Date: Thu, 26 May 1994 20:36:03 +0200 (MET DST) From: Bj|rn Skolander * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Norwegian LesBiGay list Version 1.0 - June 1994 Peter F. Jacobsen - Bjorn Skolander Commments and suggestions to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. National Organisations and the Oslo Area Federations, Associations and Groups Religious/Anti-Religious Associations Political Associations Student Groups Sports and Games LesBiGay Switchboard Queer AA-Group Health Service and Sero+ Groups Queer Media Disco Bars, Cafes etc. Bookshops etc. Leather Saunas & Erotica Cruising Areas Swimming 2. Regional Organisations etc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND THE OSLO AREA FEDERATIONS, ASSOCIATIONS AND GROUPS LLH - landsforeningen for lesbisk og homofil frigjoering (The Norwegian Federation for Gay and Lesbian Rights) St Olavs plass 2 Postboks 6838 N-0130 Oslo Tel + 47 22 36 19 48 Fax + 47 22 11 47 45 International Friendship Group Postboks 2879 Toeyen N-0609 Oslo Lesbisk Forum (Lesbian) Postboks 5394 Majorstua N-0304 Oslo LLH-Oslo Postboks 6838 N-0130 Oslo Tel + 47 22 11 05 09 Fax + 47 22 20 24 05 Homofile och barn (Queers and children) C/o LLH-Oslo St Olavs plass 2 Postboks 6838 N-0130 Oslo 1 For further information contact: Gale de Vries Tel nat 22 70 92 85 Tel int + 47 22 70 92 85 Lesber i laer - LL-93 (Lesbians in leather) C/o LLH-Oslo Postboks 6838 St. Olavs plass N-0130 Oslo Lesbisk moedregruppe (Lesbian mums) C/o LLH-Oslo Postboks 6838 St. Olavs plass N-0130 Oslo Regnbuen (group for deaf gays) C/o LLH-Oslo St Olavs plass 2 Postboks 6838 N-0130 Oslo Tel (text) 22 57 15 27 Ungdomsgruppa (youth group) C/o LLH-Oslo St Olavs plass 2 Postboks 6838 N-0130 Oslo AApen Kirkegruppe (religious group) C/o LLH-Oslo Postboks 6838 St Olavs plass N-0130 Oslo RELIGIOUS/ANTI-RELIGOUS ASSOCIATIONS Aapen Kirkegruppe (religious group) C/o LLH-Oslo Postboks 6838 St Olavs plass N-0130 Oslo Rosa Utvalg C/o Rolf Solheim Human-Etisk Forbund St. Olavs plass 27 Postboks 6744 N-0130 Oslo POLITICAL ASSOCIATIONS SHBU Sosialdemokratisk Homo/bifil ungdom (Social Democratic LesBiGay Youth) Postboks 8765 Youngstorget N-0128 Oslo Forum for homofile og lesbiske i Arbeiderpartiet (Gay and Lesbians in the Workers Party) C/o Martin Stroemme Wilses gate 6 N-0178 Oslo STUDENT GROUPS Homoversitas Postboks 87 Blindern N-0314 Oslo Tel nat 22 18 87 09 (Elisabeth) or 22 74 47 71 (Paas) Tel int + 47 22 18 87 09 or + 47 22 74 47 71 UgleZ Postboks 2747 Moehlenpris N-5006 Bergen SPORTS AND GAMES Andpusten C/o LLH-Oslo St Olavs plass 2 Postboks 6838 N-0130 Oslo For further information contact: Tel nat 22 67 57 79 Tel int + 47 22 67 57 79 Gay Naturists For further information contact: Tel nat 22 37 84 98 (Aasmund) Tel int + 47 22 37 84 98 LESBIGAY SWITCHBOARD Info Hot Line (Informasjonstelefonen om aids) Tel 800-34 000 Weekdays 9am-3pm and 6pm-10pm QUEER AA-GROUP AA-Gaygruppe For further information contact: Tel nat 22 19 50 05 Tel int + 47 22 19 50 05 HEALTH SERVICE AND SERO + GROUPS Helseutvalget for homofile (General health questions) OEvre Slottsgate 29 N-0157 Oslo Tel nat 22 33 70 15 Tel int + 47 22 33 70 15 Landsforeningen mot Aids - LMA (Association against aids) Tel nat 22 36 96 00 Tel int + 47 22 36 96 00 Aksept (Center for sero + support) Tel nat 22 71 55 22 Tel int + 47 22 71 55 22 Pluss (Association for sero +) Postboks 6879 St. Olavs plass N- 0130 Oslo Tel nat 22 11 49 00 Tel int + 47 22 11 49 00 QUEER MEDIA Maanedsavisen Blikk Postboks 6838 St. Olavs Plass N-0130 Oslo Tel + 47 22 33 