Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 21:16:15 +0200 (MSZ) From: Bj|rn Skolander ACTION ALERT: Gay and Lesbian Tourism in Costa Rica This posting consists of 3 parts: 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 2. PROTEST LETTER 3. FAX NUMBERS (if you want to fax your own letter of protest) 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: In a rather caotic posting (30KB was posted to euro-queer and other mailing lists today) a representative for one of the gay and lesbian hotels in Costa Rica has asked for support and protest letters after repeated anti-gay articles in two Costarican national newspapers. Both papers are stating that gay/lesbian tourism is naturally connected to prostitution and sex-tourisme. Therefore the catholic church and other institutions like the tourist bureau (ICT) are asking to find the legal methods of closing all gay/lebian hotels down! The Costarican Supreme Court has decided that gays/lesbians are protected by Costa Rica's constitution and against discriminacion (Deja Vue case) and they are allowed to create places dedicated to their own community! And according to the Tourist Ministery the hotels have all legal permits and are paying all necessary taxes. In an attempt to rationalize the action I am hereby suggesting that we make a collective action. If you want to take part you should send your NAME, ADDRESS etc to me . Write COSTA RICA in the subject line. I will then put all names under the prostest letter below, and email/fax it according to the suggestions made by the people who have asked for support. I want your name and address (or as much or as little you feel comfortable with) not later than wednesday 21 June 1995. Bjorn Skolander --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. PROTEST LETTER: I am very concerned about the recent reports regarding discrimination against gay and lesbian tourism in Costa Rica. I find it difficult to accept the attitudes expressed by several of your newspapers recently. It is my general understanding that Human Rights are respected in Costa Rica and that discrimination against minorities is not allowed according to the Costarican supreme court. I am against the discriminating twisting between prostitution and homosexuality and the equal use of both words for gays/lesbians, as made by the newspapers "La Nacion", "La Prensa Libre" in their articles dated 13- 18/6/95. I protest against the statement of both newspapers that the gay/lesbian tourisme is nothing else than sex tourisme. The gay/lesbian tourisme is highly interested in the natural beauty and wildlife of Costa Rica and the conservation of the biodiversity in the primary rainforests all over the world. I kindly ask the Costarican Government and authorties to stop that kind of discrimination which is forbidden by Costa Rica's Constitution and laws and by the Magna Carta of Human Rights from the United Nations! Sincerely, -------------------------------------------------------------- 3. FAX NUMBERS (if you want to fax your own letter of protest): Please send your letters of protest still today to: Hotel Joluva: (+506) 223 - 7961 and to the following Costarican Institutions: La Nacion: e-mail: La Prensa Libre: Fax: (+506) 223-4671 Casa Presidencial President Jose Maria Figueres Olsen: Fax: (+506) 253-9078 Tourist Ministery Ing. Carlos Roesch Fax: (+506) 255-4997 Defensoria de Habitantes Defensor Lic. Rodrigo Carazo Zeledon Fax: (+506) 296-2512 CANATUR Fax: (+506) 253-8102