Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 07:37:34 +0700 From: Dede Oetomo Subject: Announcing the 3rd Indonesian Lesbian and Gay Congress, 21-23 November 1997 ANNOUNCEMENT The Third Indonesian National Gay and Lesbian Congress will take place in Denpasar, Bali from November 21 to November 23 (1997). This Congress follows the First and Second National Congresses which were held in 1993 (Kaliurang) and 1995 (Lembang). The Congress will be attended by representatives from gay and lesbian organizations across Indonesia, as well as individual activists and observers, all of whom are connected with the Indonesian National Lesbian and Gay Network. The Congress, however, is open to all gay and lesbian Indonesians and we expect additional observers to attend. We will also be welcoming activists and observers from waria (transgender) organizations and communities. The Congress will take place over three days and will have two parts: (1) the Meeting of the National Network and (2) several Workshops which will address issues of gay and lesbian life in Indonesia. Workshop topics include coming out issues; outreach techniques; sex, sexuality, and love; sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS; entertainment as a tool for health education, and special closed sessions for lesbians and waria (transgenders). The final evening of the Congress will feature an Entertainment Night. While we have succeeded in securing enough funding to ensure that the Congress will take place, we are still searching for additional funding for scholarships so that activists from more distant parts of Indonesia can attend. If you know of individuals or organizations who might be interested in supporting or taking part in this event, please contact Dede Oetomo at +62-31-593-4924 ( or Ketut Yasa Jaya at +62-361-222-620.