* * * TENNESSEE * * * Addressing Correspondence TO A SENATOR: TO A REPRESENTATIVE: The Honorable (insert name) The Honorable (insert name) U.S. Senate U.S. House of Representatives Washington D.C. 20510 Washington D.C. 20515 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE Senator Harlan Mathews (D) Address: Dirksen Building, Room 505; Washington, 20510; (202) 224-4944 FAX: 202-224-3679 District Office: Nashville 615-736-5129 Committees: Energy & Natural Resources, Foreign Relations, Rules & Administration, Joint Printing Term #: 1st Senator Jim Sasser (D) Address: Russell Building, Room 363; Washington, 20510; (202) 224-3344 FAX: 202-224-8062 District Office: Nashville 615-736-7353 Committees: Appropriations, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs, Budget, Governmental Affairs, Joint Organization Term #: 3rd MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Representative Bob Clement (D) District #: 5 Address: Longworth House Office Bldg, Room 1230; Washington 20515; (202) 225-4311 FAX: 202-225-1035 District Office: Nashville 615-736-5295 Committees: Public Works & Transportation, Veterans' Affairs Term #: 4th Representative Jim Cooper (D) District #: 4 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 125; Washington 20515; (202) 225-6831 FAX: 202-225-4520 District Office: Shelbyville 615-684-1114 Committees: Budget, Energy & Commerce Term #: 6th Representative John J. Duncan, Jr. (R) District #: 2 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 115; Washington 20515; (202) 225-5435 FAX: 202-225-6440 District Office: Knoxville 615-673-4282 Committees: Natural Resources, Public Works & Transportation Term #: 4th Representative Harold E. Ford (D) District #: 9 Address: Rayburn House Office Bldg, Room 2211; Washington 20515; (202) 225-3265 FAX: 202-225-9215 District Office: Memphis 901-544-4131 Committees: Ways & Means Term #: 10th Representative Bart Gordon (D) District #: 6 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 103; Washington 20515; (202) 225-4231 FAX: 202-225-6887 District Office: Murfreesboro 615-896-1986 Committees: Budget, Rules Term #: 5th Representative Marilyn Lloyd (D) District #: 3 Address: Rayburn House Office Bldg, Room 2406; Washington 20515; (202) 225-3271 FAX: 202-225-6974 District Office: Chattanooga 615-267-9108 Committees: Armed Services, Science, Space & Technology Term #: 10th Representative James H. Quillen (R) District #: 1 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 102; Washington 20515; (202) 225-6356 FAX: 202-225-7812 District Office: Kingsport 615-247-8161 Committees: Rules Term #: 16th Representative Don Sundquist (R) District #: 7 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 438; Washington 20515; (202) 225-2811 FAX: 202-225-2814 District Office: Memphis 901-382-5811 Committees: Ways & Means Term #: 6th Representative John S. Tanner (D) District #: 8 Address: Longworth House Office Bldg, Room 1427; Washington 20515; (202) 225-4714 FAX: 202-225-1765 District Office: Union City 901-885-7070 Committees: Armed Services, Science, Space & Technology Term #: 3rd