Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 10:37:06 +0200 (MSZ) From: Bj|rn Skolander Subject: DENMARK: Political Marriage POLITICAL MARRIAGE According to Danish news media an unusual couple was married at the Copenhagen Town Hall on Friday 22 September 1995. The man and women was namely the president and vice-president of the Danish national organisation for gay and lesbian rights (LBL), and the marriage was a political demonstration for gays and lesbians rights. By marrying they attain the right to adoption and artificial insemination at a public clinic. These right are still denied homosexual couples who have registrered their partnerships. POLITISK BRYLLUP: Det var ikke et helt almindeligt aegtepar, der blev gift paa Koebenhavns Raadhus i dag. Manden og kvinden var nemlig henholdvis formand og naestformand i Landsforeningen for Boesser og Lesbiske, og brylluppet var en politisk demonstration for boesser og lesbiske rettigheder. Ved brylluppet opnaar de nemlig ret til adoption og kunstig insemination paa en offentlig klinik. Det kan man ikke i et registreret partnerskab. - Danske Nyheder pr. 95.09.22 - * Set, hoert og laest af Dille og Leif paa BLA*net *