'The Art in the Community Project is funded by myself and a hard core of patrons who have been so good and generous over the years. I am sure they dread me phoning as I am always trying to raise some more funds. As you will all know equipment is not cheap'. As a parting question I asked Mr Lebeck if he could sum up what the project is all about. 'The paintings donated through the Art in the Community Project will have served their purpose if they can bring a little ray of sunshine to some very deserving people'. Gordon Gosnell. ------------------------------------------------------------ BAD BREATH SUCKS! ================ Oh God! There he is!!! The man of your dreams is standing in the corner and you've plucked up the courage to go and speak to him. Then shit! The minute he opens his mouth his breath just about straightens out your perm. Ring any bells? Bad breath can kill off many a lustful moment even before it happens. Sometimes bad breath can be caused by ill health, but sometimes it can be avoided by simply brushing your teeth, say twice a day and last thing at night. Plaque can be a cause of bad breath and is easily remedied by regular visits to your dentist who will help give you that 'All American Boy' type smile that you so like to see in other guys. If you are going out with someone and are not going to dine together, try avoiding garlic or spicy foods before you go (unless you want to dump him, that is!). One of my pet hates is to see the type who makes his jaw/open mouth move all over his face when he's chewing gum. Sugar free gum between meals chewed in a non exhibitionist form will keep the saliva flowing which in turn keeps your breath so much fresher (but oral sound effects are a definite turn off). Mouth washes are OK for a bit of a top up and do make your mouth feel instantly fresh, but they do very little for bad breath. What about oral sex? Yes, Please! Seriously, it is great fun, but at the same time please remember infections such as Glandular Fever, Hepatitis A and Gonorrhoea can be caught while giving someone a blow job. As a safeguard you can always try using the flavoured variety of condoms which can usually be had at your local Clap Clinic. The risk of aquiring HIV by oral sex is considered very low indeed. So remember, your mouth is something you use for many things, look after it and don't forget to remove your feet when you have to and make room for something a little more palatable (if not any smaller). ------------------------------------- SNIPPITS "Phil Walker, aged 21, was approved as a Parliamentary Candidate by the Liberal Party at their National Executive meeting held on January the 14th. Phil, until recently worked with Outrage and has been active in many Transport and Housing issues on the Wirral. "Manchester Super Chain, MSC are celebrating their twelfth anniversary on the weekend of the 24th/26th of March 1995. At their annual meeting this year, the guests will be the members of MS Panther, Koln in Germany who will be arriving on the Friday the 24th and be departing on the Sunday the 26th . Part of the weekend will be available only to ECMC (the European Council of Motor Sports Clubs). Anyone interested in the weekend should contact Dave Taylor the club President at Napoleons in Bloom Street, Manchester. "Strangeways members club in Manchester is living up to its name these days. The club's landlord Steven Hanson closed the club at 8.50pm on Sunday the 29th of January without giving any notice to the promoters, DJs or staff. It is claimed that Mr Hanson's reason for the action was that the club was too popular. Ain't that strange? "Benetton, the clothing giants with the outrageous advertising portfolio is being sued after their adverts portrayed a man dying of AIDS and a body branded with an HIV positive tattoo. The news has stunned the business world and has been welcomed by AIDS organisations who have battled with the corporation in the past. "Travel agent Doug Smith of Global Travel, has stepped in to save the