Date: Sat, 29 Jul 1995 21:24:53 +0900 From: Ken Loyd My name is Ken Loyd, sending this message from an extremely hot, inadequately air-conditioned Osaka, Japan. I am assisting in setting up a new magazine for Japanese lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. In Japan there isn't a single nationwide magazine focused on lesbian, gay, and bisexual interests, except for pornography. The project is going well, and the magazine will be launched nationwide in January, but we need help. There are few places in Japan to turn to for such help. Any related organizations scarcely have enough money to keep themselves going, much less assist new ventures. Because of this, I was hoping to turn to the Internet community and anyone else that will lend an ear. Although Japan is perhaps somewhat distant from the everyday thoughts of those reading this letter, I was hoping to implore for help here. We need help. At the present, Japan is in the beginning stages of it's fight for recognition and equal treatment for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Last year in Tokyo, the first 'Gay and Lesbian Parade' was held and although organizers only expected a turnout of about 500, approximately 1000 showed up for the event. This year at the end of August the second parade will be held and we are hopeful for an even bigger turnout. In addition, also last year, a positive ruling was made in a case for a gay group in Tokyo which was refused lodging in an inn on the basis that "the group members may have sex." The situation in Japan has begun to improve. But despite that we need help. The rest of the staff and myself have begun to run out of 'pre-publication' resources. No one on staff has yet to get a paycheck, even though long hours have already been logged. Luckily in Japan, bars and clubs (if nothing else) are extremely responsive to the possibility of advertising, and lining up contracts hasn't been difficult. It is also, however, quite unheard of to pay for advertisement before publication, which is where we run into our current problem. After publication of the first issue, money concerns will be to a great extent alleviated. We will have enough to pay staff (including back-pay), purchase some necessary equipment, and begin work on additional projects in addition to the monthly "Pride". After publication. To this end, I was hoping to see if there might be any way to ask for help from those of you who just might be willing. Our current main concern is actually getting the first issue out in January. We need help to cover initial publication costs. After the first issue makes it out, worries will be greatly lessened. Going through your local post office, there is actually a simple, one-stop way to send assistance to Japan. International Postal Money Orders can be purchased in your native currency and then will be converted automatically when deposited into 'Pride's postal account. International Money Orders can be purchansed in any amount and sent through regular international mail to Japan. Please. We're scared. Thousands of hours have gone into getting this magaine going, and we're really scared that it may never even see the light of day. Were it one magazine in a pool of many, it would just as dissappointing if less devestating. But it's NOT one in a pool, it will be the ONLY magazine Japanese gays, lesbians, and bisexuals can turn to for serious news, information, non-pornographic essays and commentaries. If at all possible, please help the magazine see publication. Everyone who donates will be thanked in the first issue (unless you make a special note not to be included) in both Japanese and English, and everyone whose donation is about 25,000 Japanese Yen (after converted) or more will, if they wish, recieve a 6-month subscription to 'Pride.' (In US dollars, 25,000 yen is approximately $275.) Even for those who can't donate that much, everyone will be sent a copy of the first issue, because it is the donators whose help will put the first issue out. Any funds recieved through donation will be used SOLELY for publication and other costs VITAL to publication. Staff wages and such will be paid from advertising revenue AFTER the first issue is printed. This letter ended up much longer than I intended. If anyone has survived all this way to the end, thank you! If you have ANY questions, PLEASE send a note to my (personal) email address at the end of this letter. We are working on getting the magazine on the Internet, but Internet access in Japan is still VERY expensive and publication comes first. Make INTERNATIONAL Postal Money Orders payable to: Pride Publications and send to the following address: Pride Publications, Pride 28-5 Shinnoe-cho Iyoyaso Hirakata, Osaka 573 JAPAN Letters and comments are also welcome for possible inclusion in the first issue. If you are unable to donate, but would like to send a letter or comment, feel free to send it to me by email! Ken Loyd, translator, Imano Publications Email: (Personal email account) >>>If possible, please pass this letter around to ANYONE who may have an >>>interest. My access to the Internet is limited, and so I can't >>>get it as many places as I would like to.