Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 03:45:08 -1000 From: Rex Wockner (by way of (Martin Rice)) Subject: SA 363: AOL DELETES MCVEIGH'S ACCOUNT Aloha kakahiaka kakou. This comes to us via the mighty Rex . . . . Subject: AOL closes soldier down Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 14:46:29 -0500 From: John Aravosis To: (Recipient list suppressed) I just talked to Tim McVeigh's mom in Hawai`i -- he's the soldier [sic], no relation to Oklahoma City's Timothy McVeigh, who the military is discharging after AOL reportedly told them (according to the military's sworn testimony) his name and state of residence -- and I have news. AOL this morning not only denied that they told the Navy anything -- in essence accusing the military of 5 pages of perjured testimony -- but last night AOL shut down Tim's email account that he uses to converse with me, his lawyers, and other supporters. Everything's gone, all his emails, my communications to him, his lawyers' emails, everything. Coincidentally, this happened at the same time that the NYT online ran a front page story about Tim's plight. I'm sure AOL will say there's no connection. I am absolutely astounded. Please get the word out to people, and the press -- this goes beyond Big Brother. JOHN ___________________________________________________________________________ John Aravosis voice: 202-328-5707 Wired Strategies fax: 202-328-5708 1884 Columbia Rd., NW - Suite 1006 email: Washington, DC 20009 web: ** Online community-building, advocacy, research, training. **