Date: Thu, 27 Jan 1994 20:44:59 -0500 From: "David B. O'Donnell" Send replies to hintzj@HINTZJ.HASTING.COM I hope I am posting this correctly to go out on GLB-NEWS... Excerpted from _The Amarillo Daily News_, Wednesday, January 26, 1994 without permission. GROUP HOPES TO DISPEL MISCONCEPTIONS Leaders of a new student organization at West Texas A&M University in Canyon [TX] hope to confront and eradicate misconceptions and stereotypes about gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Lambdas of West Texas A&M University was granted a charter Monday by WT's student senate. Lambda's Vice President Saul Reyes said the group wants to provide a support network for the university's gay, lesbian and bisexual students. "We're tired of the stereotypes, the way people label us," he said. "It's not true for a lot of us....As a group, we will be empowering the people, telling them that homosexuality is not a bad thing. We want other homosexuals to know that they are not alone." Membership in Lambdas is open to anyone - homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual - and members will remain confidential unless they choose to reveal who they are. Reyes, who is gay, said about 15-20 students have voiced plans to join, and he said the group has received support from faculty members. Lamdas President Melodie Faulkner, who is heterosexual, said she believs WT needed a way to reach its gay, lesbian and bisexual students. "When I came here, I encountered a lot of biased opinions," Faulkner said. "There are a lot of gay, lesbian and bisexual students out there who need a sense of home, a family. One of my goals is to lessen the fact of homophobia on campus." ... Dean of Student Services Don Albrecht said to his knowledge, WT has never chartered a student organization for gays, lesbians and bisexuals. "A charter doesn't mean we approve ar disapprove of their beliefs. It means we approve of their right to have an organization," he said. .... At Monday's senate meeting, Lambdas was included in a bill with two other organizations - a sports science club and a religious group. The senate passed the bill on a 10-4 vote, with another 4 senators abstaining. Starla Johnson, a senator representing the College of Education and Social Sciences, said she voted against the bill because of Lambdas. "As a senator, I feel we're suppossed to be representing the students, and I believe the students would not support that...," she said. ..... Susand Babcock, who represents the College of Agriculture, Nursing and Natural Sciences, said she spoke with constituents about the issue before Monday's meeting and voted according to ther consensus. "The general consensus was to vote against it," Babcock said. .... Kastle Freeman, a representative of the College of Agriculture, Nursing and Natural Sciences who voted against granting the charter, said, "I look at it like this: I think that they have their rights, but I don't agree with the statement they're trying to make." ..... Excerpts from the sidbar, _Organization sparks strong reactions_ * "I'm opposed to those kind of organizations. I don't think that (homosexuality) is socially acceptable behavior, and I'm afraid if those type of people form organizations that they're slowly turning the general opinion of America to accept it a socially acceptable behavior. That will lead people with other mental problems to let those mental problems come out as seuxal frustration and other immoralities such as homosexuality." - Dan Nandin, Sophomore. * "I don't want no queers around me. I don't agree with none of that. I sure hope there's a lot of controversy over it." Joel Jacobe, freshman. * "I vehemently disagree with this. I don't believe in the lifestyle. It's morally wrong. I don't want it around me. I don't want to know about other people who are. And I don't want an organization flaunting their blatant immorality around me." Donna Hawkins, senior. _____ Point of interest, Saul Reyes is a resident assistant in his dorm. It willl be interesting to see if anything is made of it. WT is affiliated with Texas A&M university and is covered by their non-discrimination clause. ________________________________________________________________ John Hintz, Programming Manager Hastings Books, Music & Video, Inc. (806) 376-6251 ext. 4547