Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 06:07:15 -0400 From: Maggie Heineman Subject: Pennsylvania Expose - 9/24/96 Pennsylvania Expose September 24, 1996 Number 11 CONTENTS * Pennsylvania Alliance For Democracy -- PAD * From the Editor * PFAW files suit against the State * Religion in the Public Schools * Calendar * [PAX Masthead] ============================================= Pennsylvania Alliance For Democracy -- PAD Mission: "The Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy is an alliance whose purpose is to create and sustain a community of groups and individuals who will engage in promoting democratic values including respect for a diverse society, separation of church and state, and individual rights as guaranteed in the Constitution." (adopted 1/25/96) The Pennsylvania Alliance For Democracy is an umbrella organization for networking private individuals or representatives of organizations at the local and state levels who are dedicated to the Alliance's Mission and policy positions: separation of church and state, reproductive freedom, intellectual freedom, strong public schools, gay rights, economic justice, and a healthy environment. Board members of the Alliance are leaders of organizations with membership rolls totaling 160,000, representing residents of every county and municipality in the Commonwealth. The Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy has been formed to do what is very difficult for local community groups to do for themselves; fight against the well funded propaganda- and the aggressive organization of the extreme right wing in Pennsylvania. The extreme right has targeted Planned Parenthood organizations, creating a climate that has resulted in bombings and murder. As a result, Planned Parenthood staff work in fear and thousands of grant dollars are being spent on security systems instead of women's health care. The Right is undermining the public's confidence in schools by misrepresenting the educational achievements of the public schools. They are supporting "stealth" candidates for school board elections or campaigning under the cover of "Concerned Tax Payers" groups to promote their religious agenda in schools in violation of the First Amendment, purging the curricula of anything they find offensive on religious grounds. The extreme right has recently initiated a campaign (Family Friendly Libraries) to ban books from public and school libraries. The extreme right has attacked artistic freedom and created a climate of hate and repression that has restricted civil liberties. In brief, the "right" has demanded that *their* so called "family values" be everyone's values. It is very difficult for the staff, volunteers or board members of a community organization under attack to both defend themselves, and, at the same time, teach school, or help parents with family planning concerns, or run an isolated, small community library. In addition to facilitating networking among individuals and groups facing similar challenges, the Alliance will also gather and disseminate information about the activities of political, religious and other organizations or individuals in Pennsylvania whose activities are in opposition to the Pennsylvania Alliance For Democracy's mission and policies. -- By Clark Moeller, President Pennsylvania Alliance For Democracy ============================================= >From the Editor Have you missed us? This is the eleventh issue of the Pennsylvania Expose E- letter/fax-letter. The tenth was back in early July. It's been a good time to take a breather. With the state legislature in recess and the focus on the conventions in August, most of the news has been national, not state. But the more important reason for the hiatus is that we have accomplished a transition which has been intended since issue number one back in March. The Pennsylvania Expose Project (the E-mail list and the E-letter/fax-letter), which was developed by Fight the Right Network and People for the American Way, has been handed over to the Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy, announced in this issue. We have a new masthead, and I have a new co-editor, Barbara Purdom of the Interfaith Working Group. -- Maggie Heineman Philadelphia Chapter Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays ============================================= PFAW files suit against the State -- By Kirk Clay People for the American Way Action Fund September 20, 1996 -- With time running out before the registration deadline for the November elections, 11 plaintiff groups and the United States Department of Justice asked a federal judge to order the state of Pennsylvania to fully implement the National Voter Registration Act. "With just over two weeks left to register before the November elections, Pennsylvania threatens to pass by hundreds of thousands of potential voters," said Larry Ottinger, Senior Staff Attorney for People For the American Way. "It's bad enough when anybody misses an opportunity to vote, but what's particularly troublesome in this case is who is being passed over: Public assistance clients, when compared to the general public, are disproportionately unregistered citizens, ethnic minorities, the disabled and women." The private plaintiffs, represented by People for the American Way and the private law firm of Morgan Lewis & Bockius, which is donating its services, are ACORN; Pennsylvania Institute for Community Affairs; League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania; American