On Wed, 17 Nov 1993, Ron Buckmire wrote: > Please clarify the state of lgb parental rights in Sweden and the rest of > Scandinavia, if you can. LGB PARENTAL RIGHTS IN SWEDEN AND OTHER SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES In the proposal for lbg marriage/partnership law in Sweden the right to artificial insemination and adoption is not included. In all other areas the future partnership law gives lgb couples the same legal status as heterosexual married couples. In A and B below I will make an attempt to describe the Swedish insemination and adoption laws. A.Swedish Insemination Laws The law text says: For a woman to be inseminated, she has to be either married or live under (heterosexual) marriage-like conditions. Marriage-like conditions you might call heterosexual domestic partners (?), we call it "sambo" (= live together or under the same roof), which is very common here. The legal rights for domestic partners, heterosexual and homosexual, are also regulated by laws, which are less far- reaching then the marriage laws. All single women and lesbian domestic partners are excluded from the right to insemination. BUT, according to the law it's not criminal for a lesbian or single heterosexual woman to have an insemination done. Also, it's not criminal to help a woman with the actual insemination, if it's not done for money (it's just that it is not done by doctors in our hospitals). The law also doesn't interfere with womens right to go to other countries to have the insemination done. So if you have a more liberal insemination law in the States, Scandinavian women can go to US and be legally inseminated there. B. Swedish Adoption Laws In short the law text says: 1. You have to be 25 years of age or more to be allowed to adopt. 2. Heterosexual married couples are permitted joint adoption only (one of the partners in a marriage are not allowed an adoption on their own). And no one else but heterosexual married couples are permitted joint adoption (= no glb joint adoption). To conclude this rather bewildering law text you could say, that: 1. COUPLES who want to adopt a child have to be MARRIED and HETEROSEXUAL. 2. If you are SINGLE and want to adopt, you have to be at least 25 years old. This means, that our adoption laws are not prohibiting glb singels from adoption (I'm sorry for having written so earlier in this discussion). For the moment a single gay man is having his application for adoption examined by the authorities (I will be back with more information about this case when it is settled). But in reality adoption is not a realistic alternative for lgb parents for the time being. What I have said here about insemination and adoption laws is seen from a Swedish perspective. I belive that the Danish and Norwegian laws are similar on these issues. What I can say for sure is, that the right for glb people to ADOPTION is not included in their present partnership laws. I hope that this message clarifies some of the obscurities about lgb parental rights in Scandinavia. I don't know anything about the situation in Holland, but maybe some one else can inform us on the situation there? Bjorn Skolander, University of Uppsala, Sweden bjorn.skolander@nordiska.uu.se