Date: Sat, 04 Jun 1994 00:38:52 MET From: Hannes Schuele Gay and Lesbian Research in Switzerland: Some Univerisities do have gay, lesbian or lesbian-gay groups, usually mixed groups of students, staff and profs. You find below: 1. addresses 2. publications 3. additional information. With my best whishes Hannes Sch\"ule. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Addresses of gay and lesbian university groups in Switzerland (June 1994): Basel: Schwul-Lesbische Uni Gruppe (SLUG) monthly dinners, co. HABS occationally lectures Postfach 1519 CH-4001 Basel Sitzerland Bern: SchLUB fortnightly meetings / co. StudentInnenschaft dinners, monthly brunch Lerchenweg 36 at the gay community centre, CH-3000 Bern 9 Unitobler lectures every semester, Sitzerland national surview of on going gay / lesb. research/studies Geneva: Unigaie regualarly meetings, cp. 311 other activities, CH-1211 Gen\`eve 4 national coodination Switzerland Zurich: (wimin only:) Amazora Lesbengruppe mixed hetero - lesbian co. VSU group. Postfach 321 lectures together with CH-8028 Z\"urich zart und heftig (see next Switzerland entry) Zurich: (mostly men:) very activ: zart und heftig - Schwules Hochschulforum monthly dinners and brunch Postfach 7218 at the gay community centre, CH-8023 Z\"urich several lectures every Switzerland semester, publications (see below), bibliography. National Gay Archives: Schwulenarchiv Schweiz material accessible in the Postfach 6311 National Social Archives in CH-8023 Z\"urich Zurich. (Sozialarchiv, Switzerland Stadelhoferstr. 12, Zurich) FAX: +41-1-242 05 70 National Lesbian Archives: Frauen-Lesben-Archiv contact for access to Postfach 201 material. CH-8026 Z\"urich Switzerland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Gay Publications in Switzerland (June 1994): Puff, Helmut (ed.): Lust, Angst und Provokation. Homosexualit\"at in der Gesellschaft. Vandenhaeck G\"ottingen and Z\"urich 1993. (15 Contributions in German from lectures given in Basel in Winter 1992/1993). The most activ university group in Switzerland, the "Koordinationsstelle Homosexualit\"at und Wissenschaft" in Zurich has started to publish the lectures and papers given in Zurich - or elsewhere - in an running edition. Publication of the "Koordinationsstelle Homosexualit\"at und Wissenschaft": #1 Niederh\"auser, Andreas: Homosexualit\"at im Sp\"atmittelalter (in Prep.) #2 Meier, Martin: Psychopatalogie und Homosexualit\"at (sFr. 6.-) #3 Schedler, Patrik: Gedanken \"uber einen Satz von Foucault. (sFr. 8.-) \"Uber Freundschaft, Liebe und Sex unter M\"annern und \"uber Philosophie. #4 Hofer, Roland: Homosexualit\"at und "Gesundes (sFr. 8.-) Volksempfinden". #5 Haas, Henriette: Homo- und Heterosexualit\"at in der (sFr. 6.-) neueren psychoanalytischen Entwicklungspsychologie. #6 Haas, Jen: Die Kinsey-Skala als Beitrag zur sexuellen (sFr. 6.-) Orientierung. #7 Bucher, Thomas: Lebensformenpolitik f\"ur gleichgeschlecht- (sFr. 14.-) liche Partnerschaften in der Schweiz. #8 Schedlner Patrik: Das Hohelied der Freundschaft. Ein (sFr. 12.-) Vergleich zwischen Lukians 'Toxaris` und Pseudo-Lukians 'Erotes`. #9 Hornung, Ren\'e: Schweizer Schwule im 19. Jahrhundert. (sFr. 6.-) #10 Wolfensberger, Ruth: Rituelle Homosexualit\"at und Gender (sFr. 8.-) "Mann". #11 Puff, Helmut: Krankheit als Metapher und Wirklichkeit. Zur (sFr. 8.-) Darstellung m\"annlicher Homosexualit\"at in der Theologie des Mittelalters. #12 Herzer, Manfred: Wege und Irrwege der Geschlechtskunde. (sFr. 6.-) Magnus Hirschfelds Berliner Institut f\"ur Sexualwissen- schaft 1918--1933. #13 Portmann, Roger: Der Ritter und sein Knecht - Homosexuelle (sFr. 6.-) M\"anner in Z\"urich des Sp\"atmittelalters? The volumens as well as a Bibliography (printed or on Mac-Filemaker-Pro Disk) can be ordered from: zart und heftig Koordinationsstelle Homosexualit\"at und Wissenschaft Postfach 7218 CH-8323 Zurich. Switzerland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Additional Information: German speaking reserchers in gay and lesbian studies are wellcome to contact one of the groups for a lecture (that might be given in several cities . ie. Basel, Bern and Zurich). At November 12th 1994 the next Swiss national meeting of all university groups will be held at Zurich. Delegates of neighbouring countries are wellcome to attend that meeting. The ability to speak (or understand) BOTH French and German will not be a condition, but an advantage ... Any questings of any kind can be addressed to the group addresses, or to my e-mail address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +================== sender ================================================+ + Hannes Schuele, ++ University of Bern, History Dept., + + Ritterstrasse 24, ++ Regional and Environmental History Studies, + + CH-3047 Bremgarten BE, ++ Unitobler, CH-3000 Bern 9, Switzerland + + ++ + + +41-31-302 4302 (home) ++ +41-31-631 4863 (direct, office) + + ++ +41-31-631 4866 (fax, office) + + ++ +41-31-631 8091 (secretary, History Dept.) + + + + e-mail:; HEPNET/SPAN: 20579::49202::schuele + +================== sender =============================================== + +========================================================================= +