Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 19:32:07 +0700 From: Sergey Kuzmin Subject: Gay Rights Violation in Siberia Dear friends, I hope it will be interesting to you to learn about the current situation with the rights of homosexuals in Russia. Below is the declaration that our association Astarta is now spreading everywhere. With kind regards Sergey Kuzmin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DECLARATION The derangement of the action devoted to the 5 years anniversary of Tomsk gay association Astarta occured not by our fault. Unfortunately, we have to declare: our rights in Tomsk are being violoted. Tomsk region association Astarta was enrolled by the justice department of Tomsk region administartion in 1993. It happened just after the abolition of the article in Penal Code punishing homosexual relations. In the same year the association became a full member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). The main objectives of our activity are social adaptation of sexual minorities, arrangement of leisure, work of the confidence phone service, development of democratic process in our society. But despite these generous goals we have been facing a lot of problems since the very foundation. We were refused in registration by the tax inspection. The local bodies interfere in our work, we informed about it the local media many times. In May, 1995 we decided to organize an itnernational gay and lesbian film festival Pinl Flamingo. However, in autumn 1995 there was established a criminal case of the executive director of the association, documents of Astarta including the official statute were confiscated. After a while they returned the documents but our statute is still in the justice court. Nevertheless, suffering large financial and moral losses we did succeed organizing the festival. A great assistance was rendered by our foreign partners and the festival took place in spite of obstacles of the militia. During 5 years we encounter violation of our rights. They refused us in renting premises, perlustrate our correspondence, threaten through the contact phone. And on May 21, 1994 there occured a robbery in our headquarters. Now the work of the association is completely blocked. The executive director was been made to give a written undertaken not to live a place which deprives him of possibility to work and to accept invitations from other russian cities and from abroad. Recently he had to decline the invitation to visit ILGA European Conference in Austria in October, 1998. In such a situation we have to appeal to all people who care the rights and freedom of ten percents of the russian population. We appeal to the governments of those countries where rights of homosexuals are respected and ask for political asylum. We appeal to support us by protest letters which can be sent to the following address: Governor of Tomsk Region Victor Kress, Lenin pr. 6, Tomsk 634050, Russia. Executive Director of Tomsk regional association Astarta Sergey Kuzmin ****************************************************************************** * To subscribe to QUEERPLANET, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe queerplanet * * To unsubscribe to QUEERPLANET, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe queerplanet * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * ******************************************************************************