Date: Sun, 18 Dec 94 03:13:48 GMT To: Subject: PULSE MAGAZINE - ISSUE 28 PULSE MAGAZINE ============== Pulse is a monthly magazine for Gay Men. Edited in Scotland Issue 28 - December 1994 ELECTRONIC EDITION To subscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be subscribe pulse-list (If you are subscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) To unsubscribe: Send a mail message to The first (not subject) line of the message should be unsubscribe pulse-list (If you are unsubscribing for a different address from the one you are using to send the request, you should preface your request with a line of the form set address myotheraddress@my.other.system instead) All Material Copyright (c) Claypoke Limited 1994. Permission is hereby given to distribute this material provided that this copyright notice is included and that distribution is specifically for non-profitmaking reasons. Distribution for profit must be done only with prior written consent of the magazine any deviation from this will be seen as an infringement of copyright. Hardcopies are limited to one per person for personal use only and such hard copies are subject to the same copyright restrictions as laid out above. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this edition: Read Me - the Pulse Editorial - Take Care of Yourself Scene News - Out and About Focus - Blackpool The Gay and Lesbian Bible Re-view - Film Reviews Health Matters - Xmas Cheer? Snippits - News clips Star Gayze - Pulse Horoscopes Contacts - The Pulse Meet Market Backtalk - Duncan Campbell, IPTV and C4 Castigated Venues - Where to go Helplines - Switchboards and Info ---------------------------------------------------------- READ ME! ======== TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF No coverage of World AIDS day, I hear some of you saying. All the other gay press will be giving it big licks while many will see it as a good way of promoting the ongoing battle against this the latest of diseases to reap untold personal havoc among families worlwide. Don't forget, whilst we are concerned about AIDS and AIDS related illnesses many of our friends and loved ones are suffering through loss caused by many and varied forms of illness now sweeping this small world. The late Roy Castle, never having smoked in his life, died recently from cancer, thought to have been brought about by years of performing in smoke filled night clubs. Eric Morecambe died from a heart related disease which was not helped by his strenuous lifestyle, busy schedule and thirst to succeed and be seen to have reach the top. Pavarotti, great singer that he is, must be aware that if he does not do something about his weight, he might not be around as long as might wish to entertain us with his one and only voice. In your busy life, take a moment and think over the three examples above, and ask yourself, 'Do I fit into any of them?'. I recently decided to have a checkup and I will be taking the doctor's advice, while I am still able to do so. The need for good health and a healthy lifestyle need not mean you having to give up all the thing you like. Just try to cut down on the excess. Whether it's food or lifestyle you are in excess of, trim back a bit and maybe you will be around a while longer to annoy those you like to wind up. I will, for my part, be going along to a non denominational service to reflect and think of those who have been lost to this dreadful disease. Have a fab time at Christmas, don't overdo things, and if you must, remember to pack plenty of condoms. See you all next year. ------------------------------------ SCENE NEWS ========== BLACKPOOL: Well it's my favourite time of the year folks, time to go on that diet, to enable me to fit into that new frock for Christmas. Bugger the diet, stuff the turkey and break out the old denims. Blackpool has gone off season, but not so you would notice in the gay scene. This place refuses to go to sleep. And why? I'll tell you. Santa is putting the decorations up, to get you all in the mood to fill that stacking, or whetever comes along. Local hoteliers tell me that there is only a limited space left for Xmas, and the in-house celebrations are going to be bigger and better than ever, with free cabaret, buffets, presents and that special Blackpool hospitality that has become second nature in Blackpool. Entertainment is, as ever, non stop at the Flamingo so feast you mince pies on this lot. Dec 23rd - The Grand Christmas Drag Ball in aid of BP. Christmas Eve - Hazell Dean. Christmas Day the one and only Mopp and Bucket. On the 26th it's Angie Gold, and carrying on the 12 days of Christmas with Regina Thong, Dragmania, The Rolly Poly's, Sandra Edwards, Roxy Heart, Mark Oberon, and on New Year's Eve Tina Charles. Don't forget that these are only some of the acts in town during the festive period. Lucy's, Pepe's, and Basil's all have their own festive programme to titilate you. So, give them a whirl. Bonne Noel when it comes and all the best for 95. Play safe. EDINBURGH: Now, have YOU seen the new style of advertising by those lovely people at CCs, not content with going into print, they have put in a bid for Scotland's Nobel Prize for Poetry. Booze, dance, food and now the tounge of the bard, whatever next? A New Year ceilidh and buffet, that's what. Kilts out girls. It's all happening at CCs. Not to be outdone, QTs are hosting their very own Hogmanay Party, hosted by the fabulous Rythm Sisters with various celebrity acts. Looking through the QT callendar, I see we are in for a return visit of the fabulous Kevin Peters, Sugar Kane, and top hypnotist Adam Knight. Adding all this to visits from Soldier Blue, Marc Anthony, and Roberto, we are in for a busy, busy month ahead. As every, you can't keep a good lady down for long. Enter Lady Samantha giving you all her one and only Fun Times at Frenchies on a Saturday and Sunday Lunchtime. As we go to the printer we hear that the Newtown's Cellar Bar is almost ready for those cruisey