Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 12:29:13 SCET From: Marek Szymczyk Hi everybody! I would like to announce that a new one LGB organisation has been established in Warsaw, Poland. "Ruch Lesbijek i Gejow" (RLG) [ "The Movement of Lesbians and Gays"] has got the legal status due to the decision of the Registrative Court in Warsaw of April 27th. This decision, after the period of legal delay, is now in a legal force. The first general meeting of RLG took place on Tuesday, 14th of June 1994. The RLG authorities were elected: - Managing Committee Mrs Monika Komoda - lady president Mr Sylwester Biraga - president Mrs Alina Cwiek - treasurer - Board of Control Mr Marek Szymczyk - president Mr Robert Chodorski - member Mr Dariusz Turemko - member. Main aims of RLG activity are: - to act for social acceptation and self-acceptation of the homosexual and bisexual people, - to act for equality of rights of all people despite of their sexual orientation, - to co-operate with state agencies and NGO's in a field of HIV/AIDS prevention, - to act against social pathologies in an environment of LGB people, - to get relief for LGB people who are in bad circumstances including LGB prisoners, - to act for Human Rights protection. Main tasks for nearest future are; - to fulfil the rest of legal formalities, - to put into words different working programs of RLG activity, - to join RLG to ILGA, - to establish co-operation with another LGB organisations. RLG's mail address for correspondence is: ----------------------------------- | RUCH LESBIJEK I GEJOW | | UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI | | ul. KRAKOWSKIE PRZEDMIESCIE 24 | | 00-927 WARSZAWA 64 | | POLAND | ----------------------------------- E-mail for RLG can be sent to: I think, that it would be fair if I explain that the most of RLG members are former members of the Warsaw Group of LAMBDA Association. There are still number of activists who decided to stay in LAMBDA structure and therefore the Warsaw LAMBDA Group is continually alive. On Monday, 13th of June '94, activists of RLG and LAMBDA met with Mrs Zofia Kuratowska - The Vice-president of the Senate of Republic of Poland. During this unofficial meeting, that elapsed in a cordial and friendly atmosphere, Lady President made a promise of support for our two initiatives: 1. Organising meeting with MPs, members of parliamentary club of Union of Freedom (political party that Mrs President belongs to). During a meeting we would like to present the existence and social, political and legal situation of sexual minority in Poland. It would be the first such a meeting in our country. ========== !!!!! ATTENTION - WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT !!!!!============= Is there anybody who has experience on a field of meetings with politicians, MPs and can give us some valuable advises? Maybe someone has an outline of such a debate? ======================================================================= 2. We undertook to collect legal acts of EC and CE that concern sexual minority and translate it into polish. Copies of these acts would be next printed and spread to MPs as working materials. ========== !!!!! ATTENTION - WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT !!!!!============= We are not sure if we have a full list of these legal acts. Is there anybody who has it and can give it to us? Is it possible to get texts of these acts through Internet? ======================================================================= Marek Szymczyk