Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 00:35:14 +0100 From: (Stephen Coote) Subject: AFTER DARK new club AFTER DARK The new after-hours dress-code joint London 10 June 1996 Who said that the London sleazy crowd have to go to bed at three o'clock? On Saturday night many Leathermen, Rubberfreaks and Squaddies find they have nowhere to go after their favourite places are closed (at least nowhere that matches their style!), That's why the organisation Too Black! Too Strong! came up with the idea of After Dark: a dress code after-hours event that opens at 2am and closes at 7am. "We're trying to create a space where you can cruise, relax or dance your chaps off (Leathermen dancing? - you'd better believe it!) until the very early hours of the morning," said spokesman Roberto Varano. "The night is for men only , and the dress code is firm but relaxed, and this means we're quite happy with boots, combat trousers and a T-shirt!" The venue is the original South London "sleazing point" the infamous Market Tavern. And especially for After Dark there will be an improved sound system and additional lights, and split into three separate areas: Labyrinth - a cruisy back bar with videos, pool and a very intriguing maze; Castaway - an oceanic chill-out lounge with separate ambient sounds; and Bodysweat - the major dance arena whose soundtrack is controlled and directed by Mixmaster Roberto Varano with his psychodrama of Tribal and House (nothing too fast). Saturday 22 June sees the first in what will hopefully become monthly appointments. Entry =A36 or =A35 with flyers and ads. AFTER DARK IS THE PLACE WHERE THE STARS SET AND THE SUN RISES Press tickets on their way More information from Too Black! Too Strong!: 0370 265 660 or 0171 735 1592 Listing information Saturday 22 June After Dark, Market Tavern, Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, 2am to 7am, =A36 (=A35 = flyers). Dress code: leather, rubber, fetish, uniform. Men only. 0171 735 1592 -------------------- Stephen Coote --------------------