nights of hard hats and days when men were men and I was thankful for it. So don't let the living room feel to the top bar put you real men off, come on down the time is right. Well another month, and another bar opening up. The former Stage Door, now trading as Route 66 - A new venture for owners Tennents. If there are any straight punters still drinking at the top of Leith Walk please drop us a line, you must be a tourist. GLASGOW: The recent spate of new gay venues continues with the opening of Divally's Cinema Bar in Maxwell Street, just by the side of the St Enochs Centre. A first in Scotland, this private members club is aiming at a mixed clientele. However, manager, Mr Cameron tells PULSE that they have set aside Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Gay only nights. The lounge bar and the 86 seater cinema have been fitted out to a high standard, and we are told that the bar staff are the most outrageous in town. Having spent your ukp20 a year and ukp4 per visit, you are able to watch both straight and gay soft erotica (within the law) and retire to the lounge and be entertained by various cabaret and drag acts. Bar price are on a par with most other city centre pubs. Now here is one for the book worms amongst you all. One of the nicest settings for a bookshop that I've seen in a long time, must surely be the Victorian Village in Regent Street. In a very relaxing set up, you will find Trongate Books. A small but interesting mixture of books old and new, with its very own Gay section. The bookshop's proprietor tells me that if the gay section catches on, he hopes to open an exclusively gay bookshop. Well! Is Glasgow coming out at last? The clocks have been turned back once again, no I don't mean the winter is here. The Tunnel is back with its gay one nighters on a Monday, with DJs Sara and John. Is there room for another one nighter, only time will tell. Now I'm not one for gossip but, rumour has it that a certain member of the Squires management team is about to be offered a part in Gone With The Wind 2, after his winning cameo appearence as Baby Jane at Bennets Halloween party brought the house down. What about a bit more of it in the pub Graham? Damn I said I wouldn't name you dear-sorry. He He He He. As we go to press, we hear of a team selling red ribbons in the city's street. When challanged as to whom they were selling them on behalf of they said 'We are just selling them'. Now I have no wish to stop anyone from earning a buck, but not like this. Best to buy them from the bars and clubs, at least that way you know that some of the money raised is actually going to a charity. LIVERPOOL: The latest addition to Scouseland's gay scene is clean, hygenic toilets that flush! A rare treet indeed! This well loved feature of 'Level Three' at She, is back again. This time contained in Time Out bar. Scal City's more discerning queens have started to frequent this rather Berlinesque bar with polished pine floors to such an extent that Saturday night is becoming quite a squeeze (yes please). Fortunately, owner Peter intends to expand upwards and outwards, saving certain friends, who shall remain nameless, from having to keep that promise about the diet. Uncorroborated reports that the talent has returned to Paco's, after a long absence, in the form of the latest addition to the bar staff. I shall investigate personally and keep you abreast of things. It would seem that Mondays at the Curzon are getting a bit busier now that they are offering free entry and providing cabaret. A word of warning, it would appear that the police are paying more attention to drivers who stop on Otterspool Promenade, especially the gay ones. No silly, I don't mean the gay policemen, they are not like that are they? MANCHESTER: Well, after a brief period of calm following the Absolutely Fabulous weekend, Manchester is once again blooming. MSC MSC, the country's biggest leather, rubber and uniform club is currently a hive of activity. After its first rubber night on November the 5th, where many of the guys in attendance you most certainly wouldn't want to burn, MSC are already looking forward to their annual dinner in Cafe Euro in Whitworth Street. Another date for the diary is their Xmas party in the Cellar on Dec 23rd. The coming of Metz Cafe Bar on the other side of the canal from Manto, is still awaited, but we hear that a bridge not too far is in the planning. Talking of new things, I hear a rumour that a new bar may be opening in the former Al Khayam restaurant, next to McTuckys. Will keep you posted. This coupled with the talk of a new three floor club in the building opposite Napoleons will make for a busy new year. Now as if Manchester will not be busy enough over the festive period, I hear that a caravanette of Glasgow queen are planning a visit to cruise 101 to get in some seious dancing (plus whatever else they can get) at Christmas. Look out Manchester. Just off the fax is news that Healthy Gay Manchester held a special safer sex/leather event on the 2nd of December. The fun started in the Rembrant, moved on to the Cellar Bar, and ended up in Chains (as it were, so to speak). Back to the present, Les Cockerill from Energighs Records and Cruz 101, can be heard on Kiss 102FM. An hour of non-stop energy music from 7-8pm every Friday. Just the stuff to get you in the mood. The weekend starts hear!!! See you all soon ----Debsie D -------------------------------------------------- FOCUS ON BLACKPOOL The lights are out for another year, Blackpool returns to what appears to be normal. But what is normal for Blackpool? The tacky kiss me quick hats, candy floss, the big ride, and of course the queens and dykes just coming and going in this land of the golden hard thing? Blackpool or Basilsland, as some of the locals like to refer to it, is a Mecca for the north of the country's gay folks, with its three main bars, one mixed cabaret bar/restaurant and huge four level club. Basil's on the Strand must have one of the campest