Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 01:56:10 -0500 From: Jesús Lebrón Subject: Gay Men & Lesbians "Rally Round Ruth" GAYS AND LESBIANS "RALLY ROUND RUTH" Tuesday, October 28th at 7:00PM in Sheridan Square EVENT: Gay and Lesbian Rally for Ruth Messinger for Mayor DATE: Tuesday, October 28th TIME: 7:00 to 9:00 PM PLACE: Sheridan Square in Greenwich Village (off 7th Av. in front of the historic Stonewall Bar) SPONSOR: Gay and Lesbian Advocates for Change Participants: Ruth Messinger, Democratic nominee for Mayor, and the following openly gay and lesbian officials and leaders: Thomas K. Duane, New York City Council; Deborah Glick, NYS Assembly; Margarita Lopez and Philip Reed, City Council candidates; Aubrey Lees, Democratic District Leader, 66th AD; Tim Gay, Democratic District Leader, 64th AD; Paul Schindler, Editor in Chief, LGNY; Karen Burstein, former Judge; Matt Foreman, former Executive Director, Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project; Betty Santoro, Coalition for Lesbian & Gay Rights; Miriam Messinger, lesbian daughter of Ruth Messinger; Doug Robinson, member, Community School Board #2; Ann Northrop, AIDS activist; Brendan Fay, Irish gay and AIDS activist; Daniel Dromm, Queens Lesbian & Gay Pride Committee Co-Chair; Urvashi Vaid, former director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force; Sheri Clemons, New Millineum Democratic Club; Gary Lawman and Paul Berchielli, Gay & Lesbian Advocates for Change; Chris Bauer, Staten Island gay activist; Gay & Lesbian Independent Democrats; Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn; Lesbian & Gay Democratic Club of Queens; and hundreds of others.