holidays of gay customers after the collapse of the holiday company GI Travel which ceased trading four weeks ago with unconfirmed debts of ukp50,000. Smith said that he had agreed to secure the accommodation in the Canaries to ensure that people got their holidays as planned. "23 year old Socialist Norwegian MP Anders Horslien, has beaten the country's newspapers to the gun by coming out on a national chat show. The tabloid papers were about to out the MP and had to run last second banner headline changes after weeks of investigative inquiries. Nice one Anders! ------------------------------------------------- BACKTALK ======== DEATH SENTENCE? John has much in common with you, as most gay men do. What you don't have in common is freedom. John is in prison. He broke the law and accepts his sentence. What he does not accept is his loss of basic human rights. For John, being in prison means a lot more than just loosing his liberty. John is concerned about the spread of HIV and always practises safer sex, however this is not easy in jail. Being a responsible person ,he asked the Governor for permission to purchase condoms. This request was refused with the dictum, 'Homosexual acts are illegal in prison, therefore there is no legitimate use for condoms'. Prison provides many sexual stimuli, from bombardment of male pheromones to erotic sights of the flesh. Yet the prison service can only offer this advice - 'Abstain!'. If they located a heterosexual male in a female prison, would they seriously expect people to abstain. I think not! John agrees, and has campaigned for several years for the introduction of condoms for inmates. Furthermore, he can't understand a government, who in their limited response to HIV, have spent most of their money on HIV awareness, pursuing so complacent a policy. John refuses to abstain, he also refuses to risk his health or even his life. What is he to do? The answer is to smuggle in condoms, a difficult and expensive undertaking in prison. A packet of three must go a long way, so he must resort to the old and not so trusted method of 'Wash and Go' to conserve the supplies. Not ideal, but better than cling film! All goes well until his cell is searched, and two condoms are found. He is punished with three days extra in jail. So he fights on, but his is no longer a lone voice. Willie McKelvey MP has unselfishly taken on the campaign on behalf of John and all gay men in prison. Remember there are no votes to be had in prison, gay or otherwise. The Scottish Prison Service knows that it can't pursue such a blind and irresponsible policy indefinitely. They will eventually be forced by reason to adopt a more enlightened policy, even if they have to be dragged there screaming and kicking. Gordon Gosnell ------------------------------- CONTACTS ======== To reply to a Contact Ad: Just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the envelope with your reply inside another envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outside the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage stamps. International Reply Coupons are available from most Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs. Send all replies to: Pulse Magazine PO Box 1248 PAISLEY Renfrewshire Scotland PA3 3YE To place a Contact Ad: Write to the above address enclosing your advertisement copy. Ads are FREE of charge to the advertiser but can only be accepted by snail mail. Men Wrestling Tournament plus mags Join growing wrestling club with monthly mag, monthly events, and tournament. Sample copy with info - #3 to Alt Sports, PO Box 437, Glasgow. G42 8HU Contacts, fiction, art and photographs etc. E-mail anyone? US midwest journalist, gay with lover, mid-50s and with a Scottish heritage is looking for cyberpals to explore the intercontinental Internet correspondence. Not dull at all. Leeds Anywhere 24 year old guy, attractive, smooth, slim, clean shaven, seeks guys 18-40 for fun and friendship. ALAWAP. Box 3001. 