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europride press release, 02/08/97

From: Pascal Chaudron <pchaudron@compuserve.com>

DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF LESBIAN & GAY PRIDE PARIS CONCERNING EUROPRIDE OF SATURDAY, 28 JUNE 1997 The Council of Lesbian & Gay Pride Paris, which brings together the associations mentioned below, has decided by vote, at its February 8 meeting, on principal political orientations of the next EuroPride: 1. Principal theme of EuroPride Paris: European citizenship 2. Principal slogan of EuroPride Paris (which will be repeated on the banner at the head of the next March): Gays and lesbians: for a true European citizenship 3. Solemn declaration and political platform of EuroPride Paris: A solemn declaration has been adopted. It consists of a text of two pages which, proceeding from the current status of the rights of gays and lesbians in Europe and of their social acceptance, denounces the persistence of legal and social discrimination against them. It stresses inequality in access both to AIDS care and to AIDS prevention. The text demands abolition of the discrimination and calls upon competent public authorities to assume their responsibilities. It demands for all the establishment of a true European citizenship. Called upon are all the European states, the Council of Europe,the European Parliament, the European Council, and the European Commission. 4. Political action on the occasion of EuroPride Paris: The Council officially invites all gay and lesbian associations as well as all social activist groups (political parties, unions, human rights organizations, etc.) in Europe to sign this solemn declaration in order to give it greater weight in the opinion of European institutions. 5. Lesbian & Gay Pride / Aides Partnership: The Board has validated the partnership that Lesbian & Gay Pride Paris has established with Aides in the fields of health and AIDS prevention. Its objectives are: * a massive volunteer surveillance and prevention presence at all venues of gay and lesbian events during the week of EuroPride * a Paris billboard campaign in several languages on AIDS prevention * a launching of the Health Space of the EuroSalon of Homosociality The Council of Lesbian & Gay Pride Paris is composed of the following associations: Aides Paris-Ile-de-France, Alter Ego, Association des Amis de Bonneuil, Association des Parents Gais et Lesbiens, Beit Ilaverim, Caramels Fous, Cour et Jardin, David & Jonathan, Equivox, GAGE, Gai Moto Club, Gais et Lesbiennes Branchees, Gais et Lesbiennes Chez les Verts, Gais Musette, Homosexualites et Socialisme, MAG, MEC, Memorial de la Deportation Homosexuelle, RHIF, and Vaincre le Sida. Next public coordination meeting: Saturday, March 15, at 2 p.m. at the headquarters of Lesbian & Gay Pride Paris. Next Council meeting: Saturday, April 19, at 2 p.m. at the same location. Supplementary information: *The appearance of the first issue of the monthly journal EuroPride is imminent. Distributed free every month in all gay and lesbian places in France, it will give complete information on the progress of the March and on the set of gay and lesbian events of next June. *The SNCF, the RATP, and AVIS Car Rentals are partners of EuroPride Paris 97. The SNCF will offer reductions of 30% on train travel and will install information signs in 400 stations. Association Lesbian & Gay Pride Paris - 27, rue du faubourg Montmartre - 75009 Paris Press Telephone: 06 80 14 47 63 - General Telephone: 01 47 70 01 50 - Fax: 01 45 23 10 66 email: pchaudron@compuserve.com Reminder: EuroPride Paris, Saturday, 28 June 1997