Date: Sun, 9 Jun 96 08:10 PDT From: (Lawrence Aronovitch) Subject: CANADA: New Poll on Gay Issues A new national poll was released on June 7 that addressed specifically gay and lesbian issues. 1,516 adult Canadians were polled between May 28 and June 2. 1. SAME-SEX SPOUSAL BENEFOTS-- A majority of Canadians (55%) believe that "the partners of homosexual employees should be entitled to the same spousal benefits as an employer provides to the partners of heterosexual employees." Support is strongest in Quebec (70%), British Columbia (58%), and the Atlantic prvinces (56%), and with the younger population (71% of those 18-34). 2. SAME-SEX MARRIAGE-- The population is split on legal recognition of marriages (49% for recognition, 47% against), but this is a marked change from the last time the question was asked (1993), when only 37% were in favour and 56% opposed. Quebec, B.C. and the Atlantic provinces show modest majorities in favour; the younger population is very supportive (67% of those 18-34). 3. GAY AND LESBIAN ADOPTIONS-- Most Canadians are opposed to allowing adoptions (42% in favour, 52% opposed), except in Quebec (55% in favour). The younger population is supportive (54% of those 18-34). ======================================================== Lawrence Aronovitch tel/fax: 604-370-0340 Victoria BC Canada e-mail: ======================================================== ****************************************************************************** * To subscribe to QUEERPLANET, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe queerplanet * * To unsubscribe to QUEERPLANET, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe queerplanet * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * ******************************************************************************