Title/Topic: Robertson speech draws ire of Lesbian Avengers Source: UPI Author: Jeffrey Herwatt Date: 06:30 PM Today Robertson speech draws ire of Lesbian Avengers UPne 10/13/93 11:59 AM ALBANY, N.Y. (UPI) -- A planned speech by TV evangelist Pat Robertson to a statewide gathering of school board members has sparked complaints by a new homosexual rights group. Members of the New York City-based Lesbian Avengers took their displeasure with the speech, scheduled for Friday, to the Albany offices of the New York State School Boards Association, which holds its annual convention this weekend in Syracuse. The Avengers said Robertson's Christian Coalition, which has mounted campaigns to get its members onto school boards in New York City and elsewhere, pushes an agenda that damages homosexuals' self-esteem and blocks important information about AIDS from reaching students. They called instead for positive images of gays to be included in grade school and high school curricula. "If there are positive images, then gays, lesbians and bisexual youth would have a more positive image of themseleves," protestor Lorna Gottesman told the Daily Gazette of Schenectady. School Boards Association President Louis Grumet said along with Robertson, people invited to speak at the convention include more liberal figures, including Gov. Mario Cuomo, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union. "The First Ammendment is only important when you disagree with the person speaking," Grumet said.