44 55 Fax + 47 22 36 28 03 Newspaper, monthly issues Tidsskriftet Loevetann Postboks 6745 St. Olavs Plass N-0130 Oslo Tel + 47 22 36 00 78 Fax + 47 22 20 61 75 Periodical, 6 issues yearly. DISCO Den Sorte Enke Moellergaten 23 Open all days 6pm-4am Recepten bar Prinsens gate 22 22 42 65 00 Bar & Disco Head On Rosenkrantz gate 11 22 33 52 64 Acid-jazz-club Sentrum Scene Arbeidersamfunnets Plass 1 Info tel: 22 20 65 40 Special lesbigay evenings are arranged BARS, CAFES ETC. Andy Capp Pub Fr. Nansens plass 4 22 41 41 65 Behind the Town Hall (Raadhuset) Coco Chalet Oevre Slottsgate 8 Coffee shop-brasserie. Mixed but many gays/lesbians. Lille Metropol AS - opening ult. june -94 (former Molina/Peisestua) St. Olavs Plass 2 Tel + 47 22 20 19 48 Restaurant etc. London Pub Hambros Plass 5 (entrance Rosenkrantz gate) Oslos main meeting point. Bar, small rest., billiards. (Renovated may 94.) 3pm-4 am Naboens Pub & Gryte AS Smalgangen 31 - Groenlands torg 22 17 50 53 Open 11 am-2 am. Mixed. Recepten Bar Prinsens gate 22 22 42 65 00 Occasional lesbian evenings. Sentrum Scene Arbeidersamfunnets Plass 1 Special lesbian evenings BOOKSHOPS ETC. Tronsmo Bokhandel Kristian Augusts gate 19 Lesbigay section Nilz Produksjoner Youngs gate 3 T-shirt printing etc. LEATHER Manfashion Moellergaten 47 N-0179 Oslo 22 36 06 03 Open 11 am-7 pm (sat 11 am-4 pm) Roi og Taran Storgaten 36 N-0184 Oslo Open thu/fri 12 am-5 pm (sat 10 am-3 pm) Leather works Den Sorte Enke Moellergaten 23 Leatherbar (basement) SLM Postboks 703 Sentrum N-0106 Oslo Smil (S/M) Postboks 3456 Bjoelsen N-0406 Oslo Tel nat 22 30 27 38 Tel int + 47 22 30 27 38 tue 6 pm-8.30 pm SAUNAS & EROTICA Club Hercules Stenersgata 22 A Gay sauna Gay International Rosteds gate 2 Sexarticles, mags, videos Manfashion Moellergaten 47 N-0179 Oslo Open 11 am-7 pm My Friend Club Calmeyers gate 15 Gay sauna CRUISING AREAS Bygdoey-forest Bus 30 until last stop Path through wood. After the sandy beach "Paradisbukta", wast area in the woods. Frognerparken To the left behind the monolithic sculpture Sofienbergparken Between the church and Tekniske Hoeyskolen Stensparken On the height behind the rectory SWIMMING Bislet bad (indoor swimming-pool and sauna) Pilestredet 60 "Homolulu" at Huk Bus 30 until last stop Path through wood. After the sandy beach "Paradisbukta", climb down the cliffs. Huk Nudist beach at Bygdoey Bus 30 until last stop Path through wood Ingierstrand Take bus from Oslo Central Station. Well past "Ingierstrand Bad" look for cruising activity. Langoeyene (small island in the Oslo fjord) Take ferry from Vippetangen. Svartkulp at Sognsvann Take the Sognsvannsbanen, line 4. Sagene bad Sandakerveien 1-3 Toeyenbadet (indoor and open air swimming-pool) Helgesens gate 90 2. REGIONAL ORGANISATIONS ETC (Listed in geographical order of the 19 Norwegian counties: Oestfold, Akershus, Oslo, Hedmark, Oppland, Buskerud, Vestfold, Telemark, Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder, Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Moere og Romsdal, Soer-Troendelag, Nord-Troendelag, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark) AKERSHUS LLH Postboks 48 N-1406 Hebekk Aas homofile och lesbiske studentforening (student group) Postboks 333 N-1432 Aas OPPLAND LLH-Hedmark og Oppland Postboks 432 N-2601 Lillehammer Tel + 47 61 26 47 06 BUSKERUD Drammen LLH-Buskerud Postboks 1317 N-3001 Drammen Visiting address: Oevre Torggata 17 (Thungaarden) Tel + 47 33 89 57 95 Boersens musikbar Bragernes Torg 13 Kafe Unique Bragernes Torg 5 VESTFOLD Toensberg LLH-Vestfold Postboks 557 N-3101 Toensberg Tel nat 33 31 06 10 Tel int + 47 33 31 06 10 Upstairs Nedre Langgt. 