entrances on earth. (Or anywhere else for that matter). Those flashing lights on the stairs remind me of the Star Ship Enterprise. Beam me up, Basil! Once inside, you are greeted by a two level bar, split by a central spiral staircase. Now if that ain't camp! The music at Basil's is pumped out by a selection of DJs, who, must be amongst the most OTT around. Along the Strand is Funny Girls, an interesting bar and restaurant. Although straight/mixed, Funny Girls, more because of the type of acts performing, has broken the ground in Blackpool in integrating the straight and gay communities. It has become popular with a lot of women on a night out. The men are at home doing the dishes, I suppose. Talking of dishes, have you seen some of the staff doing their thing? Class, my dears, just pure class. What about that little stage leading down to the bar top? It's something else. If you fancy a bite to eat, why not try the restaurant on the upper floor? The decor will leave you breathless. All in all, a fab night out. Round the corner from the Strand we come to Lucy's. This is the one gay bar in town that isn't owned by Basil. Lucy's, has been a gay bar for over 32 years, and of course has seen many changes in that time. Managed at the moment by the lovely Linda, who seems a very popular lady with the customers, Lucy's can best be described as a fun bar, with all the staff joining in in offering over the top entertainment for its customers. A basement bar, Lucy's seems to have found just what the customers want, as any time I have been in it has always been fairly busy. Getting nearer the the club, we next land in Pepes, or what used to be the 501 Bar. Another basement bar that is a lot bigger than it first appears. Providing lots of happy hours, manic bingo, drag and other assorted cabaret, Pepes staff work hard to ensure that they keep you busy, busy, busy. The next time you are in tell our Tony that I sent you and that he was to look after you, in person. And so, on to the club. The Flamingo is one of the best clubs in the country, and I do include London when I say that. On four levels, there is an area that must be just for you. A paradise for those who like to roam (another word for troll). But what about those stairs? God, they don't half build up the leg muscles! Watch and don't get your stellies caught, my dears. The Flamingo is soon to undergo a refurbishment, spread out over the year. Not that there is anything wrong with it as it is, Basil. With four bars and two main discos, pumping out different types of music, it is easy to imagine that you are in two separate clubs. One of the best features of The Flamingo is the quality of the acts brought to the town. For scene queens, living in Blackpool must be like going to heaven. ----------------------------------- THE GAY AND LESBIAN BIBLE English translations of the Bible can be a bit misleading when it comes to matters of a sexual nature. Errors in translation can make it appear that the Bible condemns gays & lesbians when in fact there was no such intention in the original texts. These dodgy translations can also work the other way about. There are passages in scripture which treat gay and lesbian love as virtuous and good, but Christian homophobes like to hide those passages from us. You will, no doubt, be told that God made Adam and Eve as our example, 'and for that reason shall a man...cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.' (Genesis 2:24) But what the homophobes forget to mention is the example of the love between Ruth and Naomi, 'Ruth clave unto her' (Ruth 1:14). Now if cleaving means to join together as one, what does that make Ruth and Naomi? Another favourite quote used against gay relationships is St.Paul`s letter to the Romans (Romans 1:24) but they forget to mention that in the same letter, (Romans 16:11) Paul salutes the household of his good friend Narcissus, and Narcissus was one of the most famous faggots around. He was Emperor Nero`s lover. It was Narcissus who petitioned Nero to release St. Paul from prison. Does this sound like two people who disapproved of each other? Most of the gay references in the gospels have been heterosexualised through mistranslation or Vatican censorship, but sometimes it is not so difficult to disguise these references. Sometimes all the church has to do is forget to tell you key things about the culture of the times. For example, Jesus chose to have the Last Supper in the house of a gay friend.(Luke 22:10,) 'there a man shall meet you, bearing a pitcher of water.' Carrying water was strictly women`s work. It was like saying 'a man shall meet you, wearing lipstick and a dress'. No man in Jerusalem would ever let himself be seen carrying water because people would think he was effeminate. No man, except of course, one who did not care if people thought he was effeminate. That does not mean Jesus approved of gay people, it just shows he was friends with them. But what about the healing of the centurions servant, (Luke 7:2) Every bible gives a different translation to describe the servant, 'very dear, precious, honourable, favourite, valuable'. What are the translators trying to avoid telling us? We know from a parallel story (Matthew 8:6) that this servant is a boy. Luke describes him in Greek as 'dulas' , so he is not a servant but a slave, and 'intimos', so the boy is a sex slave. Jesus did not criticise the centurion for having a homosexual relationship, in fact he praised the centurion in front of everybody, and the sex slave was healed. Now, would Jesus really have handled the situation this way if he disapproved of gay sex? I think not. ----------------------------------------------- RE-VIEW ======= Strawberries and Chocolate (Tomas Gutierriez Alea/Juan Carlos Tabio) 1994 This is Cuba's first gay themed movie. It is really beautifully filmed at some excellent locations and has politics, passion and machismo. It is daring by Cuban standards - bearing in mind that Cuba is the last communist