31 year old male. Non scene, would like to meet and have pen friends 18-55 who enjoy amateur photography,television and videos. ALA Pox 3002 Blackpool 38 year old gay male with blonde hair, blue eyes seeks gay male 35-45 for fun and friendship. G.S.O.H. Clean shaven and into most things. ALAWAP Box 3003 Blackpool 21, good looking seeks 18-22 year old male. Interests are pubs, clubs etc. Friendship and poss 121. Photo would be appreciated. Box 3004 Bolton 26/30 clean shaven, clean and safe, versatile, reliable and genuine wants to meet males 18-30. Can accommodate, not into leather, brown or yellow. Box 3005 Yorkshire Mature massage student needs volunteer bodies to practice on. 18-30 years. My place or yours, no fees, very broad and open minded, genuine and discreet. ALA and photo appreciated. Box 3006 West Yorkshire Bi or gay lad wanted 18-24 for fun and friendship, should be smooth boyish type. Must prefer the company of broad minded older (50) bi guy with no hang ups. Very discreet ALA. Box 3007 Glasgow Gay male 31 slim with medium build, smooth clean shaven and W/E seeks non camp man non scene 25-45 for fun, friendship and frolics. 121 possible. Box3008 Hove sub needs stud Sub 45 own flat, need a real weekend break? Why not pop down here for a randy time? Big studs especially welcome. Hurry I need a winter service. Box 3009 Yorkshire 40s professional man seeks younger man to spoil. Do you enjoy good food, cinema, theatre, weekend rambles and fun times indoors? Drop me a line. ALA Box 3010 Blackpool Average looking 22 wants to meet sincere 20s average guy to love forever. Sick of one night stands and flings. Photo would be appreciated. ALA Box 3011 Manchester/Northwest 27 beefy, hairy enjoys workout at the gym and in bed. You under 35 in good condition and with good action. Well letUs get to it. Box 3012 Glasgow 42 attractive fit and friendly wants to meet guys who would like introduction or more experience in leather or light bondage fun. Genuine advert, discreet. Box 3013 Blackpool ex-army, PT instructor Guest house owner wants young smooth mate to spoil under 30 live in and into weights and fitness. GSOH a must, photo helps. Box 3014 Strathclyde 34 year old with medium build and passive, is looking for active guys 32/46 for fun and friendship leading to 121. Cannot accommodate but will travel. ALAWAP. Box 3015 Glasgow Fun loving 30, out of action for last six years, 5ft 10in, 13st is looking for friends to socialize with. Poss 1-1 No doms or W/S. Looks irrelevant. Box 3016 Perth sub Looking for hot fun or letters from W/E young guys, no complications just rampant fun with active younger guy. Very frank letter welcome. Can accommodate, come on you studs. Box 3017 East Scotland Anywhere Versatile uninhibited skinhead,33, short looking for rough sweaty and maybe wet and messy times with other skins or uniformed men 18-35. Accommodate and travel. ALA Box 3018 Northwest/Anywhere 39 6ft with brown hair and eyes seeks 121 with 25 plus loyal caring guy straight acting, into nights out and in. Frank letter with photo all races welcome. Box 3019 Edinburgh/Anywhere Looking for friends from all over. IUm 24 and like pubs and clubs, can accommodate and travel. IUm fit fun and friendly. So get pen to paper and letUs meet. Box 3020 Northwest/Anywhere Tres chic lady boy, slim 22 seeks lover, soulmate, companion for glitzy nights out and time alone together away from the scene. Very genuine advert if you are looking for the unusual. ALAWAP Box 3021 Glasgow/Edinburgh 36 year old, 5ft 6in seeks guys 30-50, into yellow and brown. Can accommodate. ALA. Photo please. Box 3022 Ayrshire/Glasgow 20 something, 5ft 10in enjoys most things, straight acting wants 25-35 for friendship leading to 121. Only monogamists need apply. ALAWAP Box 3023 Edinburgh 35 wants to meet others up to 40. Skins, watersports welcome. LetUs get wet together. Phone appreciated. Box 3024. Scotland/Anywhere 20, good looking male student with brown hair, blue eyes and medium build, seeks guys for friendship or 121. Your horny letter and