Date: 21 Jan 94 23:24:24 EST Subject: Gays in UK Military 01/21 1011 ARMY CODE RULES OUT HOMOSEXUALITY, ADULTERY LONDON, Jan 21 (Reuter) - The British army said on Friday it would not tolerate homosexuality, adultery or even marriages between officers and lower ranks. In a new code of conduct, it said that while liberal attitudes may have diminished some social values, the army sought to maintain a sense of duty, loyalty, self-discipline, respect and concern for others. The Standards and Discipline Paper described adultery within the military community as the "most serious form of social misconduct." It also warned that any sexual relationships between officers and non-commissioned ranks undermined "a well-ordered structure." The code re-stated the increasingly controversial view that homosexuality was not acceptable in the armed forces and it discouraged marriages between officers and other ranks as they "inevitably" cause difficulty. Men or women found to be engaged in homosexual practices are normally discharged from the British armed forces. The code, which also covered issues such as alcoholism, bullying, racial and sexual discrimination, is to be distributed to all soldiers.