state left. The story is of David - a child of Castro's revolution - locked into a world of misogny and predjudice. He's an uptight closet - then he meets and gets involved with Diego. David's world is one of the prim and proper revolutionary child. Whilst Diego manages to lead a gay lifestyle in an amazingly homophobic society. Their lifestyles collide with major consequences - it's a really interesting story and well worth watching. My Fair Lady (George Cukor) 1964 Just in time for Christmas, comes the re-release of the best musical ever made - the musical version of Shaw's Pygmalion. It has everthing you could ever want from a musical - great music, costumes from Cecil Beaton, and it stars Rex Harrison and AUDREY HEPBURN. The rest of the cast includes a first class Stanley Holloway and Wilfred Hyde White. As we all know, it's the story of phonetician Henry Higgins who teaches a flower girl to speak Standard English. This is my favourite musical. Audrey is superb - she plays the part so well and Rex does amazing things. If you don't get to see this in a cinema, buy it on video. To Die For (Peter Mackenzie Litten) 1993 This is an AIDS film.......yes another AIDS film. I had hoped that after Zero Patience I'd never have to see another, but such is life!!! I have watched at least twenty since the epidemic started and the quality has varied from the dark Savage Nights to the Hollywood version of Philadelphia. This film deals with the dilemma: Do you tell your lover that you are positive? It stars unknowns Ian Williams and Thomas Arklie with a small part for Tony Slattery. I don't want to spoil this movie by saying too much because l know that you will all go and see it. It is, at least, well acted. Super 8 1/2 Bruce la Bruce >From the legendary auteur of No Skin Off My Ass, this is the semi autobiographical story of a washed up strung out porn star who is rediscovered by an underground dyke avant garde film maker. It has some hardcore sex scenes and could be described as the "queer cinema". A crap film - one for the art house crowd who don't go into backrooms or even know what they are!! ------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH MATTERS XMAS CHEER? As the festive season becons, most of us look forward to a period of sheer indulgence when our intake of both food and drink soars. Hopefully most of us will survive relatively unscathed, but for some those few extra drinks can be enough to tip us over the edge. What most of us fail to realise is that there is a fine line between pleasure and danger. In the short term most of us cope reasonably well, but in some instances alcohol can spell misery. About 90% of the country's adult population are drinkers, raging from those who take the odd 'Wee medicinal sherry', to those who consume considerably greater amounts frequently. The good news is that if you are a sensible drinker (no, not a heavy drinker with a high IQ), you will avoid making a fool of yourself, damaging your health, weaking up with a headache (makes a change from going to bed with the boyfriend complaining of a headache), being involved in accidents, indulging in unsafe sex, harming other people, and hurting your pocket. If you do have one too many and suffer from a hangover, caused mainly by dehydration as a result of water moving out of the body cells, drinking plenty of water can minimise the unpleasent side effects. Here are a few tips to help you be in charge of your own body over the festive period. (Unless you want to give it to someone else!) A - Choose low-alcohol or soft drinks, you dont need to be pissed to to have fun B - Try a spacer now and then, like the odd soft drink or even a glass of water, and keep the measures down to singles. Don't be bullied into drinking large ones. (Other large things can be more fun if you are up to it). C - If you are in company that is buying in rounds, skip the odd round (no I don't mean when it is your turn to pay) and try to drink a bit more slowly. Remind yourself that you are in control, tell yourself that getting drunk does not make you tall, strong, attractive, smart, witty, sophisticated or more sexually attractive than usual. Remember the answer to it all (well most things) is moderation. Have fun and play safe. See you all next year. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SNIPPITS Members of the Royal British Legion are up in arm over the laying of a pink triangle wreath at Liverpool's cenotaph. The wreath was laid by activists from Outrage in memory of the 30,000 lesbian and gay people who gave their lives during the two great wars. A spokesperson for the Legion claimed 'It was an extremely offensive thing to have done'. Paul Colley, 23, of Outrage hit back: 'Gays and lesbians don't officially exist in the Armed Forces'. At the second UNISON Lesbian and Gay Conference held in Glasgow, the 500 delegates heard MP and Shadow Minister for Planning and Regeneration ,Keith Vaz, tell delegates to keep lobbying for an equal age of consent in the wake of the Commons defeat earlier this year. Conference also heard Murray Fforgie Vice-Chair of the Lothian Region branch of UNISON clarify that Unison would be looking for the 'best practice' of Scotland's local councils to be adopted. This would ensure that Gay men and Lesbians were include in far reaching Equal Opportinities policies. Gay Men Fighting AIDS, the London based AIDS organisation, have appointed Leo Devlin, a project worker with SAM to their board of directors. Mr Devlin's remit is to promote GMFA nationally and in doing so is planning to lift the profile of SAM's Gay Mens Project. British Airways are to give the partners of lesbians and gay men the same travel benefits as their heterosexual staff. Details of the policy change will be released officially in their staff travel manual in February. One of the country's largest insurance companies, Leeds Hospital Fund (LHF), has revised it's controversial policy banning the payment of funeral payments to the family's