Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 23:53:48 -0700 (PDT) From: Ron Buckmire Subject: PERU: Government sterilized homosexuals Nando Times, July 5, 1998 Gays unwillingly sterilized by Peruvian government, report says LIMA, Peru -- A number of homosexual men charged they were tricked into being sterilized as part of this country's controversial family planning program, a report said Sunday. The operations took place last year in towns in the northeastern Peruvian province of San Martin, according to Frecuencia Latina television. Some gay men said they went for treatment of other conditions, or were offered alcohol or other inducements to have the operation, the news program said. "They told me, 'This will make you more feminine and sexy,'" said Colmer Rengijo. The government's sterilization program has been harshly criticized by human rights groups, who say it has targeted the rural poor. There are no figures for the numbers of homosexuals sterilized in San Martin, but according to government figures, 285 vasectomies and 4,679 tubal ligations were carried out in the province. Peru's health ministry says it performed 110,000 sterilizations on mostly poor women in 1997. Wilfredo Utia Pullo told Frecuencia Latina he underwent a hernia operation one year ago. The government doctors took advantage of that to perform a vasectomy without his consent, he said. All the men interviewed told Frecuencia Latina that they were unaware of the nature of the vasectomy operation. Melesio Sangama said officials gave him no details about what the operation would do to him. "They just gave me two beers so they could operate on me," he said. Some Peruvian doctors have said they are given sterilization quotas to fill by Peru's health ministry. The government denies the charges, which have been supported by international groups. On February 25, a number of Peruvian women testified before the U.S. House International Operations and Human Rights Subcommittee about their own sterilizations. After those hearings Peru promised to halt its sterilization program.