Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 19:21:42 +0200 (MET DST) From: Ales Pecnik Ales Pecnik ----- A Slovene Public Opinion Poll on Tolerance The poll was taken by Delo-Stik, in the international year of tolerance. Results were published in Delo, Apr 15 1995, page 4. The sample size (N) was 609. 1. Do you think the Slovenes as a nation are tolerant to the different (culturally, religiously, different by language, sexual orientation)? YES: 62.0% NO: 31.9% I DON'T KNOW: 6.1% 2. What is your opinion about same-sex marriages? I APPROVE OF IT: 59,6% I DON'T APPROVE OF IT: 12.9% I DON'T CARE: 24.9% I DON'T KNOW: 2.6% 3. To whom of these are you the least tolerant? SERBS: 55.7% DRUG ADDICTS: 51.2% HOMOSEXUALS: 44.3% CROATS: 41.9% GYPSIES: 36.0% NOT INTOLERANT TO MENTIONED: 14.1% 4. Would you mind having a neighbour or a co-worker of other nationality, sexual orientation, tone of skin, life habits etc.? NO: 51.1% 5. Whom of the following would you like to have for a neighbour or a co-worker the least? DRUG ADDICT: 37.8% HOMOSEXUAL: 31.4% GYPSY: 17.1% SERB: 16.7% ALBANIAN: 13.1% 6. What bothers you the most about other people? DIFFERENT SEXUAL ORIENTATION: 35.6% DIFFERENT WAY OF DRESSING AND BEHAVING: 20.0% DIFFERENT IDEOLOGICAL OR POLITICAL BELIEFS: 16.6% DIFFERENT PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: 12.8% DIFFERENT RELIGION: 10.0% NONE OF THE ABOVE: 45.6% 7. Do you think same-sex partners should be allowed to adopt children? NO: 68.3% YES: 16.4% I DON'T CARE: 10% 8. Do you think the government should act against movements based on racism, chauvinism, intolerance towards foreigners, to those with different beliefs etc.? THE PROBLEM SHOULD BE SOLVED BY DEMOCRATIC MEANS: 63.2% THE GOV'T SHOULD PROHIBIT SUCH MOVEMENTS: 20.5% THIS IS NONE OF GOV'T BUSINESS: 8.2% I DON'T KNOW: 6.9% OTHER: 1.1%