Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 11:10:32 +0100 From: Steffen Jensen Victory in Albania On 20 January 1995 the Albanian Parliament finally legalized homo- sexual relations in Albania. The new penal code of the Republic of Albania, which should enter into force shortly, foresees punitive sanctions only for sexual relations with minors and for sex involving violence. Article 137 of the old Penal Code promulgated under the communist dictatorship, which foresaw up to ten years of prison for simply "being homosexu- al" has thus been done away with completely. Much credit in bringing about this historic change goes to the Gay Albania Society formed illegally by a courageous group of young Albanians on 29 March 1994. With the able and decisive assistance of the co-ordinating office for Eastern Europe at the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) in Brussels and of a small num- ber of gay activists abroad, the very first Albanian gay group was able to create an awareness among Albanian parliamentarians, and to extent among the public at large that the persecution of homosexu- als is not compatible with a modern democratic society and govern- ment. Much remains to be done in promoting equality, in combatting wides- pread homophobia and ignorance in Albanian society, and in preven- ting the spread of AlDS, but the struggle can now be carried out legally. Albania is coming out! On this historic occasion, the Gay Albania Society sends its warm and enthusiastic greetings to Gays and Lesbians around the world. The group does need further support from more developed countries. If you can assist in any way, please contact Gene or Ilir at: P.O. Box 104 Tirana, Albania