photo gets mine. Box 3025 Lanarkshire/Glasgow Straight acting mediun-stocky built gay male with hazel eyes seeks guy 18-35 slim medium build for fun and friendship. Box 3026 Edinburgh/Glasgow 26, good looking tall guy with dark hair and nice body seeks boyish lad for horny fun. Photo please. Box 3027 Runcorn/Widness 31 seeks younger lad for safe times, own flat, cannot travel, you 18-25, cute and smooth. Box 3028 Blackpool/Anywhere 26 graduate, cute straight looking with dark brown hair. Genuine, honest, mad with scense of humour seeks 121 relationship or friendship. Photo please. See ya. Box 3029 Stirling/Central Scotland Gay guy 32, 6ft and slim. Quiet nature, easy going seeks guys 25-32 for fun and friendship. Box 3030 Women Glasgow/Scotland Anywhere? Lesbian 31, single two years, butch, size 18/20 and non smoker. Likes KLT. How would you like to cuddle into me? Caring, romantic, daring and loyal. Looking for friendship. Write soon. Box 3031 Replying To Contacts Just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the envelope with two loose first class stamps per ad in another envelope addressed to PULSE Magazine, PO Box 1248, Paisley, Renfrewshire. PA3 3YA. ------------------------------------------ VENUES ====== Aberdeen -------- CLUB CADERFEIDH 9 Hadden Street, Tel: (01224) 212181. Thu-Sun 9pm-2am. Popular Disco just a stones throw away from Flannies Bar. FLANNIES Stirling Street. 11am - 12am, Sundays 6.30pm - 11pm. Tel (01224) 583881. PINK FLAMINGO Upper Kirkgate. 8pm -2am. 7 days a week. Blackpool --------- Basil's On The Strand 9 The Strand, Tel: (01253) 293 877. Mon-Sat 12.30pm-12.30am. Sun pub hours. Pub with dance floor, bistro, Clone Zone Shop. Pepe's 92-94, Talbot Road, Tel: (01253) 26691. Mon-Sat 12-5pm & 8pm-2am, Sun 12-3pm & 8-10pm. Cabaret on Weds and Sat lunchtimes. Funny Girls. Tel: (01253) 291144 for details. Flamingo 2001 176 Talbot Road, Tel: (01253) 24901. Mon-Sat 10-2am. Sun 7-11.30 pm. Disco Club, Drag & Bistro. Sun Piano Bar lunchtimes. Galaxy Health Club 25 Springfield Road, Tel: (01253) 294610 Lucy's Bar below Rumours, Talbot Square, Tel: (01253) 293 204. Mon-Thu 12-3pm and 7-2am, Sat 12-4.30pm and 7-2am, Sun 12-3pm and 7-10.30pm. DJ and Cabaret. Matcham's Bar Behind Grand Theatre, Corporation Street, Tel: (01253) 28309. Mon-Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 12pm-3pm. Mixed Bar. 20's Tea Rooms, 5 Queens Street, Tel: (01253) 25713. 10-5pm. Open 7 days a week. Bolton ------ Cell Bar Crook St. Men Only Bar (leather/denim) Tel: (01204) 21856 Church Hotel 174 Crook St. Mixed Gay Bar with entertainments. 7 Nights. Tel: (01204) 21856 Mr D's 148 Crook St. Tel: (01204) 399325. Mixed Bar. Bradford -------- Caligulas Nightclub and Fun bar, 7 Barry Street. Bradford. Tel (01274) 731606. The Sun 124 Sunbridge Road. Tel: (01274) 737722. Derby ----- Curzon Nightclub 25 Curzon Street. Tel: (01332) 204290. Freddies Bar 101 Curzon Street. Tel: (01332) 204290. Dundee ------ THE EDGE 85 Commercial Street. FRI 10pm-2.30am. Dundee's one-nighter disco. GAUGER BAR 75 Seagate. Tel: (01382) 26840. Mon-Sat 11am-12pm, Sun 6pm-11pm. Large bar with pool table and its very own disco! Edinburgh --------- C.C. Blooms Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-556 9331. Friendly Bar/Diner. Serving Quality Food. Open 12-Late The Edge 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 0852. Licensed Noon-1am. Open 7 days a week. Edinburgh Festival Theatre 13-29 Nicolson St. Tel 0131-529 6000. Cafe Lucia for the Boys and Girls. INSINUENDOS 2 Picardy Place. Basment Cabaret Club in QT's Bar. Acts, Strippers, etc. Tel: 0131-556 0499. Joy at the Calton, Calton Road. 10pm till late. Edinburgh's Saturday one nighter. Maggie Raye's Rose Street Lane North. Mon-Sat Noon-2am, Sun 1pm-2am. Inpromptue Cabaret Bar. Tel: 0131-225 7651. Newtown Bar Dublin Street. Popular Basement Bar. Tel: 0131-538 7775. New Cellar Area Now Open. No. 18 Sauna Gay Sauna, with quiet room and all the usual sauna bits... Tel: 0131-553 3222. Mon-Sat, 12noon-10pm. QT's Bar 2 Picardy Place. Bright City Centre bar. Mixed crowd of all ages. Tel: 0131-556 0499. Route 66 66 Baxter Street. Tel: 0131-556 5991. Nice bar with that living-room' feel. Star Tavern Northumberland Place. Best Real Ale in Town. Open 12-12.30. With Beer Garden. Tel: 0131-539 8070 WEST & WILDE BOOKSHOP 25a Dundas Street. Tel: 0131-556 0079. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-7pm, Sun Noon-6pm. Scotland's only lesbian and gay bookshop. Large selection of gay titles. THE EDINBURGH LESBIAN AND GAY & BISEXUAL CENTRE 58a Broughton Street. Entry through 60 as well. DRONDALE LIMITED 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131-556 1471. Open 11am-8pm. Probably the largest gay shop north of Manchester. Worldwide mail order service. Glasgow ------- AUSTINS 183a Hope Street. Tel: 0141-332 2707. Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight. Friendly and basement pub. Food lunchtimes. Karaoke on Tues, Fri & Sun nights. BENNETS DISCO 80-90 Glassford Street. Tel: 0141-552 5761. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Very popular busy disco.,Straight night Tuesday, Packed at the weekend. CLUB EXCHANGE 25 Royal Exchange Square. Tel: 0141-204 4599. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Large basement disco. Wednesday alternative night. COURT BAR 69 Hucheson Street. Tel: 0141-552 2463. Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight, Sun 8.30-11pm. Small bar with basement area. DELMONICA'S 68 Virginia Street. Tel: 0141-552 4803. Mon-Sun 11am-Midnight. Semi trendy pub with backroom area. Eat out West George St. Glasgow's first dedecated Lesbian & Gay cafe. 7 days a week. Tel: 0141-332 7060. GHQ West George St. Open 6-12 daily. Tel 0141-332 8005. SQUIRES LOUNGE 106 West Campbell Street, Tel: 0141-221 9184. Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight, Sat 12.30-Midnight, Sun 8pm-12pm. Thu, Fri, Sat DJ. Nightly Happy Hours. THE WATERLOO 306 Argyle Street, Tel: 0141-221 7359. Mon-Sun 12-12. As crowded and popular as ever. Cabaret every Thurs, Karaoke with Ms Hutton on Sundays. Harrogate --------- The Dungeon 2 Parliament Terrace. Tel: (01423) 524629. Very Busy Sunday Nights, Open 7-11pm. Hales Bar 1 Crescent Road. Mixed bar with old style gas lighting. In the Real Ale Guide! Bedrock at the Zoo 11 Station Parade. Tel: (01423) 503294. New Thursday night club from 10pm-2am with Drag DJ. Kettering --------- Scandals 57/61. High Street. Tel: (01536) 310113. Leicester --------- Dover Castle 34 Diver Street. (No Telephone) GHQ Club Madisons Complex, 68 Humberstone Gate. Tel 0116-251 5528. Leicester Place 24 Doyden Street. Tel: 0116-25 10785. The Pineapple Inn 27 Burleys Way. Tel: 0116-262 3384/1. Leeds ----- The New Penny Pub, Call Lane. The Bridge Inn, Bridge End/Call Lane. Tel: 0113-244 4734. The Old Red Lion Meadow Lane. Primos II Nightclub, 41-43 New York Street. Tel: 0113-244 6300. Liverpool --------- The CurZon Club Temple Lane. Tel: 0151-236 5160. Guests Allowed. Garlands 8-10 Eberle St. Tel: 0151-236 3307. Reflections Club 24 Dale St. Tel: 0151-236 3946. Paco's Stanly St. Basement Bar. Tel: 0151-236 9737. The Lisbon Stanly St. Nice friendly large pub. Tel: 0151-236 1248. Time out 30 Highfield Street. Tel: 0151-236 6768. Fresh and welcoming bar. Manchester ---------- Blues Fun Bar/Disco, 211 Slamford Street, Ashton-upon-Lyme. Tel: 0161-330 3212. Long Established popular Gay venue, Open Mon-Sat till 2am. Club La La. All Night Disco. Tel: (01706) 826767 cruz 101 101 Princes Street. Tel: 0161-237 1554. Large Club open10pm-2am. Closed Sun. Members only. Ethos at Ruby Tuesdays 10pm-2am. Tel: (01374) 747674 for details. Grand Central 80 Oxford Street.(100 yds from Oxford St Railway Station). Also contains basement bar ('The Subway') Napoleon's Sackville Street/Bloom Street. Tel: 0161-236 8800. Gay disco/club. Sun-Sat 9.30-2am. New York, New York 98 Bloom Street. Tel: 0161-236 6556. Mixed gay bar. All day opening Oscars 5 Copper Street. Tel: 0161-236 6007. Gay nightclub. Wed-Sat 10-2am. Q-Bar 28 Richmond Street. Tel: 0161-237 9329. Members only bar (Free Membership avail.). Tues-Sat 9-1am, Sun 9-11.30pm. The Rembrandt Hotel. 