Date:         Mon, 6 Jun 1994 13:13:02 -0400
From: PMDAtropos <>

[ Send replies to alan@OSF.ORG only, please ]

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If you wish to receive further information about the conference,
send your email address to



                        Edinburgh 1994

          To be held at Methodist Central Halls, Tollcross

           A conference for all bisexuals, their allies and
           anyone with a positive interest in bisexuality.

                      ABOUT THE CONFERENCE

This is the fourth conference to be held in Edinburgh and coincides
with the tenth anniversary of Edinburgh Bisexual Group, so it should
be by far the largest---we've outgrown all our previous venues! We want
to provide a chance to meet and mingle with other bisexuals that is not
to be missed.

                          THE VENUE

The Methodist Central Halls in central Edinburgh provide a large
concourse for stalls, a huge hall for conference gatherings and
smaller spaces for workshops. There are plenty of cafes, sandwich bars and
restaurants nearby as well as a good range of shops. There will also
be some food available at the venue.

The venue is wheelchair accessible with a lift from street level to
the first and second floors where the conference is to be held. It has
disabled toilet facilities.


We have booked self-catering places in single sex dormitories that
will be for conference goers only at Bruntsfield Youth Hostel (10 minutes
from the venue). These can be reserved for #29 for four nights only
(Wednesday to Saturday) on a first come first served basis. We will
also provide information in your confirmation pack (or on request),
of guest houses, B&B's and campsites.

We will try to organise crash accommodation, but you must register
early (before June 23rd) if you want us to have a chance to do this.
When requesting crash accommodation please let us know if you have
your own transport.

Edinburgh is very busy in early August so arrange your accommodation
as soon as possible.


The conference is running Thursday to Saturday in order to give
people plenty of time to get home on the Sunday and so that no-one has to
miss the final sessions. Registration is available on Wednesday 3rd from
6.00-9.30pm, and from 9.30 each morning. There is a facilitators
workshop on the evening of the 3rd and the conference will be kicking
off at 11.00am on the 4th. In the evenings we will have our own
specially arranged and exclusive conference events including a free
disco for conference attenders on the Friday night to celebrate the
Edinburgh Bisexual Group's 10th birthday.

                        SPECIAL NEEDS

There will be a creche available during the workshop and plenary
sessions. BSL interpretation will be provided, and we can provide
conference documents in braille or on tape. However, in order to make
sure that we can provide for these, and any other special needs you
may have, please let us know before June 23rd. Please note that places in
the creche cannot be guaranteed after this time. People attending the
conference soley in order to aid a disabled friend may register free.

A small hardship fund has been made available from the previous
conference. If you think you will have difficulty affording to attend
this years conference please write to us saying what you need and why
before June 23rd and we'll see if we can help.


For anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of attending a bisexual
conference before, don't be put off by the word `conference'. They
are very friendly affairs with a wide range of workshops, games and other
activities to interest and entertain hordes of bisexuals, their
partners and allies who attend. See you there!


                     REGISTRATION FORM

Please register before June 23rd if you want to be sure of crash
accommodation, creche space, sign language interpretation or
conference documents on tape. Enclose a separate sheet to tell us what you need.
We will do what we can after this date but we can't guarantee
anything!  Don't post money with this form if you are registering
less than a week before the conference.




Tel (optional):
e-mail (if applicable):

I will be attending on:    Wed eve/Thur/Fri/Sat

I would like to facilitate a workshop.

Registration fee (see below): I enclose a cheque/P.O. for:

I want to stay in Bruntsfield Youth Hostel and     +---+
enclose #29 for four nights:                       |   |

I will bring a sleeping bag, please find me crash accommodation for
these nights:   Wed/Thur/Fri/Sat

Return this form with a cheque/PO payable to EBG to BiCon Twelve, 58a
Broughton Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3SA. Please do not send
via email. You will receive a confirmation pack after June 23rd.

                     REGISTRATION FEES

Registration fees are charged on a sliding scale to make the
conference accessible to as many people as possible. The registration fee for
the whole conference depends on your income:

  Under #5000                #13
  #5 - #8000                 #19
  #8 - #12000                #25
  #12 - #16000               #31
  #16 - #20000               #37
  #20000 +                   #43
  Funded delegates           #50

The fee for a single day is half the full cost.


Once you have registered for the conference, information about B&B's
and guest houses will be mailed to you with your confirmation pack
(unless you have booked a place at the Bruntsfield Youth Hostel).

If you would like information about B&B's and guesthouses before you
register, please send an A4 SAE, indicating that you want
accommodation info to BiCon Twelve, 58a Broughton Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3SA.


Creche and BSL signing will be run by professionals, but any help we
can provide for them would be appreciated. We are also looking for
volunteers to run errands, offer counselling and act as helpers for
disabled people. If you can give help please tick the box and give
details below. For counselling and creche, references will be

I can volunteer as a:
creche helper                    |   |
counsellor                       |   |
gopher                           |   |
assistant to a disabled person   |   |
BSL interpreter                  |   |

I live in Edinburgh and can volunteer crash space for ____ people

I do NOT want my name passed on to the next conference organisers |



For general enquiries about the conference, email or
write to Edinburgh Bisexual Group, 58a Broughton Street, Edinburgh,
EH1 3SA.

Bisexual Phoneline: 031 557 3620 Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm


MAP (not to scale and omitting most streets)

             | |     BRITISH
BUS          | |      RAIL
-------------+ +------------------
St Andrew Sq     Waverley Bridge
-------------+ +------------------
             | |
             |S|    THE CASTLE
             | |
             | +--------------------------------
             |  Lothian Rd               Earl Grey St
             | +-----------+ +------------------------+ +----
             |S|          /t/              CONFERENCE |T|
             |h|         /S/                  VENUE   |o|
             |a|        / /                  CENTRAL  |l|
             |n|       /n/                  METHODIST |l|
             |d|      /o/                     HALLS   |c|
             |w|     /s/                              |r|
             |i|    /i/                               |o|
             |c|   /r/                                |s|
             |k|  /r/                                 |s|
             | | /o/
             |l  +-------
             | +---------
             | |   BRITISH
             | |     RAIL
             | |  HAYMARKET
             | |
