This is from a flyer I picked up at the National Lesiban & Gay Journalists Association. LESBIAN AVENGER'S FREEDOM RIDE AVENGERS TAKE TO THE HIGHWAY TO ORGANIZAE AGAINST HOMOPHOBIC LEGISLATION PROPOSED BY THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT WHAT: A bus ride through New England to raide awareness about the numerous anti-gay ballots in cities across the country, especially the anti-gay referendum in Lewiston, Maine. WHY: To help organize against the grass roots activitiy of the religious right including proposed anti-gay legislation. To emphasize the need for national lesbian and gay rights legislation. WHEN: October 8 to October 15, 1993. WHERE: Through New England with stops in Boston and Northhampton, Mass., Albany, N.Y. and Burlington, Vt. Individual actions will be held in each of the four cities, in conunction with local groups, to combat anti-gay ordinances and attitutes. The Freedom Ride is named as a tribute to an earlier civil rights struggle -- the fight against segregation. Freedom rides were used as a direct action tool with activists travelling across the straight lines to challenge unconstitutional segregation laws and to register voters. _________ Phone numbers are given for press contacts, but there's also a phone number for the Avengers in NYC: (212)967-7711 ext. 3204. As an added plus, there should be some spectacular fall foliage still around in early October. Emily