Jewish Congress, Pennsylvania region; Pennsylvania Council of Churches; NAACP, Philadelphia chapter; Liberty Resources, Inc.; Pennsylvania Coalition of Citizens With Disabilities; Common Cause Pennsylvania; Citizen Action, Pennsylvania chapter; and Pennsylvania Public Interest Research Group. ============================================= Religion in the Public Schools A report on Elliot Mincberg's trip to Lancaster -- By Laura Montgomery Rutt The Alliance for Tolerance and Freedom Violations of church/state separation in public schools are taking place throughout the nation as more teachers, administrators and school board members are showing a flagrant disrespect for students who are not religious or who are members of a minority religion. As the Religious Right continues to erode the public schools' credibility, disrespect for the Constitution and students' rights are just the start. Newt Gingrich has falsely claimed that it is illegal for children to pray privately during lunch, setting off a cry for a "Religious Equality" Amendment, which would make it legal for students to pray over school public address systems and for teachers to proselytize in class. This move to "protect" religious rights would have quite the opposite effect. A better solution is to *educate* people as to what is allowed in the public schools concerning religion and religious expression. Elliot Mincberg, Legal Director for People For the American Way (PFAW) addressed this topic during his August 21 (1996) visit to Lancaster, when he spoke to about 110 people at the Lancaster Jewish Community Center at the open monthly meeting of The Alliance for Tolerance and Freedom. Sponsors included The Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy and The Interfaith Alliance. The presentation was based on *Religion in the Public Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law* endorsed in April of 1995 by over 35 religious and civil rights organizations, including the National Association of Evangelicals, American Humanist Association, The National Council of Churches and the ACLU. Key points included: * Student Prayers- Students have the right to pray individually or in groups, to discuss religious views with peers as long as they are not disruptive, and to pray privately in the classroom except when required to be actively involved (NOT just as the teacher calls on them). * Teaching About Religion- Public schools may teach ABOUT religion, not teach religion. History of religion, comparative religion, and the Bible-as- literature are all appropriate subjects. It is not reasonable to expect a history teacher to talk about Puritans, the Restoration, or religiously- motivated social movements without discussing religion. * Student Assignments and Religion- Students may express religious beliefs in reports, homework and artwork (which are constitutionally protected), and oral presentations or class discussions (as long as comments are relevant). Teachers may not reject or correct submissions simply because of a religious symbol or theme. Other topics concerning religious expression and religion in public schools were also discussed. The Pennsylvania State Education Association played an important role in promoting the event, and continues to educate teachers about current law regarding this subject. For more information, contact People for the American Way, 1-800-326-7329. ============================================= Calendar Wednesday, September 25, 12 NOON A rally in opposition to anti-marriage legislation. Pennsylvania State Capitol Building Rotunda. For transportation from eastern PA to Harrisburg, email the Eastern PA Freedom to Marry Coalition: Wednesday, September 15-Friday, September 27 Channel 12 (WHYY-TV) from 9-11 pm. With God on Our Side: a documentary about the rise of the Religious Right. Saturday, September 28, 1:00 pm "Teaching Respect for All:" a new video from GLSTN. Arch St. Meeting House premiere. Call 215- 546-7030. Sunday, October 6, 2:00-5:00 pm American Civil Liberties Conference Keynote speaker: Gregory T. Nojeim, National ACLU Legislative Counsel on Anti-Terrorism Legislation. Also: workshops on local civil liberties issues. Temple University Law School, 1719 N. Broad St. Call 215-592-1513 X214. Sunday, October 6, 7:30-9:30 pm "A Debate Over Gay Marriage" with William Devlin (Phila. Family Policy Council) vs. Joe Perkinson (Eastern PA Freedom to Marry Coalition). Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, Rubendell Recital Hall. Sunday, October 13, 2:00-9:30 pm A Gathering for Ethics and Meaning Keynote speaker: Michael Lerner, editor of TIKKUN Magazine, rabbi, psychotherapist, and author of "The Politics of Meaning." Multicultural intergenerational social issues theater, workshops, music, dinner. Tabernacle United Church and International House, 37th & Chestnut Sts. (Phila.) Preregister for childcare by Oct. 6. Registration/income: over $ 40,000: $35; under $ 40,000: $25; under $ 15,000: $10. Call or email Leon Oboler: 610-227-8506 or Monday, October 14 MOBILIZE AMERICA! Videoconference from Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Email ============================================= [Masthead] Pennsylvania Expose Copyright (C) 1996 Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy P.O. Box 366, Harrisburg PA 17108 President, Clark Moeller * * * Permission to reproduce, unaltered, in whole or in part, with copyright notice. * * * Editors Maggie Heineman, Barbara Purdom, Design, Layout & Editing Joseph Bordo