[CND 12/19/94] The first book on Chinese gays will be published by a Hong Kong publisher next month, according to AFP and Reuter. Homosexuality is still a taboo topic in modern China, although people have become more indifferent about the subject in recent years. According to the author Fang Gang, the purpose of this book is to help the ignorant public understand better a certain existing group of people, the homosexual men, in the Chinese society. Fang Gang is a young editor with a newspaper in Tianjin. He talked to dozens of homosexuals, doctors and experts, and revealed a secret world of Chinese gays in his book. About one to five percent of Chinese are homosexual, the book estimated. Most of Chinese gays felt their homosexuality was abnormal and wanted to hide it. They married women and have children. (Reported by: Jian-Min LI, Chuck LIN, Daluo JIA) ___ ___ ___ pu