Submitted on: December 2, 1993 I've been asked by Michael Riordon to pass this request on to anyone that I know who might be interested in the following. If you're interested, contact Michael through the snail-mail address or the phone number provided. E-mail responses may be made through my address. It is directed at Canadians, but I'm sure that he'd love to hear from anyone else out there in E-land. Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested but is not on the Internet, please pass this on to them. Sorry to cross post this. Could someone please forward this to SAPPHO? Thanks. Basil Girgrah (aka Queen of DeNile) ---------- Attached Message ---------- If you're a lesbian, gay man or First Nations man or woman of two spirits living in the country or in a small community, I'd like to hear from you. That includes people of any age who grew up rural, as well as people like myself who migrated from the city. It includes people living with AIDS - directly or indirectly. People of all races, abilities, creeds, politics. Individuals, couples, communes, families - however we manage. Over the next several months I'll be travelling across Canada to gather interviews and impressions for a book, which will explore our heroic, funny, sad, dangerous, richly varied realities: how we came to be living where we are, how we settle into existing communities and create new ones, how we make ends meet, deal with coming out or not, how do gay and lesbian experiences differ and relate, how do we keep body, mind and spirit intact, get the sex, love and respect we need and deserve. As for me, I'm gay, grew up urban, now live with my partner in rural eastern Ontario. I write books (eg *The First Stone*, McClelland & Stewart/1991, on the lesbian and gay ordination battle in the United Church), plays for stage and CBC radio, film and radio documentaries. With this book I hope to broaden and deepen images of our lives. When mainstream culture notices us, it tends to define us as urban. And our own urban media-makers have their hands full gathering the stories, dreams and survival tactics of lesbian and gay people who live in the city. I hope to provide an outlet for a wide range of ordinary, extraordinary rural folk to speak out our own unique stories, as we live them. Aware of the hazards of being out in the country and in small towns, I'll respect whatever degree of privacy and anonymity you need in order to talk with me - whatever it takes, because I do want to hear your story. The book isn't only about people who are 'out,' far from it. It's an exploration of the many ways in which we - people who define ourselves as gay or lesbian - survive and make a place for ourselves in the country and/or in small towns across Canada. So everyone's story is potentially interesting to me, and I would like to talk to anyone who's will to talk with me. Interested? Please send me a brief note, or call, with an address and/or phone number where I can contact you in return. Michael Riordon RR9 Picton, Ontario, CANADA K0K 2T0 613.476.7041 ----- + The preceding message is from the glbpoc mailing list + To submit an article, send it to + To sub, unsub, etc., send mail to + Do not send mail to; it is + used only to collect bounce messages.