of people who have died from AIDS related illnesses. Michael Finch, LHFs General Manager claimed that there had been great concern that the benefit had not previously been targeted correctly. It was feared that the cash being claimed by the next of kin may not necessarily have met the funeral expenses. ------------------------------------------- STAR GAYZE ========== Libra Sep 23-Oct 22. Everyone appears to know which direction you should be trying except yourself. Someone in the financial sector will offer you some good advice. A short journey will make you so happy. Scorpio Oct 23-Nov 22 The family is putting the pressure on, but don't take all the responsibility upon yourself. A long term decision must be made, but take your time in doing so. You are feeling over worked and under loved, things are going to change very soon. Sagittarius Nov 23-Dec 20 You are feeling unsecure and vulnerable at the moment, take a good look at yourself, there is no need for it. You are interested in all the nitty gritty details of everything going on about you, but certain people are determined to keep you at bay. Capricorn Dec 21-Jan 19 The past few months have been a bit boring, but things are on the up. A new chapter in your life is becoming, and a very special friend is on the horizon. Someone with the initial C or G will let you down. Aquarius Jan 20-Feb 18 Your judgement is not as it should be at the moment, best to double check plans. You have been spending a lot recently, but this is bringing a lot of happiness, enjoy. Your position at work is under review, a pleasant surprise is in store after the new year. Pisces Feb l9-Mar 20 You are in a very productive phase and you should ensure that you get the best out of most situations. Money matters are on your mind at the moment, but dont let them spoil things, dont be afraid to spend or have the odd small gamble. Aries Mar 21-Apr 20 Your love life has been on your mind this week, however, you are in for a pleasant surprise. The boss is away for a bit, and you will feel a lot more at ease. Be careful when a new admirer enters the scene, it could cause bother at home. Taurus Apr 21- May 20 The sun in Scorpio is urging you to get more pleasure out of your love life. Try to turn a certain situation round to suit yourself. A person you admire will offer you some excellent advice, take heed. Gemini May 21-June 20 You are feeling a bit uptight at the moment, concentrate in turning a worrying situation to your advantage. A journey could bring some new interest into your life and love. A phone call will leave you feeling all tingly. Cancer June 21-July 20 You must fight against the pessimistic moods of others. Someone will try to dazzle you with their intelligence, but they will only succeed in tripping themselves up. You will feel very sexy this month, so make the best of it. Leo July 21-Aug 21 You are feeling very good at the moment, and it shows all around you when you are the centre of attraction. Money wise, you will charm the right people at the right time. This month you will be a powerhouse of activity. Virgo Aug 22-Sep 22 With the recent full moon, you will be in a rather stubborn frame of mind. At work the more you do the more you are given to do - ease off a bit. Long term relationships need a good going over to prevent the boredom from setting in. Watch out for minor accidents. -------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTS ======== To reply to a Contact Ad: Just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the envelope with your reply inside another envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outside the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage stamps. International Reply Coupons are available from most Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs. Send all replies to: Pulse Magazine PO Box 1248 PAISLEY Renfrewshire Scotland PA3 3YE To place a Contact Ad: Write to the above address enclosing your advertisement copy. Ads are FREE of charge to the advertiser but can only be accepted by snail mail. Tyneside 5ft 11in, 41, Tach, smoker and HIV+ is looking for an active and dominant leather guy 40 + for regular no strings attached rough fun. I am into most scenes except brown. P2801 Edinburgh Indepeneant, decent, sincere, loving, normal guy, who happens to be gay, 34, 5ft 4in straight acting, non-scene is looking for friendship or 1-1with non-smoking guy who is looking for similar. ALA P2802 Edinburgh Lad 33 year old with dark hair and blue eyes. 10st into DMs, army gear, W/S, waterproofs and used underpants, wants to meet guys up to 40. Skins welcome. ALA P2803. Queer with children Couple with children would like to contact other couples/singles with children. Any area, to discuss problems and data to help other queer families. Genuine replies only. Strictly confidental. P2804. Possible 121 Glasgow/Edinburgh non scene divorced gay guy 6ft 1in tall with tanned hirsuite athletic build, brown hair, brown eyes and clean shaven. Seeks guys 25-50 Can accom, ALA. Scouse accent? P2805 Glasgow y. Strictly confidental. P2805. NW/E Stocky man with brain and libido, cropped beard and specs, (45) active, mostly non scene, seeks younger (30 plus) man, W/E with brain and libido. for whatever happens. 