Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 14:57:13 -0800 (PST) From: Ron Buckmire Subject: NCGLE on Langemaat Ruling 4 February 1998 PRESS CONFERENCE—JUDGMENT IN THE CASE BETWEEN JOLANDE LANGEMAAT AND THE SAPS JUDGE SAYS: "EQUAL RESPECT FOR LESBIAN AND GAY RELATIONSHIPS" A Press Conference on the judgment in the case between Jolande Langemaat and the SAPS be held as follows :- Date : Wednesday, 4 February 1998 Time : 15h00 to 15h45 Venue : National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality 1c Rockey Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg The press conference will be addressed by Jolande Langemaat, Beverley-Ann Myburgh, the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and the SAPS Gay and Lesbian Network. General Enquiries about the case Mazibuko Kanyiso Jara, Equal Rights Project, National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality Tel - 011 487-3810, Fax - 011 487-3598, email - Sergeant Dennis Adriao - 011 916-1230 of the SAPS Gay and Lesbian Network Director Andre Coetzee - 083 625-2499 of the SAPS Gay and Lesbian Network 04 February 1998 Victory for lesbian couple at Pretoria High Court! Gay and Lesbian Coalition welcomes the historic decision on employment equity for lesbian and gay employees The Pretoria High Court today granted recognition to the validity and dignity of lesbian and gay relationships. The National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality welcomes this historic decision. Judge Roux's decision to declare the SAPS and PolMed regulations unconstitutional is a victory for equality, dignity and justice for all in South Africa. We salute Captain Jolande Langemaat and her partner Beverley-Ann Myburgh for their courage to oppose inequality and injustice. Their action has opened the way for many lesbian and gay people to claim their rights and for our relationships to be recognised. With reference to some Roman law principles, Judge Roux found that Jolande owes a duty of support to Beverley. Accordingly Jolande had a prima facie right to register Beverley as her dependant. In doing so, Judge Roux rejected the contentions of Polmed that there was no duty of support and that it was therefore justified to deny Beverley access to the Polmed benefits. Judge Roux ruled that both heterosexual and same-sex relationships deserve equal respect. He noted that this is in line with a modern and thinking society. Judge Roux suggested that it was now time for the law to change and recognise same-sex relationships. PolMed can no longer hide its homophobia behind a "cost too much" argument. We call on Minister Mufamadi and Commissioner Fivaz to fight all forms of discrimination in the SAPS. Judge Roux's decision is a direct challenge to all employers, both in the private and public sector, to change their policies and abide by their constitutional and statutory obligations. The Coalition is willing to assist employers in this regard. Further, Judge Roux's decision is an historic break with the prejudices of the apartheid judiciary. The Gay and Lesbian Coalition calls on all communities, employers, families and the state to follow this courageous step and to recognise lesbian and gay relationships. Mazibuko Kanyiso Jara Equal Rights Project National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality P.O. Box 27811, Yeoville, 2143, South Africa 1c Rockey Street, Yeoville/Bellevue, 2198 Tel - ++27 - (0) 11 - 4873810/1/2 Fax - ++27 - (0) 11 - 4871670 NCGLE Voicemail - 0881 209 104 Personal Voicemail - 0881 245 633 --- RON BUCKMIRE Asst. Prof., Math Dept., Occidental College, 1600 Campus Road, L.A., CA 90041||+1 213 259 2536 (v)||+1 213 259 2958 (f)||GORE-BOXER 2000 Fighting for the