Date: Sun, 26 Mar 1995 13:17:02 -0800 (PST) From: Richard Isaac Subject: BIGOT BUSTERS (WA) MAILING LIST Greetings! Washingtonians face the second attack from the Radical Righteous in as many years in the form of 2 initiatives designed to severely restrict the civil liberties of sexual minorities. BIGOT BUSTERS was instrumental in preventing last year's initiatives from qualifying for the ballot by educating voters at signature-gathering sites about the real effects of such initiatives. Having heard both sides of the argument, Washingtonians declined to sign on the discriminatory initiatives in great numbers. Since the opposition is back for another round this year, so is BIGOT BUSTERS. Far from being the "Democracy Busters" the fearful opposition termed us when filing their latest initiatives on 8 March 1995, BIGOT BUSTERS is in the finest American tradition of citizen activism. Therefore, I am pleased to announce the formation of a modest BIGOT BUSTERS/DECLINE TO SIGN mailing list, which will, as the campaign progresses, keep those of you who are interested in what is happening here in Seattle and Washington State informed. (This is on the model of a similar list from Hawaii which updates interested parties on the battles occurring there.) The volume on the list will be very LOW, consisting mainly of: *press releases, articles or letters to the editor written by BIGOT BUSTERS *articles from the press which bear on BIGOT BUSTERS *announcements of purely local interest, such as trainings, etc. *other material having a bearing on counter-petitioning and the initiative campaign here in Washington State Those of you who have received this announcement are on the mailing list as of now. The names on the list were compiled from various sources, and include a number of people who, at some point last year, expressed interest in being kept informed. All names will be kept strictly confidential. However, if you wish to be taken off this list at any time, just drop a note to me at: RMISAAC@ESKIMO.COM and I will be glad to comply. Likewise, if you have not received this message personally (if you are reading this on a newsgroup or another mailing list) and wish to have your name added, please feel free to drop me a note introducing yourself and I will be happy to add your name to the list. To those who know me personally, I apologize for the impersonality of this announcement. Finally, the nuts and bolts information regarding Bigot Busters: To make inquiries or donations: BIGOT BUSTERS 1202 E. Pike #1110 Seattle WA 98122-3934 To report sightings of signature-gathering, or make inquiries, or volunteer: 206-767-2457 (24 hrs.) Thank you for your support! * Richard Isaac BIGOT BUSTERS __*_*___ Treasurer \* * / Seattle Media Committee *\ * ***\**/** rmisaac \/