Date: Sun, 1 May 1994 22:34:42 +0200 (MET DST) From: Bj|rn Skolander Below you will find information about some of the European Pride events 1994. If you want information about your country's events included in the next version of this list, please post information to euro-queer or my private email address. Bjorn Skolander ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EUROPEAN PRIDE EVENTS 1994 FINLAND - FRANCE - HOLLAND - IRELAND - UK - SWEDEN FINLAND - HELSINKI: ================== Gay Pride Week in Finland will take place in Helsinki 8.-14.8.1994 More info will be posted later. More details: Helsingin SETA PO Box 55 FIN-00531 HELSINKI Finland tel +358-0-1358302 fax +358-0-1358306 Internet: SETA - The National Finnish Lesbian & Gay Association - 20 yrs in '94 PO Box 55, SF-00531 HELSINKI, tel +358-0-1358302, fax +358-0-1358306 General inquiries at the SETA Infodesk email to: --------------------------------------------------------------------- FRANCE - PARIS: ============== Following is the agenda of the Gay pride week at Paris in June between Friday the 10 and Sunday the 19. Friday June 10 : - Opening of the week, with a lot of hapening in different Gay and lesbian bars, - Great meeting : Summer leather organized by the ASMF an association for Sport and Motorcycle. Saterday June 11 : - Exhibition "Salon de l'homosocialite" located at Zenith, (first day). An exceptionnal meeting of all the French G/L/B Associations. Sunday June 12 : - Exhibition "Salon de l'homosocialite" located at Zenith, (second day). - Gay Tea Dance at Palace, with a stand from the Comite Gay Pride, for informations, help and support, also during May and June. - A foot Ball meeting organized by El Scandalo and l'Entracte, two Lesbian organizations. Monday June 13 : - nothing for the mamoent. Surely you will sleep. Tuesday June 14 : - fashion show again AIDS at Palace. Wednesday June 15 : - special evening at Banana Cafe, very funny and amusing bar. - Lesbian evening at El Scandalo then at l'Entracte. Thursday June 16 : - Very eccentric evening at Subway. Friday June 17 : - Film festival and evening organized by the association : "Resister, vivre la memoire". Saturday June 18 : - Great parade in paris, the route is not yet fixed. - pre-lunch drinks proposed by the Gay and Lesbian establishment. - a closing evening (night) at Palais de la Mutualite, from 21:00 to the morning. Sunday June 19 : - After Gay Pride by IEM, - Exceptional Gay Tea Dance at Palace, - A special Lesbian Gay Tea Dance, Comming also numerous discussions / debates relating to L/G/B rights, AIDS... during the week. Will follow begining of June a 32 pages magazines dedicated to the Gay Pride and the differents events. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLLAND - AMSTERDAM - EUROPRIDE 94 ================================== Europride is the European version of the gay pride marches in the US and over the past few years has been held in a different (western-)European city each year where it coincides with that country's national gay pride week. 1994 Starting on the 15th of june some 50 gay and gay-related activities will be held in and around Amsterdam under the motto: "The dutch way of gay". These include parties, exhibitions, lectures etc and on 25th of june the great concluding manifestation will be held. Some 80.000 people are expected to show up. Information is quite scarce at the moment (even here, about 3 km from where it's all happening), but I will post additional info as it comes available. ================================> Amsterdam <============================= "Gay Capital of Europe" "Host to Europride 1994" ******************************************************************************* IRELAND: ======= Irish Pride is Saturday June 25th. Events are just being organised but the parade will be on that day. There will very likely also be events of some sort in Galway, Belfast and Derry - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SWEDEN - STOCKHOLM: ================== This year's Swedish Pride Week will be from July 31 to August 7 1994. It is hosted by RFSL-Stockholm. More details regarding the program later. RFSL Stockholm Box 45 090 S-104 30 STOCKHOLM +46 - 8 736 02 12 +46 - 8 30 47 30 (fax) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UK - BRIGHTON Brighton Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Pride March for equality takes place on 28th May. The March starts from Hove Peace Statue at approx 1pm (meet at 12), marching through town and ending up on the Level Park (change of venue, was originally Queens Park, but the Level is easier for access, and more central). There should be at least one float heading the procession with a PA, and hopefully a couple more in the procession. Events for the park include - Beer Stall, some staged events (to be confirmed in the next couple of weeks) and some stalls. Also there will be some Pride events during the weekd leading up to the March in various clubs, pubs, theatres etc. Finally, as part of Brighton Festival, the Duke of Yorks cinema and Lighthouse are having an "Out on Screen" Season throughout May, showing a few films that were part of the London L&G film festival, including a Derek Jarman(?) film (can't remember which one at the moment) and "Go Fish". If anyone wants more info on either the march, Pride events or the Films, e-mail me and I'll get the info together for you. have fun Sanj. /\__/\ Sandra Hounsham, Brighton, UK. < o o > < \/ > B**TE*FB!!H**O_M*S!K_L!PC_V(sa)+G_W!A_SB! <__()__>"Behind every sucessful woman there's often a rather talented cat"