121 maybe. P2806. Edinburgh Are you looking for a French boy, who will live in Edinburgh in January 95? Dark haired with green eyes, 178cm and 62kg, genuine, sincere and good looking. I am looking for gay friends to have fun and visit the town. P2807 Tyneside/Northeast Gay male, 25, straight acting and looking is into sports and keep fit. Medium build seeks Bi or similar non camp male for friendship and possible relationship. P2808 Glasgow 34 year old non smoker relocating in Glasgow (slim, hairy, thinning on top) seeks others in mid - twenties for sports partners and weekends away. Working in area, actor, theatre. ALAWAP Phone? P2809 West Yorkshire 25 year old with fair highlighted hair, blue eyes and medium build, seeks guys 21-30 for friendship. Interests are pubs, clubs, eating in and out. Photo please ALA. P2810 Intro to Leather/Rubber scene Wanted by 30 year old lad in Blackpool. Slim, hairy, horny and inexperienced, but a keen recruit. You, enjoy long, hot, safe, friendly sessions. Ideas more important than looks. Photo helps. ALA P2811 Glasgow Guy Guy 35, not bad looking, likes music, swimming, pubs. Fed up with the scene and is looking for friendship possible 121 with oriental who must be loyal and caring aged under 25. ALA P2812 Northwest and Yorkshire Area Young looking,acting and thinking older man (40s) 6ft tall, medium build (12st) brown hair and likes laughing. Seeking a lifetime younger soulmate, who also enjoys life. ALAWAP P2813 Glasgow/Airdrie Anywhere 35, loving, caring 5ft 11in, seeks guy 25 - 35 for safe hot fun and friendshipand more. Gen replies with phone number and photo if possible. P2814 Edinburgh/Scotland Genuine straight acting non smoking guy is looking for a gen guy living in the highlands or the islands of Scotland for friendship or 121. Pipe player welcome Me 34. P2815 Calling new black or Asian students At universities of Leeds, Bradford, Huddersfield. Good looking guy 37, own place/car offers to show you round and have weekend fun. Into videos, sauna, massage and travel. Photo please. P2816 Warrington Area Wine, dine, classical, pop, dance and rock. Sweet and innocent but I love to shock. A playful kitten but a critical cat. I am a young virgo, 21, so that is it. P2817 Glasgow Central Scotland Guy 30, slim, brown hair and eyes and told I'm good looking. Seeks genuine replies from guys under 35 for nights out and in. Maybe 121. Photo not essential but appreciated. P2818 Blackpool/North West 31, clean shaven student, slim with brown hair and eyes, needs active uncle to give CP fun. Non smoker prefered. You 22-45 caring and able to travel. Clean shaven GSOH into most things. P2819 Birmingham/Anywhere Swedish model, 21, 6ft, blond hair with green eyes, athletic tanned body, W/E and works out. Seeking guy for 121 any other models very welcome. Your horny letter and photo gets mine. P2820 Scotland/Anywhere 55 dark haired chubby guy seeks active dark haired skinned friend for fun and maybe 121. Can travel and accommodate. All races, Muslims guys very welcome. Under 45 prefered. P2821 Northwest Good looking straight acting guy 27, 6ft, 12st, with athletic body, seeks soul mate to enjoy the good life with. ALA photo would be appreciated. P2822 Huddersfield/Anywhere Horny 37 year old, non camp, good looking with own place and car seeks equally horny young black or Asian guys for fun times, into: videos, massage, cuddles, travels, dance, music. Photo. P2823 North West/Anywhere Young married couples looking for straight, Bi couples or singles for fun. Photo gets first priority. Forces and service men welcome. P2824 Manchester/North West Young 37, well built titman, seeks safe raunchy fun with singles and couples. Short hair prefered and genuine replies only. Phone number appreciated. ALA by return. P2825 Newcastle/North East Newcastle guy offers Christmas to young slim smooth intellegent and trustworthy guy without strings. Acc no problem, get in touch soon before it's to late. Genuine. P2826 Tayside/Central Perthshire Professional gay guy, tall, fit and handsome hillwalker/skier. Straight acting and looking, non scene. Seeks similar guy to confirm that it is not just straights who have normal relationships. P2827 Glasgow Hot rubber times wanted with wadders, toys, poppers etc. Masks, used jocks and underpants welcome. Photo would be good. P2828 Glasgow/Anywhere 26, fairly good looking wants 21-49 for 121. Enjoy most things in life with a good sence of humour. You genuine and wanting to settle down. Come on let's make it work. ALA P2829 Fior Ghaidheal Nam Beann Arda Handsome highlander with long hair and fit mountaineers body, seeks a strong passionate pal to share adventures in the wild. Long letter and photo, all shapes and sizes welcome. P2830 Glasgow/Anywhere Friendly guy, 40s, will pull your briefs down. into water sports, massage and videos. Welcomes replies from 22-50. Photo please, will return, let's meet soon and have fun times. P2831 West Yorkshire/Anywhere Big DIY fan into briefs, early 40s, seeks guys for mutual fun, can accommodate. Full photo if possible. You up to 50. First advert. P2832 WOMEN ===== Wakefield/Leeds/Huddersfield Lesbian, 32, GSOH, caring, romantic and affectionate is seeking a 121 for romantic nights in or out. If you are in need of some TLC write now. Let's spend Xmas together. P2833 Lancs/Cumbria Non Scene Attractive, slim, trendy, feminine, gay woman driver, 43, single 18 months.Straight pubs, drives, meals. WLTM Exactly the same, 35-43. Single married for friendship, maybe more. Must be feminine. P2834 Who's that, where's that Girl? 4th November 94, Primo's club in Leeds. You short black hair wearing grey cap-beige jumper-tartan trousers. Stood by bar with two male friends. Please write you are gorgeous. From Dyke admirer. P2835 North West/Anywhere Dreading winter nights and Xmas alone? Me too. Small slim attractive feminine woman driver, 44, single for 18 months WLTM. Same type feminine woman 35-44 for pub, meals, drives and cosy nights in. ALA P2836 --------------------------------------------------------------- BACKTALK ======== DUNCAN CAMPBELL, IPTV, AND CHANNEL 4 CASTIGATED Investigative journalist Duncan Campbell, IPTV and Ch 4 are the subject of a scathing report by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission. All three have been heavily criticised following a complaint over the C4 programme, 'A Tale of Two Cities' investigating the so called 'Fettesgate/Magic Circle Affairs', produced by Mr Campbell's production company, IPTV. This is not the first time that Mr Campbell's journalistic methods have been called into question. In May of last year, Mr Derek William Donaldson was found guilty of assaulting Mr Campbell, after both he and his mother were subjected