Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 16:08:18 -0500 Reply-To: rmisaac@ESKIMO.COM [ Send all responses to rmisaac@ESKIMO.COM only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] BIGOT BUSTERS IS BACK! The gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities in Washington State are bracing for the second onslaught in as many years from the Radical Right, which filed two anti-gay initiatives to the Legislature this month in Olympia. These initiatives are different from Initiatives 608/610 last year, in that (should they gather the necessary 181,667 valid signatures by 31 Dec 1995) they will either be PASSED INTO LAW by the Legislature or PUT ON THE 1996 BALLOT for a popular vote. These are the ONLY options provided for in the Washington Constitution. The Governor may NOT veto them. The ONLY WAY to keep them from becoming law or going on the 1996 ballot is IF THEY FAIL TO GATHER ENOUGH SIGNATURES. This tactic, embodied in BIGOT BUSTERS, was successful last year in preventing I-608/610 from qualifying for the ballot. WE CAN DO IT AGAIN! Therefore, BIGOT BUSTERS is holding a COMMUNITY MEETING and TRAINING: *Saturday, 25 March 1995 noon-2pm Seattle Central Community College, Room 1110 *FREE; All Welcome The meeting will include: *what Bigot Busters does *our 1994 experiences *what the political situation is today regarding the initiatives *what needs to be done *a TRAINING, including role-playing demonstrations BIGOT BUSTERS needs your help in the following areas, among others: *Bigot Busting (counter-petitioning) *Dispatching (responding to phoned-in sightings and sending out teams) *Fundraising *Outreach *Media Activism BIGOT BUSTERS has a proven record of success. With help, it can be done again. For more information, or to donate time or money, contact : BIGOT BUSTERS 1202 E Pike #1110 Seattle WA 98122 >>>To report sightings of signature-gathering, call 767-2457.<<< * Richard Isaac Treasurer/Media Cmte. __*_*___ \* * / Seattle *\ * ***\**/** rmisaac \/