43 Vaegteren Storgt. 29 TELEMARK LLH-Telemark Box 407 N-3701 Skien Kongens gate 14 Tel + 47 35 52 98 30 AUST-AGDER Kristiansand LLH-Kristiansand Postboks 4598 Grim N-4602 Kristiansand ROGALAND LLH-Rogaland Postboks 1502 Kjelvene N-4004 Stavanger Tel + 47 51 53 14 46 Aapen Kirkegruppe (religious group) C/o LLH-Rogaland Postboks 1502 Kjelvene N-4004 Stavanger Ungdomsgruppe (youth group) C/o LLH Postboks 1502 Kjelvene N-4004 Stavanger Helsegruppe Rogaland (health group) C/o LLH-Rogaland Postboks 1502 Kjelvene N-4004 Stavanger Pluss (sero +) Postboks 2099 Saksemarka N-4004 Stavanger Tel + 47 51 89 07 31 Wed 7 pm-10 pm Berlin (bar) Lars Hertevigsgt 5 Cafe Sting Valbjerget 3 Sjenkestuen Nedre Strandgt. 25 Ovanpaa Skagenkaien 10 HORDALAND Bergen LLH-Bergen, HBB (Gay) Nygaardsgaten 2 A Postboks 312 N-5001 Bergen Tel + 47 55 31 21 39 Fax + 47 55 96 12 10 LLH-Bergen, LBB (Lesbian) Postboks 260 5001 Bergen Tel + 47 55 31 05 77 TENNklubben (MC and leather) Postboks 4418 N-5028 Bergen Studio 52 (bar and disco) C. Sundts gate 52 Fri-sat 9 pm-3 am Cafe Opera (mixed bar) Engen 24 Fincken Nygaardsgt 2 A Mon-sat 12 am-1 am Sun 6 pm-1 am Tropic Sauna Nya Sandviksvei 28 Gay Club wed 4 pm-9 pm Rasmus Meyers Alle at Lille Lundegaardsvann (cruising) Guds Loevetenner (religious group) Postboks 4430 Nygaardstangen N-5028 Bergen UgleZ (student group) Postboks 2747 Moehlenpris N-5006 Bergen SOGN OG FJORDANE Foerde LLH-Sogn og Fjordane Postboks 527 N-6801 Foerde Piraia (disco, first sat every month) Storehagen 2 Treskeverket Storehagen 2 MOERE OG ROMSDAL Aalesund Homofil Bevegelse (Gay and lesbian rights group) Postboks 665 Sentrum N-6001 Aalesund Rosa Humanister (Pink Humanists) Postboks 665 Sentrum N-6001 Aalesund Keiseren Pub Keiser Wilhemsgt. 24-26 Fregatten Keiser Wilhemsgt. 25 Tolboden Pub Tollbugt. 2 SOER-TROENDELAG / NORD-TROENDELAG Trondheim LLH-Trondheim Postboks 937 N-7001 Trondheim Tel + 47 73 52 42 26 Visiting address: Kjoepmannsgt. 12 (entrance Erling Skakkes gate) Youth group, sun 5 pm C/o LLH-Trondheim Lesbian group, every second sunday 7 pm C/o LLH-Trondheim Skeivt Kor (men's choir), mon 7.30 pm Sport/games group Tue and thu 7 pm at Rosenborg skole Cafe Remis & Disco Kasjotten Kjoepmannsgt. 12 Tel + 47 73 52 05 52 Pub 8 pm-1 am Disco fri-sat 10 pm-1 am Cafe sat 12 am-4 pm Homofil Bevegelse (Gay and lesbian rights group) Postboks 5137 Lademoen N-7002 Trondheim Aapen Kirkegruppe (religous group) C/o LLH-Trondheim Postboks 937 N-7001 Trondheim Kjoepmannsgt. 12 (entrance Erling Skakkes gate) Meetings every second tuesday 7 pm Helseutvalget for homofile (lesbigay health issues) C/o LLH Postboks 937 N-7001 Trondheim Kjoepmannsgt. 12 (entrance Erling Skakkes gate) NORDLAND Bodoe LLH-Nordland Postboks 695 N-8001 Bodoe Tel + 47 75 56 39 30 Helseutvalget for homofile (lesbigay health issues) Postboks 695 N-8001 Bodoe Picadilly Pub Storgatan 4b Sortland LLH Postboks 435 N-8401 Sortland TROMS Harstad LLH-Soer-Troms og Ofoten Postboks 2097 Kanebogen N-9401 Harstad Tel int + 47 77 06 59 48 Club: Nordmarkveg 2 Tromsoe LLH-Troms Postboks 500 N-9001 Tromsoe Tel + 47 77 68 56 43 Helseutvalget for homofile og lesbiske (LesbiGay health issues) Soendre Tollbugt. 1 Tel + 47 77 68 85 60 Boccaccio (bar) Groennegt. 81 Compagniet (bar) Sjoegata 12 Mirage (disco) Storgata 42 Prelaten Sjoegata 12 FINNMARK Alta LLH-Finnmark For further information contact: Tel + 47 78 41 72 00 Hammerfest LLH-Finnmark Postboks 438 9601 Hammerfest - - - - - - - - -