Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 14:25:02 -0400 [ Send all responses to only. All responses to the list or list owner will be returned! ] BLOC MP PUBLICLY REVEALS HE'S GAY Chretien won't expel Liberal over comments OTTAWA (CP-Staff) -- A second member of Parliament has identified himself publicly as homosexual amid a furor yesterday over anti-homosexual remarks made recently by a Nova Scotia Liberal MP. Bloc Quebecois MP Real Menard said yesterday outside the House of Commons that he was "speaking for the community to which I belong" when he demanded that MP Roseanne Skoke be expelled from the Liberal caucus for attacking homosexuals. Asked if his remark should be interpreted as a public statement that he is gay, Menard answered: "Yes, it can be interpreted that way. That is what I meant." Only one other MP, New Democrat Svend Robinson, has openly identified himself as homosexual. Prime Minister Jean Chretien rejected the demand from Menard (Hochelaga-Maisonneuve) and Robinson (Burnaby-Kingsway) to expel Skoke from the caucus, saying MPs had a right to their opinions. But he made it clear he expects Skoke, whatever her personal views, to toe the party line when the government introduces amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act later this fall, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. "We give our members the freedom to express themselves," Chretien told the Commons. "Were we, in a political party, to see the leader be responsible for each and every opinion expressed in this House, we would have a lot of problems. We're in a democracy. Everybody has the right to express an opinion, a point of view and it may not be the point of view of everyone." Last week, Skoke told the Commons: "Homosexuality is not natural, it is immoral and it is undermining the inherent rights and values of our Canadian families and should not be condoned." Yesterday, Skoke, a lawyer, would not back down. "What the Prime Minister said and what you heard him say is that as Liberal members we have the right to express our own views in debate at any time," she said. Sent via the FirstClass (R) UUCP Gateway from Galaxy Online Services (416) 515-2000 Support/(416) 515-2001 BBS/(416) 515-2020 Fax