33 Sackville Street. Tel: 0161-236 1311. chains 4-6 Whitworth St. Tel: 0161-228 3078. Gay disco complex. Mon,Thurs-Sun 10pm-2.30am. Sun 1-4pm. Closed Tuesdays. Newcastle --------- Courtyard 2 Scotswood Rd Tel 0191-232 2037 Mixed pub. Heavens Above Above the Court Bar. Young and lively crowd. Busy at weekends. Tek 0191-261 0488. Powerhouse Waterloo St Tel 0191-261 4507 Thur-Sat 10-1am Gay club Ist Wed of month. Men only. Rockies 78 Scotswood Rd Mixed bar with disco, pub hours. Rockshots. Waterloo St. Tel 0191-232 9648. Large and popular disco. Very busy. Strings 29 Blenheim Street, Tel 0191-232 3530. Mixed Gay bar with accent on the Disco. The Village Sunderland St.Next to Powerhouse. Mon,Thur,Fri,Sat 12-11pm,Tue,Wed 12-12pm,Sun 7-10.30pm. Nottingham ---------- Admiral Duncan 74 Lower Parliament Street. Tel: 0115-950 2701. Gatsby's Huntingdon Street. Tel: 0115-950 5323. Preston ------- The Stage Door 28 Croft St. Open daily in evenings. Tel: (01772) 251275. Wakefield --------- The Dolphin Pub 6 Lower Warren Gate. Tel: (01924) 20705. York ---- White Horse Bootham. York's only full time gay haunt. Open 11am till 11pm ------------------------------------------------------ HELPLINES ========= Aberdeen -------- Sw/Board Tel 01224 586869 Wed. 7-10pm. Ayr --- Lesbian and Gay Group. Tel 01292 610599 . 7-10pm. Ayrshire AIDS Awareness Support Group. Wed from 7pm-10pm/ Tel: 01292 619000. PO Box 1043. Ayr. Borders ------- S/board. Mon & Wed 7.30-10.00pm. Tel 01450 370700 or PO Box 3, Hawick, Roxburgh. TD9 9RU Central ------- Forth Friend Tel 01786 471285 Mon 7-10pm Edinburgh --------- Body Positive(Edinburgh) Tel 0131-652 0754 (Mon-Fri) 0131-661 9100 (Fax). HIV +ve Gay Men's Group, Sunday's 2-6pm Edinburgh Gay S/board Tel 0131-556 4049. Nightly 7.30-10pm. Lesbian Line Tel 0131-557 0751 Mon/Thu 7.30-10pm. Bisexual Line Tel 0131-557 3620 Thurs 7.30-9.30pm SAM PO Box 248, Edinburgh EH6 5NS. Tel 0131-555 4850 Fife ---- Fife Friend. Tel 01592 266688 Monday (Women) 7.30-10.30pm, Friday (Men) 7.30-10.30pm. Glasgow ------- Strathclyde Lesbian and Gay S/board. Tel 0141-221 8372. Nightly 7-10pm. Lesbian Line 0141-552 5768 Wed 7-10pm. The Outreach Nursing Team. Tel 0831 179902.(9.30am-4.30pm). Scottish Aids Monitor. PO Box 11,G2 2UT. Tel 0141-353 3133. Rapid HIV Results Service. Tel 0141-946 5247, 0141-946 7120 ext 1424. Grampian -------- AIDS Line 01224-574000 Buddy Group 01224-404407 Harrogate --------- Gay and Lesbian S/board, 5pm-10pm, M-F, 3pm-7pm S&S. Tel: 01423 524101. Hull ---- Hull Bisexual Grp. Write c/o 29 Anlaby Rd. Hull. HU1 2PG.Tel 01482 24474. Leeds ----- MESMAC, 0113-244 4209. London ------ Lesbian and Gay Switchboard. 24hrs. Tel 0171-837 7324 Manchester ---------- TV/TS Helpline. Wed/Thu 7-10pm Tel 0161-274 3705 Newcastle upon Tyne ------------------- Friend Tel 0191-261 8555 Mon-Fri 7-10pm Lesbian Line Tel 0191-261 2277 Thu 7-10pm York ---- York Action Plus, HIV/AIDS support group. Helpline 01904-671631. 24Hr Crisis Line 0374 229133. MESMAC, 01904 612236. National. -------- TV/TS Helpline. Daily 7.30-10pm 0131-556 4049 ask for TV/TS helpline. Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project. Vaughan M.Williams Centre. Colindale Hospital. London. Tel: 0181-200 0511.(Weekdays 3-6pm) National AIDS Helpline. 0800-567123. 24hr Helpline. ---------------------------------------- PULSE MAGAZINE Issue 30 - February 1995 Editorial team: Adam Donlin John Hein ( Gordon Gosnell Published by Claypoke Limited Contributors: Kriztal Tony Laverett (Scene News - Blackpool) Gordon (Scene News - Edinburgh) Wayne (Scene News - York) Alex (Scene News - Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield) Electronic Edition: John Hein ( General Enquiries: Pulse Magazine PO Box 1248 PAISLEY Renfrewshire Scotland PA3 3YA Advertising Enquiries: Telephone: +44 (0) 374 966402 TeleFax: +44 (0) 1505 335021 END OF FILE -- Listserver