Date: Tue, 22 Jun 93 11:30 BST From: "Richard E. Greenman" Subject: London Pride Saturday 19th June saw London's annual Pride Festival, and a combination of last year's success and the better-than-expected weather swelled an estimated turnout of 40,000 to over 100,000; friends I was with who had gone last year said they were certain it was much larger than ever before. The day was especially moving for me since it was my first Pride, and I was overwhelmed with the good humour of the event. The march began on the Victoria Embankment at Noon and progressed through Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Piccadilly and Park Lane to Marble Arch. Thousands of whistles blew en route, especially when a tourist bus passed along the route, to amplify our presence. Buses, passers-by, construction workers, even the odd duchess, were waved at by an ecstatic crowd, whose happiness became all the more evident when their cheering, waving, and laughter received a positive response. The police presence was well handled, and most of those on duty entered into the spirit of the occasion, blushing and laughing at the chant "2-4-6-8-Is that copper really straight? 1-3-5-9-If he isn't, then he's mine!" After the march we made our way to Brockwell Park in South London, for the Festival, which included a funfair, market, cabaret stage, the Lily Savage Tent, the Womens' Tent, several beer tents, and an open stage - the main focus of the event's musical celebrations. Highlights included appearances by HRH Regina Fong (the last of the Romanoffs), British stars Sonia, East 17, Jimmy Somerville, Boy George, and many others, with the evening rounded of at about ten-thirty by a thrilling fireworks display and an appearance by The Shamen. Of course, this is just a sketch; to do full justice to the event and all it meant to me would take far too long. But if anybody is anywhere near London at this time next year, I cannot recommend a more heartlifting experience than Pride. Richard Greenman Proud, at last.