Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 14:28 EDT From: Subject: Gay Guide Moscow GAY MOSCOW After getting many online requests for info on Moscow, I decided to compile the following after my recent trip. This information was good as of June 1995, but things change fast in Moscow these days! Four years after the first gay pride march and two after decriminalization of sodomy, gay life in Russia continues to develop. Summer life seems to center on the beach, especially with the record heat wave that had temperatures in the 80s for weeks (to say nothing of the hot water being off in many sections of Moscow). People spend all day (and daylight extends almost till midnight in June) basking in the sun, gossiping, swimming, playing volleyball, or prowling the bushes. At night there are discos, where people tend to stay till the wee hours. Fortunately these enjoyments have not been affected by the frontier-style inflation that has raised entrance fees in some mainstream clubs and restaurants to over $50! BEACHES: Serebriany Bor park has a mixed nude beach where one can take one's chances with cruising straight Russian men (if such really exist). But there is also the gay beach at metro Shchukinskaya. Directions: from the metro take any bus from the market side of the street one stop to the near end of the bridge. Cross the street and take the stairs at the middle of the bridge down onto the peninsula. Walk directly away from the bridge down the peninsula, bearing right as it forks in two, 1-2 miles (a good 1/2 hour walk at least). The gay beach is at the very end of the peninsula. Clothing optional. DISCOS: Shans (Chance) is the most popular. Metro Ploshchad' Ilyicha, about a ten minute walk to the north through back streets by Gzhelskii Pereulok. It's up an impressive set of steps in the former Hammer & Sickle House of Culture (d/k "Serp i molot"). Tel. 956-71-02. Entrance free till 12.00; 20,000 - 40,000 rub. thereafter, depending on the hour and the day. Drinks are about 5,000 (5000 rubles = $1) Two disco rooms: one disco, one techno, also two bars. There's an occasional strip show in the main disco, and the techno bar is surrounded by aquariums with a show at 2-2.30 involving some naked boys in with the fish. Generally friendly, laid back, none or very little of the US attitude. Shans is open every night, but Friday and Saturday are most popular. Piramida (Pyramid): in the cinema "Mir" on Tsvetnoi bul'var (Metro "Tsvetnoi bul'var"). This one's run by Roman Kalinin, one of the first gay activists, but it's only open Friday and Saturday. Maska: in TsDRI (Tsentral'nyi dom rabotnikov iskusstva / Central House of Art Workers), (Metro "Kuznetskii most") also open Friday & Saturday. Tri obezyana (Three Monkeys) now a private club requiring invitations. CRUISING: The square in front of the Bolshoi Theater (as always) The square near the monument to the Heroes of Plevna (The cruising area is called "plyeshka" in Russian. Of course in the summer cruising takes place mostly on the beach.) RESTAURANT: Teatro in the Hotel Metropole is owned & run by several gay men, and the staff is 90% gay. It's pricey ($10 for a salad or dessert), but you might want to check it out for a coffee. PUBLICATIONS: 1/10: the longest running gay paper still coming out Argo: now at two issues with some soft porn Risk: a new literary magazine, first issue June 1995 INFORMATION: Soon the umbrella gay organization Treugolnik (Triangle) will have a gay/lesbian info line. Until then you could try the AESOP Center at 141-8315. ST. PETERSBURG I wasn't there, but I did get info on two discos: U Pegasa (Pegasus' place), ul. Mokhovaya 15, ring the bell and ask for Slava or Yura, every day. Mayak (Lighthouse), Galernaya 33, Friday and Saturday compiled by Kevin Moss, Middlebury College