Date: Fri, 13 Sep 96 11:43 PDT From: (EGALE) Subject: Canadian Human Rights Tribunal: No to pension benefits The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal handed down a decision today on the case of Lassoe v. Air Canada. Niels Lassoe, an employee, was seeking benefits for his same-sex partner. The hearing focused on survivor pension benefits since Air Canada agreed to offer other benefits before the hearing. The Tribunal did not agree that Air Canada's position amounted to discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act since the amendments adding sexual orientation as a prohibited grounds of discrimination had not yet been passed at the time of the complaint (or of the hearing). Furthermore, the Tribunal felt it would be an unreasonable burden on Air Canada to oblige them to offer pension benefits until the federal government acted by amending the pertinent legislation (Income Tax Act, Pension Act). The decision does not give employers the right to discriminate since the amendments in question have now been passed. EGALE continues its work to have the government change all remaining legislation that continues to be discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation. Copies of the decision may be obtained from the Tribunal in Ottawa (613-995-1707). ==================================================================== EGALE Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere Tel 613-230-1043 306-177 Nepean Street Fax 613-230-9395 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0B4 CANADA ==================================================================== ****************************************************************************** * To subscribe to QUEERPLANET, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe queerplanet * * To unsubscribe to QUEERPLANET, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe queerplanet * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * ****************************************************************************** , --UAA28958.842759687/ p