Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 15:10:07 -0400 Reply-To: Susan_Purcell@NOVELL.COM A friend in Argentina has asked me to circulate this press release about the creation of lesbian space, La Casa de las Lunas, in Buenos Aires. Considering the history of repression in that country, La Casa de las Lunas is something of a miracle. The founders want to garner support for La Casa de las Lunas by establishing its existence as firmly as possible throughout the world. Please re-post this press release to the lists and newsgroups you know of on the net. Muchas gracias. SusanP --------- Argentinian Lesbians Now Have Their Own Space Buenos Aires. La Casa de las Lunas, "House of the Moons," has opened its doors. It is the first space created in Argentina for and by lesbians. Nevertheless, it welcomes all women. Women from diverse sectors of the lesbian and feminist communities are converging at House of the Moons, where they can count on finding an atmosphere that encourages their coming together in solidarity, where differences are respected and visibility is possible. House of the Moons has spawned many projects and activities, among them these: attention to the psychological needs of lesbians (lesbian feminist therapy), groups for reflection and study, workshops in artistic expression (plastic arts, music, writing, theater, mime, etc.), a library, foreign language classes, a movie discussion circle, and live performances. A spokesperson for the house, one of the founders, says, "A new era is beginning for lesbians in Argentina. We are writing a new history and the most important thing is that each and every one of us has a page to write." For information write to: LAS LUNAS Y LAS OTRAS (Grupo de Lesbianas Feministas) MAZA 1490 (1240) BUENOS AIRES REPUBLICA ARGENTINA Tel.: +54-1-932-7397 Casilla de Correo 21 Sucursal 53 B (1453) BUENOS AIRES REPUBLICA ARGENTINA