Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 11:54:42 -0500 (EST) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: FL-LCR Chides VFW on Anti-Gay #411 Resolution Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida Concerned Republicans for Individual Rights P.O. Box 1281, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33302 (954) LCR-1995 November 26, 1997 James E. Nier, VFW National Commander VFW Post Commanders c/o Veterans of Foreign Wars 406 W. 34th Street Kansas City, Mo. 64111 Honorable Commander Nier and VFW Post Commanders: A copy of your "Resolve #411" which denies equality of access and rights to non-heterosexuals in the military has been forwarded to the Broward Log Cabin Progressive Republican Club of Florida. In your declaration you did not address the Rand Report but relied upon alleged past experiences, skewed references to incompatibility, religious bias, and sodomy as being peculiar to homosexuality alone. Let us advise you that many within our ranks disagree with your unscientific approach to the moral and constitutional exclusivity attributed to heterosexuals alone. Be informed that those religious institutions accepting non- heterosexuals within their ranks are as spiritually and morally motivated as those who are unaccepting. Fortunately, our Consti- tution guarantees "Freedom of Religion" and "Freedom from Relig- ious Persecution." Better yet, what are the actual spoken words of "Christ" dealing with "Don't Ask-Don't Tell?" Be advised that sodomy is a broader picture than the one you paint with your skewed brush. It deals equally with an alleged 90% majority as it does with the 10% minority you condemn. Therefore, be reminded that it was not the 10% minority who apparently left unwanted children and unwed mothers on foreign soil when "Johnny Came Marching Home" to wife, girlfriend, family, church, community, employment, etc. in each of the world and referenced wars that affords exclusive membership in the VFW (Matthew 7:1 and Luke 6:37). Therefore be it resolved that your Code be amended to be less biassedly judgmental and more in step with the spirit of the "Golden Rule." Be it further resolved that individuals be evaluated on ability, performance and commitment to serve their country not on misinformation, bigotry and misguided intolerance. Contrary to your resolve we believe that there are a number of outstanding yet condemned VFW #411 citizens that have honorably served this nation and who willingly serve this great country. They are hard working, law abiding and ethically-moral Americans who, through extremist skewing, are visually and fallacious portrayed as demonic. How unamerican and immoral can one get? Respectfully, M. Warren, President Concerned Republicans for Individual Rights (954) LCR-1995 cc. James Darby, GLBVA Karl Clark, AmFedVets Krik Childress, SLDN Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, Interfaith Alliance Deborah Elaison, Holocaust Museum