Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 07:21:37 -0400 (EDT) From: David Casti Subject: ACTION ALERT: SCHINDLER'S MURDERER Submitted by: MR ANDREW B EDDY FOR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION ACTION ALERT PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: KARL CLARK JAMES DARBY American Federation of Veterans GLBVA (305) 782-1095 (312) 752-0058 GERMAN LOPEZ AmFedVets (212) 349-3455 In what appears to be a delaying action on the part of responsible authorities at Ft. Levenworth, Kansas military prison the family of Allen Schindler reports that they were not timely notified of a seemingly hushed clemency hearing for convicted murderer Terry Helvey. This has not been an isolated incident for them and they ask that the brutal death of their beloved Allen at the hands of Helvey not be treated so lightly by authorities. Mrs. Hadjys and her daughter Kathy reported that it appeared the Navy may have participated in this biased action and they are deeply offended and heartbroken that justice still takes a back seat because of homophobia. The members and friends of AmFedVets and GLBVA call upon all individuals who support and defend equality of rights and justice for all to challenge this alleged abuse of the system simply because of sexual orientation. Contact your elected representatives in the House and Senate immediately and appraise them of the inequity. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, July 11th and faxing your concerned outrage over this blantant injustice to Jocelyn Wolf (913) 684-4360 at Ft. Levenworth could make a difference now and in the future.