Date: Fri, 28 Jun 1996 19:06:12 +0200 (MET DST) From: (Bjoern Skolander) Subject: News from Romania Date: Fri, 28 Jun 1996 12:17:33 gmt From: Ion Iacos A C C E P T The Bucharest Acceptance Group FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26 June 1996 JEHOVA'S WITNESS CASE HIGHLIGHTS GOVERNMENT'S =20 CONTINUING ASSAULT ON MINORITY GROUPS The Romanian Government's decision this week that an=20 international convention of Jehova's Witnesses in Bucharest=20 would be "totally inappropriate ... in the month of July or=20 in the future" is compelling evidence of the Government's=20 continuing assault on minority groups in Romania. The=20 Government's opinion, contained in a written statement by its=20 General Secretary on 26 June, effectively killed an effort by=20 Jehova's Witnesses in Romania to convene fellow believers=20 from around the world in a peaceful assembly in Bucharest.=20 In its statement, dated 26 June, the Government explicitly=20 acknowledges that its decision was prompted by the concerns=20 of the Romanian Orthodox Church. In a public statement dated=20 21 June 1996, the Church's Patriarch, Teoctist, refers to=20 Jehova's Witnesses as "but a tiny minority in our country"=20 and goes on to criticise the Government for allowing Romanian=20 Jehova Witnesses to host a meeting in an "eminently Orthodox=20 country". In its eagerness to please Romania's majority Church, the=20 Government took a decision that violates numerous provisions=20 of national and international human rights standards,=20 including freedom of conscience and belief, right to peaceful=20 assembly, right to freedom of expression and the freedom of=20 association. ACCEPT is deeply concerned by the Government's decision in=20 this case because it reveals a consistent policy to disregard=20 fundamental rights and freedoms, especially among minority=20 groups. The Government has consistently refused to live up to=20 Romania's obligations under the Constitution and relevant=20 human rights treaties to which Romania is party. ACCEPT=20 believes this to be, in the words of the Government, =20 "totally inappropriate ... in the month of July or in the=20 future".=20 ACCEPT has been campaigning for the past year on behalf of=20 Romania's sexual minorities. Romania is the only member state=20 of the Council of Europe that continues to condemn its=20 citizens to prison for engaging in consensual same-sex=20 relations. The refusal by Romanian authorities to acknowledge=20 the legitimate rights of homosexuals, as well as other=20 minority groups, and to allow them public expression is=20 unconstitutional, anti-democratic and a blatant violation of=20 international human rights. Rights such as the right to=20 privacy, the right to assemble peacefully in public spaces,=20 and others are, and must be, the cornerstones of any country=20 that calls itself a "democracy." =20 ACCEPT has said repeatedly in recent months that a society=20 that would deny basic rights to gays and lesbians today might=20 well deny them to everyone tomorrow.=20 ACCEPT believes that at least three aspects of Romania's=20 treatment of its religious and sexual minorities deserve=20 further scrutiny: 1. Government policy in each case seems excessively=20 influenced by the dictates of the Romanian Orthodox Church,=20 to the exclusion of other views in Romanian society, despite=20 the fact that the Romanian Constitution affirms the principle=20 of a secular state;=20 2. The Government has shown that it either does not=20 understand, or is willing to flagrantly violate, national and=20 international human rights law and its moral obligations as a=20 democratic state; and 3. There appear to be inconsistencies between the Romanian=20 Government's policy towards minorities and its responses to=20 inquiries from outside observers concerning this policy.=20 *** =20 For more information contact ACCEPT at the address below. ACCEPT c/o APADOR-CH =F9 Calea Victoriei 120 =F9 70179 Bucuresti 1, ROMANIA Tel:(401)650.27.16 =F9 Fax: (401)312.45.28 =F9E-mail: --=20 Ion Iacos APADOR - Romanian Helsinki Committee 120 Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 70179 tel & fax: +40-1-312-4528 ; +40-1-312-4443 E-mail: