Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 23:34:34 -0700 (PDT) From: Richard Isaac Subject: BIGOT BUSTERS (WA): NOW is the time... Letter submitted to the Seattle Gay News for publication. * Richard Isaac __*_*___ report sightings of signature-gathering for \* * / Seattle anti-gay initiatives 166/167 to: *\ * (206) 767-2457 ***\**/** rmisaac \/ Homepage: HTTP://WWW.ESKIMO.COM/~RMISAAC/ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 23:26:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Richard Isaac To: Seattle Gay News Subject: NOW is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their community (letter to the editor) To the Editor: Did you know that Initiatives 166 and 167 have until the end of December to collect enough signatures to send the initiatives to our right-wing Legislature? Did you know that the Governor has no power to veto these initiatives? Do you know how much time and money will be diverted into fighting these initiatives if the Legislature puts them on the November 1996 ballot? Many people, even gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered persons, do not. Sometimes, it's hard to tell that Washington's sexual minority community is under attack NOW from the right wing, but let me assure you the battle is underway and in full swing. Bigot Busters, which believes the best course of action is to defeat these initiatives NOW, in the signature-gathering stage, has been very busy lately fighting the disinformation surrounding Initiatives 166 and 167, which are actively gathering signatures as you read this letter. We have received and responded to sightings in places as widespread as Silverdale (a political convention), Snohomish (a business), Edmonds (the ferry terminal), Puyallup (the fair) and Federal Way (Costco). So, while "we are everywhere" may be the queer community's motto, it is clear it applies to the opposition as well! So while the initiatives which aim to institutionalize our second-class citizenship quietly gather their signatures, it is urgent that our community awake to the danger and respond NOW. More volunteers are needed to repeat our success from last year and NOW is not too soon to be a part of the effort to defend our rights; the opposition is active and our community needs to be, too! Bigot Busters urges those concerned about the threat to our civil rights to volunteer their time, energy and/or financial resources to the struggle NOW. If you are interested in counter-petitioning (providing accurate and truthful information to voters at signature-gathering sites) or any number of other important support roles (confirming sightings, dispatching counterpetitioners, legal issues, outreach, or media relations), please contact Bigot Busters at 206-767-2457 (this is also the number to report sightings; please disseminate this number to your colleagues, friends, and family). Training will be provided in counterpetitioning or dispatching. Your help is critical and deeply appreciated. On related note, we have received reports that even gay-sympathetic people have mistakenly signed the initiatives, due to the deceptive "equal rights not special rights" disinformation put out by initiative backers. For anyone who wishes that their signature be removed from that petition (i.e. NOT be counted), they need only send a letter, stating that their signature is not to be counted, to: Secretary of State 1007 Washington St. P.O. Box 40237 Olympia, WA 98504-0237 And finally, Bigot Busters will be the beneficiary of a concert featuring Sage and 66 Saints at the Crocodile, 2200 2nd, on Saturday night, October 7. For more information, call 441-5611. Thank you for your support! * Richard Isaac __*_*___ report sightings of signature-gathering for \* * / Seattle anti-gay initiatives 166/167 to: *\ * (206) 767-2457 ***\**/** rmisaac \/ Treasurer, Bigot Busters/Decline to Sign Campaign