/* ---------- "MASSACHUSETTS (5K)" ---------- */ * * * MASSACHUSETTS * * * Addressing Correspondence TO A SENATOR: TO A REPRESENTATIVE: The Honorable (insert name) The Honorable (insert name) U.S. Senate U.S. House of Representatives Washington D.C. 20510 Washington D.C. 20515 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D) Address: Russell Building, Room 315; Washington, 20510; (202) 224-4543 FAX: 202-224-2417 District Office: Boston 617-565-3170 Committees: Armed Services, Judiciary(Chair), Labor & Human Resources(Chair), Joint Economic Term#: 6th Senator John F. Kerry (D) Address: Russell Building, Room 421; Washington, 20510; (202) 224-2742 FAX: 202-224-8528 District Office: Boston 617-565-8519 Committees: Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs, Commerce, Science & Transportation, Foreign Relations, Small Business, Select Intelligence Term#: 2nd MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Representative Peter Blute (R) District #: 3 Address: Longworth House Office Bldg, Room 1029; Washington 20515; (202) 225-6101 FAX: 202-225-2217 District Office: Worcester 508-752-6789 Committees: Public Works & Transportation, Science, Space & Technology Term#: 1st Representative Barney Frank (D) District #: 4 Address: Rayburn House Office Bldg, Room 2404; Washington 20515; (202) 225-5931 FAX: 202-225-0182 District Office: West Newton 617-332-3920 Committees: Banking, Finance & Urban Affairs, Budget, Judiciary Term#: 7th Representative Joseph P. Kennedy II (D) District #: 8 Address: Longworth House Office Bldg, Room 1210; Washington 20515; (202) 225-5111 FAX: 202-225-9322 District Office: Boston 617-565-8686 Committees: Banking, Finance & Urban Affairs, Veterans' Affairs Term#: 4th Representative Edward J. Markey (D) District #: 7 Address: Rayburn House Office Bldg, Room 2133; Washington 20515; (202) 225-2836 FAX: 202-225-8689 District Office: Medford 617-396-2900 Committees: Energy & Commerce, Natural Resources Term#: 10th Representative Martin Meehan (D) District #: 5 Address: Longworth House Office Bldg, Room 1216; Washington 20515; (202) 225-3411 FAX: 202-226-0771 District Office: Lowell 508-459-0101 Committees: Armed Services, Small Business Term#: 1st Representative Joe Moakley (D) District #: 9 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 235; Washington 20515; (202) 225-8273 FAX: 202-225-3984 District Office: Boston 617-565-2920 Committees: Rules(Chair) Term#: 11th Representative Richard E. Neal (D) District #: 2 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 131; Washington 20515; (202) 225-5601 FAX: 202-225-8112 District Office: Springfield 413-785-0325 Committees: Ways & Means Term#: 3rd Representative John W. Olver (D) District #: 1 Address: Longworth House Office Bldg, Room 1323; Washington 20515; (202) 225-5335 FAX: 202-226-1224 District Office: Pittsfield 413-442-0946 Committees: Appropriations Term#: 2nd Representative Gerry E. Studds (D) District #: 10 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 237; Washington 20515; (202) 225-3111 FAX: 202-225-2212 District Office: New Bedford 508-999-1251 Committees: Energy & Commerce, Merchant Marine & Fisheries (Chair) Term#: 11th Representative Peter Torkildsen (R) District #: 6 Address: Cannon House Office Bldg, Room 120; Washington 20515; (202) 225-8020 FAX: 202-225-8037 District Office: Salem 508-745-5800 Committees: Armed Services, Small Business Term#: 1st