to unrelenting pressure from Mr Campbell trying to secure an interview, despite being told by Mr Donaldson that 'an interview was not on'. At the High Court of Criminal Appeal where Mr Donaldson appealed unsuccessfully against sentence, the appeal judges referred to Mr Campbells conduct in the weeks preceding the assault as 'Appalling'. Mr Donaldson complained about the programme to the BCC. The BCC, after an exhaustive year long investigation, said in their adjudication that issued their findings. In the document the Commission states that 'They had been seriously handicapped in their adjudication by the lack of supporting evidence from Ch 4 for assertions in the programme which Mr Donaldson had contested'. The commissions report further states We have no hesitation in upholding Mr Donaldsons complaint that there was an unwarranted infringement of his privacy during a visit to his home by IPTV and Mr Campbell in January of 1993 when IPTV used a zoom lens to film him indoors, and placed a hand microphone through the letterbox to record a telephone conversation. Mr Donaldson claims that 'the Campbell documentary was nothing more than a concoction of lies and I am glad he has been found out, he has only been able to drag up my criminal record as a weapon against me but now the boot is on the other foot. In an English civil court, with a jury we shall see what his so called witnesses say under oath. Every one of his programmes contributors will be called to give evidence, and then we shall see who has been lying'. Mr Donaldson has had meetings with London based solicitors who are prepared to raise an action against Channel 4 and Mr Campbell on a speculative basis. Mr Donaldson revealed that he has also met with a senior Edinburgh Advocate with a view to raising similar actions in Scotland against the Glasgow Herald and Gay Scotland as both publications had published damning articles by Mr Campbell. Channel 4 are standing by the story. ------------------------------------------------------------ VENUES ====== Aberdeen: ======== CLUB CADERFEIDH 9 Hadden Street, Tel: (0224) 212181. Thu-Sun 9pm-2am. Popular Disco just a stones throw away from Flannies Bar. FLANNIES Stirling Street. 11am - 12am, Sundays 6.30pm - 11pm. Tel 0224 583881. PINK FLAMINGO Upper Kirkgate. 8pm-2am. 7 days a week Blackpool: ========= Basil's On The Strand 9 The Strand, Tel: 0253-293 877. Mon-Sat 12.30pm-12.30am. Sun pub hours. Pub with dance floor, bistro, Clone Zone Shop. Pepe's 92-94, Talbot Road, Tel: 0253-26691. Mon-Sat 12-5pm & 8pm-2am, Sun 12-3pm & 8-10pm. Cabaret on Weds and Sat lunchtimes. Funny Girls. Tel: 0253 291144 for details Flamingo 2001 176 Talbot Road, Tel: 0253-24901. Mon-Sat 10-2am. Sun 7-11.30 pm. Disco Club, Drag & Bistro. Sun Piano Bar lunchtimes. Galaxy Health Club 25 Springfield Road, Tel: 0253 294610 Lucy's Bar below Rumours, Talbot Square, Tel: 0253-293 204. Mon-Thu 12-3pm and 7-2am, Sat 12-4.30pm and 7-2am, Sun 12-3pm and 7-10.30pm. DJ and Cabaret. Matcham's Bar Behind Grand Theatre, Corporation Street, Tel: 0253-28309. Mon-Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 12pm-3pm. Mixed Bar. 20's Tea Rooms 5 Queens Street, Tel: 0253-25713. 10-5pm. Open 7 days a week. Elegant tea rooms, serving tea, coffee, snacks and meals. Bolton: ====== Cell Bar Crook St. Men Only Bar (leather/denim) Tel: 0204 21856 Church Hotel 174 Crook St. Mixed Gay Bar with entertainments. 7 Nights. Tel 0204 21856 Mr D's 148 Crook St. Tel 0204 399325. Mixed Bar. Bradford: ======== Caligulas Nightclub and Fun bar, 7 Barry Street. Bradford. Tel (0274) 731606. The Sun 124 Sunbridge Road. Tel 0274 737722 Dundee: ====== THE EDGE 85 Commercial Street. FRI10pm-2.30am. Dundee's one-nighter disco. GAUGER BAR 75 Seagate. Tel: (0382) 26840. Mon-Sat 11am-12pm, Sun 6pm-11pm. Large bar with pool table and its very own disco! Edinburgh: ========= C.C. BLOOMS Greenside Place. Tel: 031-556 9331. Friendly Bar/Diner. Serving Quality Food. Open 12-Late CHAPPS CLUB BAR 22 Greenside Place. Tel: 031-558 1270. Mon-Sun 9.30pm-4am. Cruisy bar all types of clientele. Busy late on at night. THE EDGE 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 031-556 0852. Licensed Noon-1am. Open 7 days a week. EDINBURGH FESTIVAL THEATRE 13-29 Nicolson St. Tel 031-529 6000. Cafe Lucia for the Boys and Girls. Theatre has the most well endowed stage in Britain. FRENCH CONNECTION Rose Street Lane North. Mon-Sat Noon-2am, Sun 1pm-2am. Cosy bar just off Princes Street. INSINUENDOS 2 Picardy Place. Basement Cabaret Club in QT's Bar. Acts, Strippers, etc. Tel 031-556 0499. JOY at the Calton, Calton Road. 10pm till late. Edinburgh's Saturday one nighter. NEWTOWN BAR Dublin Street. Popular Basement Bar. QT'S BAR 2 Picardy Place. Bright City Centre bar. Mixed crowd of all ages. Tel: 031-556 0499. STAR TAVERN Northumberland Place. Best Real Ale in Town. Open 12-12.30. With Beer Garden. Tel: 031-539 8070 WEST & WILDE BOOKSHOP 25a Dundas Street. Tel: 031-556 0079. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-7pm, Sun Noon-6pm. Scotland's only lesbian and gay bookshop. Large selection of gay titles. THE EDINBURGH LESBIAN GAY AND BISEXUAL CENTRE 58a Broughton Street. Entry through 60 as well. DRONDALE LIMITED 60 Broughton Street. Tel: 031-556 1471. Open 11am-8pm. Probably the largest gay shop north of Manchester. Worldwide mail order service. Glasgow: ======= AUSTINS 183a Hope Street. Tel: 041-332 2707. Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight. Friendly and basement pub. Food lunchtimes. Karaoke on Tues, Fri & Sun nights. BENNETS DISCO 80-90 Glassford Street. Tel: 041-552 5761. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Very popular busy disco.,Straight night Tuesday, Packed at the weekend. CHISHOLMS COFFEE SHOP 145 Kenmure Street, Glasgow. Mon-Sat 9am-5.30pm. Sun 11am-5pm. Cosy wee shop. (Ideal for quiet cuppa with a friend) CLUB EXCHANGE 25 Royal Exchange Square. Tel: 041-204 4599. Tue-Sun 11pm-3am. Large basement disco. Wednesday alternative night. COURT BAR 69 Hucheson Street. Tel:041-552 2463. Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight, Sun 8.30-11pm. Small bar with basement area. The ideal place to go if you like your music below the pain barrier. DELMONICA'S 68 Virginia Street. Tel:041-552 4803. Mon-Sun 11am-Midnight. Large pub with backroom area. EAT OUT West George Street. Glasgow's first dedicated Lesbian and Gay cafe. 7 days a week. Tel 041-332 7060. GHQ West George Street. Open 6-12 daily. Tel 041-332 8005. SQUIRES LOUNGE 106 West Campbell Street, Tel:041-221 9184. Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight, Sat 12.30-Midnight, Sun 8pm-12pm. Thu, Fri, Sat DJ. Nightly Happy Hours. THE WATERLOO 306 Argyle Street, Tel:041-221 7359. Mon-Sun 12-12. As crowded and popular as ever. Cabaret every Thurs, Karaoke with Ms Hutton on Sundays. Harrogate: ========= THE DUNGEON 2 Parliament Terrace. Tel 0423 524629. Very Busy Sunday Nights, Open 7-11pm. HALES BAR 1 Crescent Road. Mixed bar with old style gas lighting. In the Real Beer Guide! BEDROCK AT THE ZOO 11 Station Parade. Tel 0423 503294. New Thursday night club from 10pm-2am with Drag DJ. Leeds: ===== THE NEW PENNY Call Lane. THE BRIDGE INN Bridge End/Call Lane. THE OLD RED LION Meadow Lane PRIMOS II Nightclub, 41-43 New York Street. Tel 0532 446300 Liverpool: ========= THE CURZON CLUB Temple Lane. Tel 051-236 5160. GARLANDS CLUB 8-10 Eberle St. Tel 051-236 3307 REFLECTIONS CLUB 24 Dale St. Tel 051-236 3946. PACO'S Stanly St. Basement Bar. Tel 051-236 9737. THE LISBON Stanly St. Nice friendly large pub. Tel 051-236 1248 Manchester: ========== BLUES Bar/Disco, 211 Slamford Street, Ashton-upon-Lyme(061-330 3212). Long Established popular Gay venue, Open Mon-Sat till 2am. CLUB LA LA All Night Disco. Tel 0706 82676 CRUZ 101 101 Princes Street. Tel 061-237 1554. Large Club open10pm-2am. Closed Tues & Sun. Members only. ETHOS AT RUBY TUESDAYS 10pm-2am. Tel 0374 747674 for details. GRAND CENTRAL 80 Oxford Street.(100 yds from Oxford St Railway Station). Also contains basement bar ('The Subway') NAPOLEON'S Sackville Street/Bloom Street. Tel 061-236 8800. Gay disco/club. Sun-Sat 9.30-2am. NEW YORK NEW YORK 98 Bloom Street. Tel 061-236 6556. Mixed gay bar. All day opening OSCARS 5 Copper Street. Tel 061-236 6007. Gay nightclub. Wed-Sat 10-2am. Q-BAR 28 Richmond Street. Tel 061-237 9329. Members only bar (Free Membership avail.). Tues-Sat 9-1am, Sun 9-11.30pm. THE REMBRANDT HOTEL 33 Sackville Street. Tel 061-236 1311 ROCKIES 4-6 Whitworth St. Tel 061-228 3078. Gay disco complex. Mon,Thurs-Sun 10pm-2.30am. Sun 1-4pm. Closed Tuesdays. Newcastle: ========= COURTYARD 2 Scotswood Rd Tel 091-232 2037 Mixed pub. HEAVENS ABOVE Above the Court Bar. Young and lively crowd. Busy at weekends. Tek 091-261 0488. POWERHOUSE Waterloo St Tel 091-261 4507 Thur-Sat 10-1am Gay club Ist Wed of month. Men only. ROCKIES 78 Scotswood Rd Mixed bar with disco, pub hours ROCKSHOTS Waterloo St. Tel 091-232 9648. Large and popular disco. Very busy. STRINGS 29 Blenheim Street, Tel 091-232 3530. Mixed Gay bar with accent on the Disco. THE VILLAGE Sunderland St.Next to Powerhouse. Mon,Thur,Fri,Sat 12-11pm,Tue,Wed 12-12pm,Sun 7-10.30pm. Preston: ======= The Trap Door 28 Croft Street. Open daily in evenings with Sat, Sun lunch. Tel: 0772 251275 Wakefield: ========= The Dolphin Pub 6 Lower Warren Gate. Tel 0924 201705. York: ==== WHITE HORSE Bootham. York's only full time gay haunt. Open 11am till 11pm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELPLINES ========= Aberdeen Tel 0224 586869 Wed. 7-10pm Ayr Lesbian and Gay Group. Tel 0292 610599 . 7-10pm. PO Box 1043, Ayr. KA6 5JQ. Ayrshire AIDS Awareness Support Group. Meetings Wed from 7pm-10pm/ Tel: 0292 619000. PO Box 1043. Ayr. Borders Gay Switchboard. Confidential Information, Advice & Counselling. Mon & Wed 7.30-10.00pm. Tel 0450 370700 or PO Box 3, Hawick, Roxburgh. TD9 9RU Central Forth Friend Tel 0786 7125 Mon 7-10pm Edinburgh Body Positive(Edinburgh) Tel 031-652 0754 (Mon-Fri) 031-661 9100 (Fax). HIV Positive Gay Men's Group, Sunday's 2-6pm Edinburgh Gay Switchboard Tel 031-556 4049. Nightly 7.30-10pm. Lesbian Line Tel 031-557 0751 Mon/Thu 7.30-10pm. Bisexual Line Tel 031-557 3620 Thurs 7.30-9.30pm Scottish Aids Monitor PO Box 248, Edinburgh EH6 5NS. Tel 031-555 4850 Fife Fife Friend. Tel 0592 266688 Monday (Women) 7.30-10.30pm, Friday (Men) 7.30-10.30pm. Glasgow Strathclyde Lesbian and Gay Switchboard. Tel 041-221 8371. Nightly 7-10pm. Lesbian Line 041-552 5768 Wed 7-10pm. The Outreach Nursing Team. Tel 0831 179902.(9.30am-4.30pm). Scottish Aids Monitor. PO Box 11,G2 2UT. Tel 041-353 3133 Harrogate Gay and Lesbian Switchboard, 5pm-10pm, M-F, 3pm-7pm S&S. Tel: 0423 524101. Body Positive 0423 524100 London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard. 24hrs. Tel 071-837 7324 Newcastle upon Tyne Friend Tel 0632 737951 Mon-Fri 7-10pm Lesbian Line Tel 0632 612277 Thu 7-10pm York York Action Plus, HIV/AIDS support group. Helpline 0904-671631. 24Hr Crisis Line 0374 229133. MESMAC, 0904 612236. Leeds MESMAC, 0532 444209. National. TV/TS Helpline. Operated daily 7.30-10pm to listen counsel and give comfort. Ring Edinburgh Lesbian and Gay Switchboard 031-556 4049 and ask for the Scottish TV/TS helpline. Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project. Vaughan M.Williams Centre. Colindale Hospital. London. NW9 5HG. Tel: 081-200 0511.(Weekdays 3-6pm) National AIDS Helpline. 0800-567123. 24hr Helpline. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PULSE MAGAZINE Issue 28 - December 1994 Editorial team: Adam Donlin John Hein ( Gordon Gosnell Published by Claypoke Limited Contributors: Kriztal Tony Laverett (Scene News - Blackpool) Gordon (Scene News - Edinburgh) Wayne (Scene News - York) Alex (Scene News - Yorkshire) Electronic Edition: John Hein ( General Enquiries: Pulse Magazine PO Box 1248 PAISLEY Renfrewshire Scotland PA3 3YA Advertising Enquiries: Telephone: +44 (0) 374 966402 TeleFax: +44 (0) 1505 335021 END OF FILE -- Listserver