Date: Fri, 24 Jun 94 13:58:48 CDT From: (Michael E. Splitt) GAY GROUPS PLAN OKLAHOMA PRIDE SUMMIT In an effort to build an effective network among Oklahoma's diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organizations, members of these groups will hold a summit the weekend of July 15-17 at the University of Oklahoma campus in Norman. By providing a forum for members of these groups to meet and share news of each other's activities and goals, organizers say they hope the meeting will further empower and motivate participants, building unity while recognizing diversity. Goals of the Summit Include: * Share Information and Exchange Ideas * Learn About Other Oklahoma-based Organizations * Find Out What the "Right Wing" is Doing in Oklahoma * Hear About GLBT National Organizations * Make Contacts Throughout the State * Improve Activism Skills * Meet New People * Relax * Play Among organizations planning the summit are: Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus; Simply Equal of Norman; Simply Equal of Oklahoma City; Affirmation of Oklahoma City; Family of Faith Metropolitan Community Church of Tulsa; Herland Sister Resources; Triangle Association; OU Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Alliance; O.S.U. Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Community Assocation; Phillips University Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Association; Tulsa Oklahomans for Human Rights; The Gayly Oklahoman; Tulsa Family News; and Awakenings Community Center. If you have questions about the Pride Summit Activities send a letter to: Oklahoma Pride Summit P.O Box 63105 Oklahoma City 73146 If you have immediate concerns such as * Registration for the Conference * Purchasing Advertisement in Conference Packet * Obtaining Booth Space at Conference Please call (405)-321-7085.